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Posts posted by Brindle_Wonder

  1. Thanks for your responses, much appreciated. 

    All good for thought.  

    I definitely having been giving George more attention. George is so confident I think he thought he owned the house as soon as he walked into it....I still can't get over how confident he is. 

    I took them to a secure field today and they paid zero attention to one another. 

    HeyRunDog I would say having this second greyhound isn't harder than having one (apart from volume of 💩). If that's what may be putting you off... however I'd only keep George if he improved Wonder's anxiety which hasn't yet transpired.

    Mansbestfriend, elements of your post definitely ring true to my situation, which is why I'm concerned..

    Let's see what the next week brings!

  2. Hey

    I’ve posted on her a few times about my very fearful dog (being afraid to walk on roads and afraid of the moon). He’s been on Prozac for over 8 weeks and on the whole he’s been brave enough to go out at night now when he really needs to when a full moon is out - I have had to made a canopy to shield the sky and put bark up to the back door but it seems to have worked. However, I’d still love to able to walk in places other than fields or woodlands with my dog.

    My clinical behaviourist said the only thing left to try is to get a really confident second  dog, so I contacted a great greyhound charity and they’ve very quickly found a great greyhound that I’m fostering with a view to adopt. They got on well at the meet and greet. I’ve had him home for just over a week (which I appreciate is very early doors) and my gut is telling me that this new dog isn’t the correct match for my current dog.

    The new dog George is amazing, he’s never been in a house before and was instantly toilet trained, amazing on lead, not afraid of traffic, loves meeting people etc. However, he has been a bit growly with my dog for no apparent reason, no food was around, Wonder can just be lying on the bed and George will growl, it has got better but for instance last night Wonder popped out of the room in the middle of the night and George gave chase barking which scared Wonder so much so that he wouldn’t come back into the room. Wonder came back down in the morning with a waggy tail, so maybe I shouldn’t worry. During the day I typically work in my office and wonder sleeps next to me, however in the last few days wonder is choosing to go elsewhere whilst George stays in the room. There is ample space for both of them.

    On walks they don’t seem to acknowledge each other so I haven’t seen any improvement in wonders bravery on walks and he’s still stopping a lot.

    Therefore, my question is, should I expect to see a bond grow more over time. Have you noticed your grey walks better with some greys and not others. Should I keep going or try a different dog or different tact?

    My friend wants to home George if it doesn’t work out so I know he’ll go to a great home if it doesn’t work out.

    Thanks for reading my post



  3. Thanks @HeyRunDog, funny you've written that as I actually looked that up last night and forever hounds trust are running something in the middle of December so we'll try that. 

    I also spoke to the vet today and he said he expects it to be really another month until the drugs start to work and that I should consider getting some dog glasses and a marquee that blocks out the sun for the garden so my dog can go out without seeing the moon so I've got doodles, a dog hat and some tarpaulin to cover the back door entrance on order.  I really, really want to get him back on track.  X

  4. Apologies, I didn’t receive any notifications so only just found the replies. Thank you all for taking the time to respond.

    I have reached out to the charity, I haven’t found them to be helpful. At 3 months I contacted them and they said they’d check in on me in a week’s time and I didn’t hear back so contacted them again last week and I received an email implying this was my fault and as he isn’t happy I should give him back. I don’t think it will be best for him to be returned as he is scared of the moon at my mum’s house where it is really quiet so I don’t see how rehoming would help as he’d still be exposed to the moon. I’m still baffled how this fear of the moon has happened so quickly.

    i have had a check with the vet, his thyroid was flagged as low but the vet said this is common in greys so didn’t think it was worth exploring more yet.

    he has been on Prozac for around 10 days so I appreciate it is early days.

    His behaviour is weird as he loves people, if the doorbell goes and he can hear someone at the door he’ll run down with his tail wagging, he loves going to the secure field for a run around. I’ve taken him to friends houses (when the moon isn’t around) and he’ll potter around as if it’s his place. I can trick him into the garden sometimes by calling a friend and putting them on speaker so he’ll come outside to try and see them...because I have more success when I have someone with me that’s why I’m wondering if another dog may help...a good friend of mine is getting a greyhound when his new house goes through  (he is completely in love with my weirdo) so it maybe that I’ll have to wait to see how it goes when he gets his new addition.

    @greysmom it’s good to know that you found a good drug in the end. Sorry to hear about her liver cancer.

  5. Thanks for taking the time to read my post.

    I posted back in July about my greyhound who is afraid to go for walks outside...his list of fears seems to be growing and growing and I’m at a total loss with what to do.

    I’ve now had Wonder for nearly 9 months and I still can’t take him for walks along pavements but I have found success in woodlands and in secure fields when I’m with a friend as he’s learnt that going in the car should be positive.

    However, he seems petrified of hot air balloons which unfortunately are common where I live (in Bath) and I can only think that he’s transferred this fear onto the moon. It sounds funny, but it’s really stressful as in the morning he shakes if I even open the front door and I can’t get him down from upstairs. His safe space is the top of the stairs (it’s a small square shape hallway). As I can’t get him outside he is constantly soiling in the house. I’ve taken him to my mum’s house and the same issue occurs although we have more success getting him into the garden at my mum’s.

    The fear of the garden did seem to occur when a new neighbour neighbour moved in with her cat. The cat keeps coming into my garden so I don’t think that scent helps either, so I think the issue is two fold. He sky scans a lot and will bolt inside.

    I am working with a behaviourist who with the vet consent has started Wonder on anxiety meds and told me to try and stay at my mum’s. Staying at mum’s can’t be a long term solution for me.

    I’ve been going through 9 months of behavioural issues and I’m really exhausted and worried about Wonder.

    If anyone has any helpful suggestions I would love to hear them.

    I don’t feel that I’m in a position to foster another dog as I’m single and don’t have the capacity to potentially take on a second dog with issues. I’ve been asking for help from friends for a long time now and do feel like I’ve used up all my favours.

    Kind regards 



  6. Okslater that is great news. The easy going oaf sounds great!

    I feel a bit overwhelmed with one at times as I can't expect my lodgers to help much so it's just me. I have got some very kind friends who are trying with their greyhound once a week so maybe it's just going to be playing the very long game!

    Thanks Hudsy... I hope it's working, best of luck. As Wonder is 40kg and I'm pretty petite if he doesn't want to move I can't make him. He doesn't really seem that anxious.. It's just like he doesn't want to go.

  7. Regarding other greyhounds, Wonder loves playing with the greyhound in my house and garden but outside the front door he doesn't really even look at them.... When he's on the cemetery he pays attention to them more again, this has been handy to get him out of the cemetery at the end as he'll follow the dog out.

  8. Thanks for the responses. I really can't see anything wrong with his pads. I'll get the behaviourist to look incase I'm missing something obvious the next time I see him.

    I can do more lead work, he walks fine in the garden on the lead, and when I've got him up the cemetery he walks fine on a lead but there's always more lead work I can do. I can give the 12 inch one a whirl ☺️


  9. Hi All

    I’d really appreciate advice or to hear from your experience. 
    I’ve got a rescue greyhound (the lovely Wonder). I’ve had him for 3.5 months now and I still can’t get him out of the house on a lead for a walk.

    On day one I took him for a walk and unfortunately the neighbours dog was off lead and ran up to him and licked him on the face 🤦‍♀️. Then I couldn’t get him out of the door on day two, on day three whilst out in the back garden waiting for him to go to the toilet some let off fireworks a few streets away (no idea why in March), after the fireworks Wonder wouldn’t even go in the garden, however this was quickly corrected with the help of a behaviourist, however 3.5 months on I still can’t take him on a walk.

    On a loose lead I can get him about 10m max away from my front door. Off lead he’ll happily walk around 2/3 of the road in front of my house. I’ve trained Wonder to jump into the car so I can take him to the nearby cemetery (luckily it’s a 30second drive away) and he’ll walk around there to a mixed level of success, however getting him home is difficult as he won’t go back in the car...to cut a long story short, he’s now resisting going into the car which means I can’t take him for a proper walk. I’ve managed to get him to the cemetery about 10 times in total.

    He’s 40kg so at 5.3ft it’s tricky to lift him into the car, I do have a lodger that I keep bothering to ask him to lift him in, as I can’t get him back in the car afterwards it’s tricky to go anywhere other than the cemetery.

    I’ve used a behaviourist, an adaptil collar, Dorwest herbal tablets, other greyhounds have come over (this helped Wonder leave the house without a lead on but no luck when a lead was on him). I appreciate it will take time but I was hoping I’d be a lot further ahead than I am now, it’s pretty upsetting for me as it feels like constant failure.

    I should add, he knows how to walk well on the lead as we practice in the garden and on a good day in the cemetery he’ll walk nicely. He’ll also happily jump in the car when he knows I’m far enough away that I can’t close the door. 

    Any tips would be very welcomed

    Many thanks









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