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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. My Val was diagnosed with unilateral LS at 12.5. She was on gabapentin and metacam, but we stopped the metacam after awhile as it didn’t seem to help much, although I could tell a difference with the gabapentin. She also got acupuncture and cold laser treatments. She loved her walks and kept going (except in the summer!) until the end. She made it to 14.4. Hazer
  2. Annie, carrots were the only thing Conner the Food Whore would not eat, so you are in good company
  3. I hope this keeps him feeling good for a long time!
  4. Happy 10th Birthday Annie! (I expected more mayhem at the party )
  5. When I had multiple pets I used a plastic grocery bag. Daily, first scoop the litter boxes, then pick up after the dogs in the yard, then tie off and put in the regular trash. Kitten litter works great for loose/runny dog poop if you can leave it for a little while so the litter can absorb the liquid. Used kitty litter is also a great place to deposit old prescription meds
  6. Wow, what a change from Awww, adorable to Whoa! What a stunner!
  7. Such a beautiful girl I am so sorry her time with you couldn’t be longer, but I know she had the best part of her life with you. Such a terrible double loss
  8. I am so very sorry, I am sure Hada would have stayed with you forever if she could Run free little fairy
  9. Rainbows from everyone Fries in Rocket’s memory for sure, I miss that guy too.
  10. I stopped reading after the first couple of sentences The gist seems to be Dr C thinks the treatment would be beneficial with little or no side effects and not treating could cause more problems. That would be good enough for me! I hope the treatment helps Milo feel better
  11. You might have a vet who knows greyhounds check her thyroid as well, but you want one who knows greyhound thyroid levels are different from other dogs.
  12. I miss the “old days” too, but things change. I have only been houndless for a few months but I still come here and read every day. I don’t post much though.
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