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Just Whelped
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Everything posted by eldon_of_hyrule

  1. Hi everyone. I've just joined, and I am in desperate need of some help. Here's the situation: My family has been adopting retired greyhounds through a local adoption agency since I was in 4th grade (I'm now 35), so I've been around them for most of my life. I can state with absolute confidence they are my favorite breed to have as a pet. But it's only recently that I've taken the plunge and adopted a grey of my very own. After a few months on the wait list, I was paired with an absolute sweetheart of a girl; she is black all over with four white paws and a white-streaked nose, has a very gentle personality, and even gets along with my roommate's cat. On paper, it seemed like we should provide her with the perfect home for what she needed. Here's the problem though: she is terrified to leave my apartment. As soon as I get the leash out, or go near the door, she starts pulling away and shrinking in on herself. I've had her for five weeks now, and each time we've gone outside, I've had to physically carry her to the door. Even if she starts pacing during the day, or wakes us up at night, or gives any indication she needs to potty, as soon as I try to take her down, she runs back to her bed and begins trembling at the prospect. We've improved a bit though. She still has to be carried through the front door, but once I get her out in the hall, she generally will walk with me. Once we get to the elevator (she doesn't do stairs yet) she paces or stresses while we wait for it, and dives inside as the doors slide open. Once on the ground floor, it's a toss up whether or not I'll need to push her out into the corridor, as she prefers to shrink back in the smallest corner of the elevator car. Outside, we have developed a good routine, but she doesn't like any deviation, which I understand is to be expected. But it feels like she knows the routine, and is simply trying to get through it as quickly as she can. Once we head back inside, she will likewise dive into the elevator, but has no problem jumping out and making a beeline for my front door (which she recognizes on sight -- I really do think she's very clever). So. I've tried several things. I give her an anti anxiety treat in the morning, 30 minutes before we go out for the first time. It helps a bit, but her body language still says fear, and she will tremble and chatter her teeth whenever we aren't moving. I've tried lavender oil on a bandana around her neck, but that only really calms her after we come back in. I've moved her food bowls closer to the door; she has grown less hesitant eating there, but she doesn't like drinking water when it's so close, and that worries me. So, I'm trying to teach her that the front door is a good thing by leaving a trail of small treats to the door so she can gain confidence walking over there. It's working, to a point, but she won't go for it if she knows we are watching her, or if I open the door (safely) to let her see the apartment inner hallway. She won't accept any treats (chicken, cheese cubes, small bacon pieces) anywhere outside, or inside if I'm trying to coax her towards the front door while her leash is on (she has accepted cheese with her leash on, once, by the door, but refused any more once the door was open). I'm going to try peanut butter next, as I've read that licking such treats is calming, but I'm not sure how that will help if she won't eat anything when going out is the task at hand. I've also recorded the ambient noises of the apartment hallway, elevator, and outdoor area, and have been giving her treats while l play said recordings, especially when a noise really grabs her attention, to try to re-associate the noises with food and love. And naturally, I tell her what a good girl she is whenever she does walk with me, and potty outside, etc. Sorry for the long post, but I wanted to provide as much background as I could. I'm really scared that, despite my best efforts, my apartment might be the wrong home for her, but I'm not looking to give up just yet. Any and all advice would be greatly appreciated. And if anything needs clarification, please don't hesitate to ask. TL;DR: my newly adopted greyhound is afraid to leave my apartment for walks, and seems to be scared of almost everything outside. Thanks, A concerned new doggo dad
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