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Posts posted by Greytlady94

  1. Angie, I wish there were words that would help but there aren't any I know. I am just so very sorry. Run free sweet Shazam, with all of our angels who went before you. :candle:gh_run

  2. I've tried to do this all week but couldn't make it until today. I can see Molly with her bottom in the air, and her helicopter tail going, greeting Shazam. Baby girl Molly you are always with me, every second of every day, until we meet again. Molly girl was a shy/spooky greyhound and my heart will forever go out to all of the shy/spooky greys who way deep inside have a happy, joyous love just waiting for their person to come and help that joy love come to life. Molly girl I will love you always and forever.




    The shy ones are a very special gift from God. I get upset, (and I'm sure it shows), when people do not have the compassion to understand a shy dog, but instead take it as a personal insult from the dog. All it takes is time and patience, time and patience, time and patience. There can be no greater joy then...... standing in a yard with your back to her, if you look at her she will be too nervous to potty, so you have learned to stand facing away, your hands loosely behind your back, you stand and wait, letting her have her private time. Days pass, weeks pass, months pass, then one night, standing with your back to her, your hands loosely behind your back, you feel her nose. Cautiously she is bumping your hand, she has come to you. Over time this becomes her way of asking for attention, she bumps your hand with her nose. There is no greater joy.


    In time she progressed from bumping my hand with her nose, while my hands stayed very still behind my back. She eventually began to bump my arm with her nose when she would come up beside me if I was sitting down.


    The day finally came that she looked into my eyes. The expression in her eyes was an expression of love and trust. I was her mom, she trusted me. She got really good with that nose, she could really wop my arm.


    She loved to have her ears rubbed, she would groan and lean into my hand.


    When anyone came over she would run from whatever room we were in and go hide where "they" could not see her. This probably went on for a couple of years. Later, maybe after two years, you could see a black nose peak around the corner to see who had come. She wouldn't come out though, would not greet the visitors like the others did. But that was ok.


    She began to come into her own as she became a senior. No longer so shy, she would come up to a select few. The others she would look at from the comfort and safety of her bed. She was a bossy girl by now and would talk to me every night, fussing at me until I gave her just the right food that she wanted.


    If you have ever had the love of a shy one you have been truly blessed.

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