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Posts posted by Pepsi2004

  1. I have been off the board for almost two years. Getting settled in Canada and a life without Mike has been very draining. I drove to Texas 3 weeks ago with Charlie and my JRT Sydney. Am here until April. Charlie, the Grey has been having an awful time. He feasted on ligustrum and suffered from severe diarrhea, as well as anorexia, dehydration and depression. After dosing him with Kaopectate and adding Pedialite to his water, he finally is feeling good as of yesterday and is eating and his usual happy self.


    Today, coming through the door he got his tail caught and skinned to the bone.My friend is a nurse and soaked it with betadine and then wrapped it with gauze and tape, after putting the skin/hair back over the wound. Is there any chance that this will work\/

  2. I am so sorry to hear about Jet. The photos show what a wonderful personality she had AND how very happy she was! You had her for many wonderful years. May memories of her keep her close to you. :f_red

  3. Charlie is back on his routine from last fall before we moved - he sleeps on his bed in my room and doesn't stir until I get up - sometimes mid-morning or later! My Jack Russell is the same except she sleeps in my bed. My SIL feeds the cats and their boxer at 6:30 am during the week - Charlie and Sydney just ignore him. They have always been that way - thank goodness.

  4. I'm :rofl because when I saw the title on the GT home page my mind went elsewhere...



    LOL!!! I thought about a different cup as well. Then your post made me think of another type of cup ---- we are so bad! :lol::evil

  5. I also got mine from Best Bully Sticks and are so hard I can't break them. They also stink to high heaven. :eek



    I use the solid BestBullySticks.com too. In fact I just fed my two a bully stick each before I came on line - I hear them working at them as I type. These are also no odor - these have been the best I have ever bought. Neither Charlie or the JRT terrorist have tummy troubles from them.

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