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Everything posted by Rickiesmom

  1. I'm so sorry. Those girls look so close, one has to believe they found each other right away at the Bridge.
  2. What a beautiful girl - thank you for the pictures. I am so sorry for your loss
  3. Diane, just seeing this rotten-beyond-words news. I am so very sorry.
  4. Glad the eyes are better (who knew something could get clogged) and hope that his <euphemism of reader's choice> is not showing any further nasty discharge!!
  5. Mattie packed so much love and life into the time she had with you. There are so many wonderful memories to cherish, though your hearts hurt now. Sending thoughts of comfort and peace.
  6. No idea about the satin balls, but would be interested in the answer. For the legs, I'd bath them in diluted betadine (there is a betadine skin cleanser - haven't used it but would check it out), rinse well, dry, and then if they aren't too raw spritz with bitter apple. Would also request a referral to a dermatologist.
  7. Swift for him, heart stopping for you. I am so sorry.
  8. I used trameel in combination with Metacam when Rickie had a back problem, the vet said no concern about interaction between those two. Robin, please give La Loca a big hug from me!
  9. Soar on angel wings Mattie. I am so very sorry - you loved her so much.
  10. So glad he's healing and in good spirits by the sound of it. Were you ever able to piece together what happened?
  11. Just seeing this now - you must be at the clinic or on your way back - sending prayers Bill's recovery goes smoothly.
  12. Sending prayers for Jeanie. Sounds like you caught it early which will be in her favour. Know the hours until 2PM will seem endless.
  13. Run with the angels Noza. Our hearts break for those who loved you.
  14. Prayers all goes well with Bonnie. That name along makes your girl special to me as it was the name of my heart dog.
  15. Poor Sophie - agree with others - hopefully it's a simple UTI and she can start meds and feeling better today. It's so hard to wait for results, good you got in under the wire yesterday to get the process going!
  16. Lynn, just seeing this now - so glad everything went well and the issues Walter's been having are not from anything sinister. Please update when the path report came back. Rickie had a similar sounding lump removed last summer - hemangiopericytoma. There's a thread about it if this is what Walter had. Big hugs to that sweet boy (is Brightning trying to mother him now?).
  17. My Arlie hasn't had the UTI issues, but has had a chronically, badly irritated vulva. I eventually took her to a dermatologist who gave us some options including routine cleaning and medication. She said the issue was partly conformation (same recessed issue as your girl has). Our routine is this, morning and evening: - clean with witchhazel - dry with a tissue - apply ointment or prescription cream per schedule Our schedule has been: - Tuesday and Friday, apply prescription cream (Fusiderm - it's awesome - easy to apply and you only need a tiny bit) - other days, Unda 270 cream - you can get this at a health food store, comes in a tube, thicker, helps to leave it on your fingers a few seconds and then apply. Interestingly, for independent reasons last fall I swiched Arlie to a grain-free diet. After awhile, I realized that the irritation factor was way down - am continuing to treat her twice a day, but use the prescription stuff less often. Perhaps there was an allergy factor involved somehow, though why it would manifest itself there I don't know. If you are interested, the original thread about Arlie is here: http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php?showto...48&hl=arlie
  18. There is never enough time. I am so very sorry.
  19. Rickiesmom


    Taken too young, run free and without pain sweet Munchkin. My heart goes out to her family.
  20. Rickiesmom


    What a beautiful girl. I am sorry for your family's loss.
  21. So glad Beau is on the mend. Please give that sweet boy a ton of kisses for me!
  22. Just seeing this - poor Cali! Hope the news from the vet is good today, and that Cali is feeling much better.
  23. Robin I am so sorry - you know how much I love Beau. Will be watching for updates - you must be beside yourself, but it sounds like Beau will be fine, which is the important thing. Silly boy - what was he thinking? So glad your husband was still home! For Beau
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