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Posts posted by Wendie

  1. I just learned today of Shawn's passing after I wasn't able to get ahold of him for his annual participation in the GT Christmas Card Exchange. Shawn was always an eager participant, even the years that he wasn't feeling very well around the holidays. I'm so very sad to hear that he lost his battle with cancer, I had always just assumed he would rally again and again.


    Rest in peace, Shawn. As late as I am to this sad news, I know I'm not the only one missing you this holiday season!

  2. 9 years ago when I got my first greyhound, I spend the months leading up to his adopting reading all sorts of dog training books and of course, every book that was published about greyhounds.


    He came home and turns out he walked perfectly on a leash, was scared of non-carpeted floors, had zero prey drive, and we flunked out of obedience class at 6 weeks :lol He learned "lay down" and didn't go in rooms he didn't belong and I considered him "trained" :lol


    Friday night we brought a foster (to fail) dog home and it's suddenly very apparently how very very long ago it was that I read all those dog training books. This dog is about the polar opposite of Joe. Confident where Joe is shy, "naughty" where Joe is good.


    Anyone care to give me some tips on how to keep him out of the kitchen? He has free roam of the rest of the house and our kitchen is smalllll. It also has two entrances and one of those is both too large for a gate and also leads to outside, so we couldn't totally block it even if we wanted. Any dogsitting dogs we've ever had here (and Daisy) just kind of took Joe's lead and steered clear (Joe is afraid of the floor, so he's never showed any interested) but the foster dog wants to hang out there and use it as a shortcut.


    Right now I'm using barricades to show him where he can and cannot go and a firm "Eh eh" when he passes them and guiding him out with his leash if that doesn't work. So far, it doesn't seem to be clicking but it's only been two days.


    So, GTers, save me a trip to the library - what are some pointers you have for me?



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