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Everything posted by Xan

  1. Interesting about the Nature's Domain. What are you all paying for it? I don't think we have it at our local costco.
  2. Thanks, jjng. I wonder why they would do it that way, since it makes it less useful as something to print out and take to a vet. Hm. I'll have to append all that stuff, I guess. ETA: Ah, I've taken a closer look now, and see that there would be quite a text book if they did include all the articles, and that their titles should make them easy to find online. Okey dokey, then.
  3. Yahoo!! So relieved to read that things are going so well!! I'm keeping everything crossed that this is the new trend! Whatever else is going on that is distracting you from Merlin and sleep, I banish it! *stern glare* Rest and recover, the lot of you!
  4. Hm! The last page seems to be missing. There's the title, "Using a dental root elevator to remove foot pad corns in dogs: Two practitioners' experience Vet Med. 2006 Dec; 101(12): 778-780. CL Machery and WE Feeman III", but no article. The article seems to be this one. Which I'm having a heck of a time printing (since the series of pictures is too wide for a page).
  5. Hiya all. I downloaded the Greyhound Health Packet '05, lo these many years ago, and was wondering if there's been an updated version. I'm getting ready to switch vets, and would like to bring him a copy (not to mention have one for myself). Thanks in advance!
  6. Just seeing this. He looks great, really! I'm so glad it went as well as it did, and he can get on to healing now. Wabi, in particular, thinks he looks fabulous, and sends some snuggles his way.
  7. Checking in, and hoping you both got some much-needed rest last night.
  8. Poor Nola! Tell her from us that there is a light at the end of this dark tunnel of woe. She'll be better, and growing new lovely hair in no time. Less than a week 'til she can have her face free again. Little days, lots of sleep ... This too shall pass!
  9. Aw, Kerry! What a nasty ride for both of you. I know you're working every angle to make things work, and it's so hard when you're short on sleep, and work is as imperative as taking care of your poor pup..... I'm chanting, crossing appendages, and thinking good thoughts for you and Merlin that you and your wonderful vet can figure something out quickly, and Merlin can get back to casting his spells for good.
  10. Oh, yeah. Reading along, I'm reminded of some of the other stuff we had for Happy. Enzymes, check. Tylan, check. Pred., check, then replaced with budesonide later, check. Slippery elm! Check. I love the idea of aloe. Make sure what you give him doesn't have any alcohol in the mix, of course. I also think you're doing right to fast him a bit, let his system find some balance, get less irritated. Kerry, I'm over here chanting like crazy for you guys!! :bighug
  11. Right. I forgot to say, get it from Canada!!
  12. Oh, and this has probably come up, too, but I'll say it anyway. With Happy, she'd eat one thing with gusto for a meal, surprising us, so we'd go out and buy a bunch of whatever it was. She'd eat a little the next meal, maybe two, then nothing. In other words, don't buy a lot of anything just because he seems to like it right now. I know how you feel about the ground cow, so you'll understand how I felt hand-feeding her pulled pork in bbq sauce, etc.. At that point, anything she would eat was better than not eating! :bighug
  13. Kerry, I haven't read through all the entire thread, but I did search to see if anyone had brought up budesonide, and got no results. Have you looked into that? I'm so sorry about Merlin!! After going through similar stuff with Happy, my heart is just breaking for you all. I hope things settle down, and you find a workable "normal" you can all live with, SOON!
  14. I'm on a vegan dog yahoo group where at least one owner feeds his dogs *primarily* on bananas! I'm not advocating that (at all), just sayin' it probably won't hurt yours. Good luck to you both!
  15. Thanks! I don't like that swelling, and that the area is hot to the touch. Can you call your vet? Maybe it's getting infected? *knocking furiously on wood!!* It can't hurt to get an opinion ... Sending waves of positive thoughts and comfort!!
  16. Yes, or a poop cup on the muzzle? Pogo is in head jail while his stapled spots heal. He's not thrilled, but it's better than going back to the vet to get re-stapled (or, in Nola's case, having to get another drain put in, etc.). I'm sitting here thinking about last year at Dewey, stroking her lovely silky fur, feeling her soft breath on my face, and that shy grace of hers. Sending you both peaceful healing thoughts!
  17. Ah, Lucy! I wish I had something useful to say, other than trust your own gut. You know him better than the vet, and YOU know if he's not right. Glad his diaper rash is better, but the seizure is definitely a sign something's out of kilter. The shoulder lump may be something or not, but it sounds like that side is tender, anyhow, for some reason. Hopefully you can work out what it is, or it goes away, soon!! :bighug
  18. Xan

    Losing Freddy

    Ah, Mary! I'm sorry for your loss. Freddy sounds like he took up a lot of space in your heart, and forever will. Someday soon, I hope the Freddy-within can give you some comfort. :bighug
  19. Ah, pretty Nola!! Hang in there, you two. That lovely silky hair will grow back, and she'll be your symmetrical sylph again. Gentle hugs coming your way!
  20. Ah, Beryl! The greater we love, the bigger losses we feel. You are one who loves big, deep and wide. Those you love are lucky and know it. I know you wouldn't have less love for less pain, because of who you are. :bighug
  21. Ah, no. I'm so sorry for your pain! May that big hole in your heart fill back in with the love and memories you shared in your too-brief time together. :bighug
  22. Oh for pete's sake! Poor little guy. Do you have arnica handy? It's so good for bruising and sore muscles. The little pills are probably the easiest to give, and they're kind of sweet, so he'll lick them right up, I'm sure.
  23. Just seeing this, and sending waves of warmth and hugs, hoping they can make it into the cold, sad place in your heart. Hold onto the love. That remains. :bighug
  24. Echoing that YOU know him best. Especially if he shuts down in fear at the vet's. Any way they can come to the house, or some neutral place, for an exam? Or just an observation?
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