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Everything posted by Josie

  1. He gets 30 minutes in the morning and 1 hour walk (6 to 7 pm) I think the problem is that no one told him he is not a golden retriever or a labrador even if he got the right color
  2. muddgirl: yes I thought of that... Otis is fed at 7:30am, 7hpm and has a snack around 9:45pm, just before bed.
  3. one other thing... if I get up and go upstairs and sleep on the sofa I have to order Otis to lay down and sleep... he does settle down and sleep... if not he will want to play...
  4. BatterseaBrindi: even if we get him downstairs to sleep with us he goes back upstairs or if I block the staircase he whines with us in the room... He had a crate for the first month... he got up and whines even with it...
  5. so Otis is a whiner, he talks and whines for nothing and every thing. He is with us for 2 1/2 months now and he has a lot of personnality! During the day it's "manageable" but he started whinning during the nights... here's the situation: Otis sleeps alone on the main floor, we sleep in our bedroom in the basement. He never comes downstairs, the staircase is steep and dangerous for hounds, never a greyhound step down there by itself. The first 2 weeks DH tooks Otis in his arms and got him in our bedroom to sleep each nights. As soon as Otis learn how to go up the staircase by himself he dont want to stay downstairs, so that's why he sleeps upstairs alone (Tuffy also slep alone upstairs). We go to bed around 10pm. At that moment Otis is sleeping on his bed and everything is ok. Around 12am/1am He will get up and start whinning, walking around the house. This will last 15 to 30 minutes and he will get back to his bed and sleep. Around 3am/4am same thing, wakes up, whines, walk... The night whinning is not to go outside and not a pain cry... if we go upstairs Otis is all happy and even wants to play! We decided to ignore him and never go upstairs when he whines...he wont prevail and win... He seems to not want to be alone upstairs but dont want to come sleep with us downstairs. You may say: just bring him downstairs and close the access so he wont be able to go back up... but he will still get up in the night and whines... even if we are in the room with him! Otis is quite outgoing and has a lot of energy... maybe he thinks sleeping at night is a waste of time to play? thanks for your advices!
  6. thanks! do you cut that part out before giving a drumstisk? yes sometimes I can't help be worried watching Otis chew the chicken parts... seems parts are still big when he swallow them..
  7. Hello fellow raw feeders! (I did not want to start a other topic...) this morning Otis puke a little bile with a small part of chicken bone (the knee cap piece??) I draw on this pic what he puke: Otis is acting normal, poop ok this morning, eat his breakfast ok... are your raw fed grey pukes sometimes?
  8. I also notice that during the nights we leave the windows open (nights are getting colder now) Otis will awake and start whining around midnight/ 1 am... I dont no if it's from earing interesting things outside of because he is afraid... He sleeps on the main floor alone, our bedroom is in the basement (Otis hates going downstairs). Sometimes he will setle down after 5-10 minutes, other times he wont...DH or I will get upstairs and lay on the sofa and only then Otis will go back to his bed and we return to bed...
  9. thanks! I guess 2 months is a short time to know each other... His personnality is comming up slowly even if he never was shy or affraid from day 1... to you with whiners, do you found that ignoring the whines is a god thing? Or should I respond to it? saying it's ok or trying to find out what he want? I have the feeling the whining is guetting to DH nerves a little.
  10. thanks. I guess I ear the difference when it happens. GeorgeofNE: you made me realise I should have name Otis Stewie instead.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNkp4QF3we8
  11. Otis been here almost 2 months now. He is doing good, lots of energy and happiness that help heal the big hole in our hearts made by Tuffy departure. Otis is quite a vocal grey, he barks to other dogs (or squirrels)wen happy and playfull. Love to bark and growl when playing tug of war with us. An other way he express himself is through whining... it does not seem to be of anxiety just a way to express what he wants...food, treats, go for a walk, play... My concerns are how will I know when he whines because he is in pain or disconfort?
  12. thnaks for you answers! mychip1: thanks
  13. and how long does it build up? is it normal for a 3 year old grey to not have calluses on pads? (he is home almost 2 months now) Otis is full of energy and we alreday take long walks.. I notice that after those walks he does seems to be a little unconfortable but there's no limping...
  14. not really... jut a cute pale pink but they are really soft.. not like the black digit paws... could tey be more sensitive?
  15. I noticed that some dgital pads of Otis back paws are pink in color... all the others are black... Should I be concern and put something on it? Is it the way he walks that make them like that?
  16. I personnally dont feed smoked thing. lots of times those part are chimicaly smoke and I dont want my grey to eat that. You can find fresh turkey necks at a butcher or at an asian grocery store. Iusually froze hem and give hem froze so it tkaes moe time to eat, so more fun
  17. If Robin loves bones he will certainly like eating the turkey necks Yes first times giving them are a scary experience for the grey owner, but it will go fine yes Robin will swallow piece that seems big to you but dont worry, he chew them good and it's all digestible in a dog stomac Otis loves turkey and capon necks.
  18. thanks poops are good, well form and firm, they go white in a day
  19. I ussually feed chicken leg or necks for breakfast and the evening meal is grounded chicken (cacasses, I buy them at my butcher, they ground them up and freeze them in blocks) with giblets (1/4 cup mix of: chicken hearts, beef liver, chicken gizards, pork hearts) plus yogourt, egg, salmon oil and tree-four times a week I add veggies.
  20. thanks Sandra! we will start brushing Otis teeth I started giving Otis capon necks and chicken legs last week-end, he loves it! crouch crouch crouch and they are all gone I want to add new protein source since chicken is doing good... what else can I try first?
  21. thanks!! I should bring along paper towels... later poops are really difficult topick up! people always check if we pick up after... and when it's not pickable things can go sour...
  22. (I could have post in health but it's relative to food too ) Otis is on raw (mainly chicken, slowly adding other protein). He is an energetic almost 3 years old grey and he loves to go on walks. I usually walk 30 minutes in the morning and 1 hour and + in the evening. When on walk, the first 2 poops are great, well form and good texture (texture of a raw feed dog). But after it gets not to great.. the third and forth poop are not pickable and really soft-liquid... those occur after 30-45 minutes of walk... should I worry or is this normal? (dont have any experience since previous greyhound did not like to walk for long period of time )
  23. I started Otis on raw on his firt day home and everything is doing perfectly! He loves it! My previous grey Tuffy was not really a chewer, he was really picky on everything.. but Otis is a true carnivor wanted to know what I could give Otis to help his bad breath... His teeth are ok, no bad teeth and were cleaned when he was neutered 1 1/2 month ago, before adoption...
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