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Still wet behind the ears

Still wet behind the ears (3/9)

  1. That's a nice update and I'm glad you can see the growling as part of a conversation. I think it could be important as you all relax though to work out whether there may be any sleep-startle aggression because if there is it can set you back months. Children and visitors need to be certain that the dog is properly awake before going in for cuddles or suddenly sitting next to him.
  2. I've lost 3 dogs to kidney disease over the years. The first was a Borzoi which I raised from a pup who died within a month of diagnosis at age 5. The second another Borzoi (related at grandparent level) at age 8 1/2 who lasted 6 weeks post dx, and the third a Lurcher who lingered 18 months after diagnosis and died at age 14 1/2. In the case of the Lurcher she was on Metacam and similar drugs for many years due to arthritis in her front shoulder and we only treated her at full dose at times when her pain was acute; we did this because we knew that Metacam would probably shorten her life (the kidneys don't work as efficiently). Another pain relief issue we had with her was with using Tramadol, because of her kidneys not working too well there was a toxic build-up of the drug in her kidneys and liver which led to severe heart arrhythmia. Every dog experiences kidney disease differently and Greyhound blood values are remarkably different to other breeds, so finding a vet well-experienced in Greyhounds is important. Despite trying everything they will eventually go off their food completely and then stop drinking; when the latter happens it really is time to let them go.
  3. These anniversaries are always poignant. Our promise to look after our precious greyhounds no matter what is forever, that's why the memories stay strong with us, and why we will always be at ease with greyhound folk. Greyhound things keep cropping up whenever I visit YouTube too and that's part of the algorithm I'm quite happy to participate with.
  4. I wonder whether it is Gastric Reflux perhaps caused by a reaction to a certain kind of food or even bacteria from bad teeth and gums?
  5. I do that as soon as possible when any of mine pass. You can even print a copy out and bury it in a special place or even burn it to the 4 winds, whatever you need for closure. When Peggy's time came two months ago, I said to the vet I'm going to keep the memories. The grieving process tends to bring the happier ones to the front. I still walk the same places even without Peggy and see all the dogs and people she knew; I still miss her massively (as I did with all of my dogs), but I feel so priviledged to have been allowed to walk the same path as she did for 13 and a half years until she died just a few days past her 15th birthday. . Whether I get another (never been without a dog for more than six weeks since the 1980's) I'm not sure yet due to my age and the cost of living, but if I do, my heart is still plenty big enough to offer a forever home to another. Smile at the love you shared; I think they are only ever lent to us by God anyway.
  6. So glad to hear that Buddy has some kind of understandable and potentially treatable diagnosis. If you have to give NSAIDS then Omeprazole 20mg will help lessen the potential for bleeding. I think you'll need to watch for LS too and this can let them down (figuratively too) without notice so try not to let him walk on his own near edges of streams and walls etc. Consider getting the Canine Prime supplement, for many elderly dogs this has been a game changer not least because it puts the digestive system back in order at the same time as helping arthritis to be less of an issue. (Peggy, my last Greyhound made it to 15 with LS + general arthritis being the final straw).
  7. It's good to read that Milo has got over that dental work and is eating OK again. My Peggy lost half of her teeth in two sessions over the last 3 years and although it was initially horrific, recovery was quick. Her digestive system had become weak since a major parasitic infection a few years ago and antibiotics always brought the 'runny poo' back. But feeding the Canine Prime supplement brought her system back to working better than ever this year. It was sad that it couldn't do much towards helping the arthritis and myelopathy, though perhaps it did give her a few more months. I think we have to try to see through the stoicism or our dogs when suffering dental issues and fix them just as soon as we can.
  8. If Milo is still not willing to eat normally it could be that the treatment for the gum infection has upset his digestive system and when a dog is feeling down they are much more easily spooked by anything. When they are elderly it can take ages to get them back into their routine again. What helped Peggy when she got like that was a short course of steroid tablets and some probiotics. But what actually helped longer term and also with her mobility issues was Canine Prime supplement. Now this is expensive, but I saw it work in Peggy in extreme old age, and work remarkably well in two younger dogs... they got like about 3 or 4 years younger! I think they ship it to the USA. Here, if it doesn't show a marked improvement within 90 days you get your money back.
  9. Run free Jagger with all the other Bridge Angels. Hope you get to meet Peggy and my previous one Angel, a golden brindle, who passed the same spring that Jagger was born.
  10. Thank you everyone for your kind words. I can see her running free at last and digging holes where she shouldn't... one of her favourite things.
  11. Hi, I can't find my old log in, so have registered again. This is a sad not to let everyone know that Peggy the black greyhound has passed. She had muscle weakness and arthritis issues which had been medicated for quite a while. This morning she lost the use of her back legs and was unable to support herself any more. So I lifted her in the car and took her to the local veterinary practice. They agreed that it was her time and she passed in the back of the car very very peacefully. September 2007 to September 14 2022. She just made it to 15. I'm so sad to have needed to let her go, but thank goodness there are vets who can gently end their suffering when nothing more can be done. https://pbase.com/johnfr/image/115601741.jpg
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