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Everything posted by Patsy

  1. Linus and Jazz have a message for Brin: cat food is good stuff so enjoy yourself.
  2. Great pic and love the oh-so-mannerly tail placement!! 😀
  3. Keep going, Tanzi! And I was recognizing "perking" as a wonderful thing to be happening.
  4. Who knew "perking" was such a wonderful word?? Keep healing, Tanzi, and try knot to scare the wits out of your family, if possible.
  5. Surrounding you and Tanzi and her docs with white light.
  6. Marco, fly free with your new wings. You were loved completely. Your Auntee Patsee
  7. Of course your pack is fondly remembered!
  8. She is remembered. Fly with the wind, sweetie.
  9. Send your mom a sign, sweetie, and enjoy your wings.
  10. See, backandforthbackandforth has magical powers!
  11. Press n Seal definitely!! It has seen me through assorted orthopedic adventures. Much better than basic Saran Wrap. I really love the fashionista look of your bandage matching your collar--very well done sweetie.
  12. Holding you all in our hearts. Best name ever and an exceptional houndie.
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