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Posts posted by Aerosmom

  1. I read with great sadness the passing of Winslow. He was an inspiration to many on Greytalk. I'll never forget his posts to Cricket when she was fighting hard with her swim therapy. You were blessed to have him and to share him with all of us.


    Godspeed Winslow. :f_white:gh_run

  2. OSU and many others on Greytalk recommended the fine needle aspirate instead of the bone biopsy to confirm that Snickers had bone cancer. It ended up not being a definitive result but I think that besides the pain of the bone biopsy, I decided on the FNA because there was the possibility of shattering the bone during the regular biopsy. Osteosarcoma has a very distinctive appearance on x-rays and after OSU looked them over it seemed pretty certain that osteosarcoma was what we were dealing with.


    After they amputated, they send the leg (or part of it) for testing, and it was confirmed that Snickers did have osteosarcoma.


    Hugs to your friend and their dog. Many pups have successful surgeries and do well for a while afterward.

  3. So so cute!!!!


    As someone who has survived greyhound puppyhood -- Roo is now about 19 months -- it is an incredible journey. It's not that hard -- the big commitment is making sure that you devote enough time every day to playing with and tiring out your little puppy.


    If I sound like I'm trying to sell you on getting one of those adorable little puppies, I am. I'd love to vicariously watch as many as possible grow up on GreyTalk!

  4. Cricket had problems with her spinal cord white matter and neurological symptoms in her back end. It was tagged as "autoimmune disease" -- Angell memorial neurologist thought perhaps it could have been from untreated TBD. She was treated with long-term Prednisone and I walked her every day and made sure she got exercise to keep her muscle tone. The initial onset was pretty severe and she did cry out in pain. Once it settled down, she didn't seem to be in a lot of pain but she eventually grew worse and had a lot of weakness and knuckling over of her paws and eventually loss of bladder/bowel control. It was so sad watching her deteriorate from a very strong, confident healthy 4 1/2 year old dog. We had to say goodbye to her just a month after her sixth birthday because she lost the ability to use her front legs too.


    Not sure if it helps, but I remember reading about DM and thinking that her symptoms overlapped some.

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