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Everything posted by Forevermybabies

  1. I'm so sorry for your loss. You have my sympathy.
  2. Vogue died shortly before my Joe, who passed over in August 2001. I know how you feel. Joe opened the door for three more greys, and led us to Greytalk. Years pass, but we still miss them.
  3. Vogue died shortly before my Joe, who passed over in August 2001. I know how you feel. Joe opened the door for three more greys, and led us to Greytalk. Years pass, but we still miss them.
  4. Forevermybabies


    I'm so sorry. She looked like a very happy girl!
  5. I'm so sorry. When I heard that the cat I grew up with died (at the age of 24), I felt the same way. It's so hard! I don't know what to say except that you have my sympathy and condolences.
  6. Joe taught me that it's enough to just be who you are. He also taught me that just because you won't follow simple commands doesn't mean that you aren't SMART! (He didn't sit, but he could get out of his crate, and get the fridge open -- in other words, he did what HE thought was important.) It is very unfortunate that I didn't find the "world" of greyhounds until Joe was dying, but it was because of him that I did.
  7. I'm so sorry for your loss!
  8. You have my sympathy. Some days just really make you ache, don't they? She sounds like she'd found happiness with you.
  9. Forevermybabies


    I'm so sorry for your loss.
  10. I'm sorry! That is really sad.
  11. It is a blessing to have such a capacity to love. I'm certain that Millie did and does love you back just as much.
  12. It'll be two years this August since I lost Joe, and we all still miss him. We'll always miss him. He was a part of the family. I remember when my cat died many years ago, I got a card from my sister that said, "What is loved remains in the heart." I think that is so true. You'll never forget her, and you'll never stop missing her, just as you will never lose your love for her. HUGS to you!
  13. Forevermybabies


    I'm so sorry. Anniversaries are so hard.
  14. I'm so sorry. She's a beautiful girl.
  15. Poor Gonzo. That is so sad.
  16. Forevermybabies


    I'm so sorry for Tyler. That would be really hard. And such a young girl. Tragic. Please send my sympathy to Tyler. I have a 10 year old, too, and can imagine how sad he would be if his cat died. Poor kid.
  17. I'm sorry for your loss, and glad that you have received some comfort from the poem.
  18. He's lovely. You have my sympathy.
  19. Ted hears you Molly. And he loves you. You know that Ted wouldn't want you to feel guilty, or sad. We know that you have to feel sad, no matter what Ted would want, but you don't have to feel guilty. And to Ted: thank you for your wild tail wagging, and for not holding it against Angel when she growled at first meeting you. Thanks for leaning and loving the many pats and scritches. Thanks for looking out for Molly as she deals with your loss. One day at a time, Molly.
  20. I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. Please accept my condolences.
  21. Forevermybabies


    To know Ted was to love him. Those of us who were with Ted at Meet & Greets, and those who fostered him even briefly are all very saddened, and grieving. I think others can testify that when you give your heart to an animal - esp. one like Ted - you feel not only the attachment of them being your pet, but also the empathy and sympathy for their past. Ted has been with Molly for a while now, and was officially adopted after a period of fostering. Grief is not an expression of the quantity of time we've known someone, but of the quality of that time. We all have different ways of dealing with life and death, and we can't impose our own perameters of what is an acceptable response to death. Death comes when we least expect it, and rarely is it welcome or invited. And love also comes when we least expect it, and it can't be measured, contained, or qualified. Especially with an animal, because their love for us is so unconditional. To accept it when it comes, and grieve for it when it is gone is an appropriate and natural response. Ted deserves to be grieved for, just as he deserved to be loved and happy. He is, and he will be missed. (This was originally in response to a deleted post - thank you. I decided to edit it and leave it though, because it's still true.)
  22. Forevermybabies


    Molly, I know that you know this, but I wanted to say it publicly...Ted loved you and was so happy with you. Your dedication to him, and love for him made his life so full. We will all miss Ted...both those of us who were lucky enough to know him in person, and those who knew him virtually. My heart breaks for you and for Ted. He was wonderful, and is loved forever.
  23. I feel sad for them all. What a beautiful dog. It's an amazing gift to be able to love these dogs -- even for a short time.
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