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Everything posted by Rickiesmom

  1. Sending thoughts of healing and comfort.
  2. Poor sweet Henry. Send your family a sign honey, to let them know you are safe and whole again now. My heartfelt condolences to his family. I can only imagine the horror followed by heartbreak they have gone through.
  3. In the strange way these things go, Rickie hasn't had an accident the last couple of days. Of course now that I say that, guaranteed cleanup duty will be required tomorrow AM. To try and respond to a few thoughts: - the water deprivation test here is to test for concentration, so a full 24h is not required - I would not be comfortable with that, whereas I am with what is essentially overnight given his general energy and attitude (he shows no symptoms of illness, other than this drinking-and-peeing cycle) - Orijen is high protein, though the senior formula also has potatoes and other sources of carbs; the thought to move him to a low-carb diet came after he developed hemangiopericytoma - low carb is supposed to be a better cancer diet; previously he was on a combo of Canidae and Innova Evo; we have moved him over gradually, and his poop is fine; that said, if it doesn't agree with him, we need to change, good thought - abdominal ultrasound resonates as I have been thinking along the same lines
  4. Godspeed Peatie. I am so very sorry.
  5. Checking back often to see how this boy is doing. Sure hope that infection can be brought under control soon! Sending prayers and the gentlest possible scritches to Brodie.
  6. Rickie had a culture done at the U of Guelph around mid-October and it was clear. The idea of antibiotics JIC sounds reasonable, will ask my vet. Question - two people have advised against a water deprivation test. I can understand in principle, but it didn't seem that bad to me on a one-time basis to take water away at 8 and return it after collecting a sample in the AM, considering that Rickie seems otherwise happy and healthy. That said, I would never want to do any harm, what are the specific risks?
  7. Rickie, my 9-1/2 year old whippet, is drinking and peeing excessively - I have to clean up pee at least once per day, usually from overnight, sometimes from the day even though we have a noon time sitter and he gets lots of walks when we are home. Two days ago he peed right in front of me in the kitchen an hour and a half after he'd been out. It looked like water - no colour. So we went to the vet, had a full blood panel and urine analysis done - nothing unusual. We are going to do a water deprivation test next and also, if I can figure out the logistics with 2 dogs in the house, try to measure how much Rickie is drinking in a 48h period. (Too bad this didn't come up before I took Arlie to Dewey - would have been the perfect time.) The vet is still trying to rule out medical causes - he's mentioned Cushings, kidney, Diabetes Insipidus and a couple of other things, but nothing so far points to those things in the test results. He said some dogs have <forget the long name> which basically means they have an obsession with water. It's in their head. It seems odd to me that this would be developing now, but suppose it's possible. He consulted with the vet at the lab, and she said in two cases this happened at the start of lepto, but thought while it was possible, it was unlikely. Rickie is vaccinated for lepto, though I know it's not 100% and certainly isn't showing any signs of illness other than the drinking-peeing cycle. He does, but always has, gotten rawhides to chew, so nothing changed there. I am in the process of moving him from Canidae to Orijen Senior, but I can't see anything in the Orijen to cause this. He is getting supplements in liverwurst, which may be salty, but I use as little as possible to coat the pills - we started the supplements in August after his surgery for hemangiopericytoma - vitamin C and mushroom extract. Rickie has always had occasional accidents - used to refer to him as weakly house trained - but this recent situation is quite different. He stands at the water bowl and drinks, and drinks, and drinks. Hence all the peeing - the accidents are becoming a regular thing. Any and all thoughts welcome.
  8. I would change the diet (gradually). My dogs had great poos on Canidae (though not everyone's experience is the same). Currently they are on Origen and while it's not crumbly, it's OK.
  9. Sending many prayers, and watching for an update. A huge worry but he is in good hands at OVC.
  10. It is so heartbreaking when policy gets in the way of compassion and common sense, to the detriment of a living soul. Whatever the outcome, and I join others in pulling for Brody, it is so good for him that he is now in knowledgeable and loving hands. I am going to the GALT site now to make a donation in his name.
  11. Gizmo knew love for all the time she was here, and now, somewhere, a tiny new star is forming and growing in radiance. I am so very sorry for your loss.
  12. A beauty inside and out. I am so very sorry.
  13. Jayne, I am so very sorry. Always loved the stories.
  14. Man, I hope this clears up. If you haven't already, maybe consult a known-to-be-reliable vet who does acupuncture and possibly chiropractic. The vet I use for this is very good, very gentle with exams and with any adjustments. When I had issues with Rickie the neurologist said he was the only one she would trust to do this for Rickie. If you can find someone like that, it would definitely be worth it. (This guy will also say when he doesn't think he can help.)
  15. Just seeing this - hope things went well and there is good news for you about Cricket!
  16. I am so very sorry that this rotten disease is claiming yet another wonderful and beloved hound. My heart goes out to you at this heartwrenching time.
  17. Hope the antibiotics clear things right up for Carly
  18. Just seeing this and anxiously watching for updates, prayers it isn't serious!!
  19. Rickiesmom

    Jordans Ride

    I am so sorry. Run free sweet Jordan!
  20. If the vet appointment is tomorrow, might be best not to medicate - icing is fine. Not wanting a dog in pain, but also not wanting to mask any symptoms. Will be watching for an update tomorrow.
  21. Carly, you silly thing, stop being such a drama queen. Have a milkshake! So Kristen, no issues with the teeth? Maybe the fecal will reveal something. We're hoping for some nice, simple explanation.
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