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Everything posted by Xan

  1. Robin, I'm glad to read he's holding his own so well right now. May the good days way out-number the bad.
  2. So sorry about Ramm! May Albi's recovery be smoooooth sailing.
  3. Just catching up with this, and sending love and healthy thoughts Turbo's way! Also, reading this has added to my internal library of symptoms with possible diagnoses. Thanks, but sorry you and Turbo are a case study.
  4. Robin! I'm so sorry about Phene. You must be wandering around in a daze. Sending tons of hugs to you both ... :bighug
  5. Yeay!! Good start. Now, on to the recovery phase. It will no doubt be stressful, but it will pass! Hang in there. Get some rest.
  6. Nancy! I'm just seeing this. I'm sending all the love and healing thoughts and full-remission chanting I can stuff into the airwaves. :bighug
  7. **GASP** Oh Robin. I'm so sorry. Where would it be located? I'm sure you're in shock right now! BUT! It's not for sure. Needle aspirate FIRST. One more wait, full of chanting and finger crossing and good thoughts and prayers, as suits each waiter! :bighug
  8. Hoping (like you!) to find good news here. Well, we'll just wait some more with you, then. How's Phene feeling? :
  9. I'm glad to hear Chase is settling in at the vet's, but sorry that she has to stay longer. Well, this will all fall behind her and be forgotten. Especially at her age. Or maybe I'm projecting!
  10. My boys have been known to ... well, to fight, actually, but they haven't for a bit. Pogo does tend to bash him sometimes in the yard, where they always wear muzzles. I haven't gone so far as to part all the hair or shave it to look for a wound, but I thought there might possibly be something, maybe even a sting or bite ... But, with no sensitivity, warmth, or visible redness, it just didn't seem likely. And it's so soft. It actually jiggles like a half-full water balloon when he walks. But it's also slowly receding, so I think we're on the right track. Glad to hear Frank's lump went away without issue!
  11. Aw! Glad to hear he's up for a bit of play-bowing, with all that implies!
  12. I'm with you, Kerry! It actually seemed to be less after he'd been sleeping on it most of the day. Since it doesn't bother him, I'm deciding to not be bothered by it much, either. As often as I remember that!
  13. Ah, thanks for getting back to me! Seroma ... that's what I'm thinking, too, but it's nice to get some consensus. It doesn't seem to be changing much today. I'll warm-pack it tonight. He'll like the attention, I'm sure!
  14. Brily was in the yard almost all day with the other two hounds yesterday, enjoying the spring weather (FINALLY ). There was a little bit of running around, barking at birds, and the usual basking and sleeping in the tall grass. When he came back in, he had a very soft lump on his upper shoulder, about the size of a small lime. It's a little smaller today, and isn't bothering him even when touched. There's no sign of a bite, no redness, no heat, no limping. When I touch it, it acts like a half-full water balloon; very soft and liquidy. Pogo does shoulder-bash him sometimes, so I'm thinking it may have been a result of one of those strikes. Anyone have any experience like this?
  15. Phene the Man Queen! Waiting along with you .......
  16. We're still waiting??? This is going on forever! Well, let us know as soon as you find out, 'kay? Poor ol' Phene!!
  17. Everything is pretty well covered here, so I confess I only sampled the text, and sped through looking for pictures! Things I found myself nodding about in particular: Depends on both the cat and the dog, and each pair is an individual issue. Better safe than sorry: provide safe exits for the cats always, keep food and litter out of reach, and (for us) muzzles when you're out. We have 3 cats: one of each of the thee types mentioned (rabbity, cocky and friend to all). We have 3 greys, with varying playfulness, boldness and prey drives. I worry most about the one who's most scared of the cocky cat, as that fear might one day turn to a chomp if he felt attacked or cornered. The other two dogs occasionally play-chase the cats if the cats are running around already, but we discourage it because they aren't gentle, and the cats are all seniors. Moral: one size does not fit all! Now, more pictures??
  18. Yeay, Chase! Looks like you might just do one of those greyhound resilience tricks, and bounce on back! :goodluck
  19. Ah, Polly. May her memory warm and comfort you in the cold time your grief is strong, then light your quieter moments for years to come. :bighug
  20. Xan


    May Blue paddle and quack in your heart forever. :bighug
  21. Sending hugs to you both in the midst of this dilemma. Old age is not for sissies, as they say. As a really out-there alternative, taking into consideration her age and overall health, what about the idea of taking her home, treating her with Chinese herbs and/or homeopathics, and seeing what her body can do for itself. Maybe, and I know we all hate to think of this, but maybe her body is just getting towards the end of it's working life, and she just needs loving support 'til she lets go of it? Please ignore me if - and you know best, being with her - she's not ready for this. Just throwing it into the mix. :bighug
  22. Success! May you never tire of seeing her turds!
  23. I think ElizabethGPS first told me about that!
  24. WHEW!! I missed this from the start, and just had to skip to the last page to see how she made it, and WOW! What a relief!! I'm sure you're all just beside yourselves with joy. : :
  25. This Nature's Domain food came up here last year (I think when it first came out, judging from my internet trolling). There were concerns about it's having a lot of potato, but ... the protein and carb ratios sound about right. I'd give it a try. I'll have to look for it next time.
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