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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. Burp took prilosec for years and was fine. If needed you can also, in addition to the carafate, prilosec (morning) add zantac at night.
  2. Give her a couple of days to settle down. Sending lots of prayers.
  3. Must have numbers They can run a little high especially before a dental (dental should bring them down)
  4. Was it a fine needle biopsy or punch biopsy? Punch biopsy is extremely painful and like above, I would never do one again. Sending lots of good thoughts she feels better.
  5. Not true. They are against the fast kill because of the possible "side effects". It is a very serious treatment. I would go the slow kill now if I ever have another. When Austin got cancer, chemo was not an option for him because of what the hw treatment (and I am sure the heartworms themselves) did to his heart.
  6. I've had some bad luck with rawhide and I don't feed it at all now.
  7. Regarding the antler chews: it was a couple of years ago that one of the brands had a problem and I can't find it. http://www.kptv.com/story/25258234/veterinarians-concerned-about-antler-chew-toys I stopped feeding raw turkey necks when Mizzy fractured a tooth and the infection went up behind her eye (twice). Not pretty
  8. Bloodwork can be normal on a NSAID and still be tearing the stomach up. Dogs don't stop eating because they are being picky. They only have two normal drives: food and sex (and we took the sex away ) I've heard some not nice things about the elk antlers Try stinky like jack mackeral
  9. Yes I have had one years ago and there are other methods to treat successfully. I suggest you discuss all options with your vet. I know several adoption groups (not greys) that refuse to use the injection method and prefer the slow kill along with doxy.
  10. He is eating like a little piggy Finally roaching. Now, the decision as to whether or not put him thru more surgery and take out the tumor on the right side. I am so conflicted
  11. He was on my (his) bed when I left this morning -- first time. This means he feels better.
  12. He is eating, trancing and overall better. Not 100%, but better.
  13. I've been staying away from crumbling things because of the throat issue from the tube. He finally drank some broth and ate a very little baby food meat. Hopefully he will gear up over the next few days.
  14. He ate for the vet but not me <sigh> I am going to buy some chicken and beef broth and see if I can get him to drink some. I am very late for work.
  15. Got some rest between water intake and outside. Not sure about him but I passed out I got 2 whole hours this last time. He won't eat for me but he did for them.... I am going to call them when they open and see if he ate by himself or they put it in his mouth.
  16. It's not been so good. Very restless. I thought at one point he had passed out but that didn't last too long. His airway is clear and his lungs but he sounds like he has to blow his nose or clear his throat. He drank water, got his pills at 6:30, barfed at 7 so I don't know how much of the pills he got. Gave him a carafate. He got up and drank more water, went outside and peed and came in and changed beds. I gave him another tramadol then a resinallE so I think the pain is managed and he is laying down and sleeping (and snoring). I have pictures I'll post in the morning. I keep telling him we did it so he can be better....I feel awful He's changed beds again, went outside to pee again and drank water. He ate at the vets but has no desire to eat for me. Long, short night....
  17. Currently is laying (willingly) with his chin/throad on a bag of ice with his paws crossed according to the clinic. He's a smart dog....
  18. There is more swelling than vet expected. He says it will absorb. I think he is preparing me for when I see him later. Huston will come home after 3 today. My poor little man
  19. A week is not long enough for a trial period. Should be 2 weeks. I understand some of the groups not wanting to make it a bit longer than a week for many reasons
  20. check how they are storing it and how the supplier is storing it In the heat, the bags can go bad
  21. Vet just called: I think he said right one out, left and lymph nodes biopsied. He'll call me later to let me know how he is doing. It's possible he has both a carcinoma and lymphoma
  22. Tomorrow is almost here. Not sure how I will be able to breathe tomorrow. I've told him the bad lumps have to come out. I hope he knows what I am saying
  23. Sending my sympathy. No matter how long they are with us it is never long enough
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