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Everything posted by Wendie

  1. Oh Jen, no advice here, just wanted to say that I'm so sorry to hear this!
  2. Hope she's continuing to be well on the road to recovery!!
  3. Sending lots and lots and lots of good thoughts!
  4. I'm so very sorry :grouphug
  5. Just seeing this now. I'm so very sorry Tami
  6. Hello from northern Wisconsin. What cute puppers you have!!!
  7. What a gorgeous girl. I'm so sorry for your loss
  8. Daisy got the vaccine in March and the booster a month later. She had zero ill effects. The vet she had her dental done at is primarily a sighthound clinic and has now been using it for a year and has not had any adverse reactions. I plan on continuing to use it.
  9. Joe's nose drips when he's nervous or scared. He can be made nervous by stress in his humans, loud noises, or even just new smells or locations.
  10. Wendie

    Cindy (tv Cindy)

    Oh Anne, I'm so so sorry :grouphug Shoot me a PM if you need anything at all!!
  11. We did the dental vaccine and booster with Daisy and had no problems with it. That, combined with daily brushing and her mouth is nearly as clean as it was a week after her dental.
  12. What a horrible horrible shock. I am so so sorry :grouphug
  13. Joe has not had either of his upper canines for the past year. If you weren't looking for them, you would never know. it took him about a week to get 100% of his "how do I grip this toy!?" back but other than that, it's been totally smooth sailing for him. As for age, he turned 6 in April.
  14. Wendie

    Au Revoir Boss

    I am so very sorry :grouphug
  15. Wendie


    No! I'm so sorry!! :grouphug
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