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Everything posted by Rickiesmom

  1. I am so sorry you and Lady are going through this.
  2. In 2011 we treated Arlie with Pamidronate, then the biophosphonate of choice, and palliative radiation. Her tumour was in her left rear leg. She responded very quickly to the radiation and other than being very tired the next day, didn't seem to experience any side effects. She was also on oral pain meds, but with that combination seemed to feel really well. However, as tbhounds points out, radiation in any form doesn't address weakening of the bone due to cancer, and indeed, a couple months in Arlie tripped and fractured the leg. As factures go it could have been a lot worse (it was a green stick fracture) but there was nothing that could be done for her and we let her go. In some jurisdictions (unfortunately not ours) your oncologist can dispense a morphine or similar syringe, so that if this happens you can address the pain quickly and give some relief until you can get your dog in to the vet or the emerg. I am so sorry you are facing this.
  3. I am so, so sorry for your loss. Desi sounds like he was one in a million.
  4. Oh no, not on the furniture What a wonderful sight!
  5. Like so many others, having been down this road, my thoughts are with you.
  6. We are using Advantix II - it's a topical which I know a lot of people don't like, but because of Jeff's IMHA he can't have anything systemic, and we definitely need protection against ticks and fleas, so this seemed like a good way to go. I should mention that otherwise we might have gone with Bravecto, which is what my clinic is recommending. So if you find Bravecto isn't working the way you would like, there are alternatives. I could be wrong but I think we don't have the range of products to choose from in Canada that are available in the US, as ticks have moved north so quickly
  7. No help on the symptoms you are seeing, but I wanted to mention that Interceptor is available again, so when you run out of Sentinel, you could switch to that - it only addresses heartworm and some intestinal parasites and has nothing for fleas.
  8. No clue. But Jeff still experiences this occasionally, even though he is now on a greatly reduced dose of Pred. If all goes well I can start to taper him down mid-June, and assuming no disease rebound, he will be weaned off completely. It will be interesting to see if these episodes continue afterwards. He had one this morning, while waiting for breakfast. There have been other threads about similar focal-type seizures, and it seems for the most part that the dog can be distracted out of them, they are occasional, and no intervention is needed unless the situation escalates.
  9. Your vet might be able to send the rads out to a radiologist to be read - mine will do this for a small fee.
  10. {{{{ Lori }}}} No words to tell you how sorry I am.
  11. Hoping whatever this is will be manageable. Watching for an update and sending white light.
  12. Tripawds.com has resources you could look into - it's an all breed dog (and cat) site.
  13. I am so sorry, for your loss. She was such a little girl with such a big presence,
  14. Oh my gosh, she was so young. Osteo is relentless. My heart goes out to you, Bea's people, and all who loved this sweet and special girl.
  15. Hope this is the beginning of getting back to normal. No more surprises Miss Violet
  16. I hope Chase is better, you are both in our thoughts.
  17. Canned tripe (I buy Tripett) has been my standard go-to for these situations. It smells . . . unappetizing to us, but fabulous to dogs, and being canned it's soft. Hope you find something that works!
  18. I was saddened to see Phaelin's name in Remembrance. I am so sorry for your loss of a handsome, perfect hound.
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