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Just Whelped
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Posts posted by mixer42

  1. Hey y'all. So, Mixer is overall pretty well behaved. Loves people, and most of the time we don't have issues with other dogs. We do bring him to the dog park because he loves it, loves small adult dogs, and is good about communicating his boundaries with other dogs. He does have a couple behaviors that raise an eye brow. First, he loves chasing other dogs. That isn't the problem, but he barks, growls, and nips (never sinks teeth) while chasing. The other dogs usually stop running and playing once he starts barking. They get this "**" look on their face. But it just doesn't appear that he's barking aggressively. Another thing he does is if other dogs are playing, he'll stand there and bark at them. Obnoxiously. Last of all, he seems to hate puppies. Today he pinned a puppy down on its back. It looked kind of aggressive, but again, he's not biting. When I watch other dogs they play a little aggressively, but I'm not sure if that's what he's doing. Again, he's a super sweet dog. Just a few kinks. 

    Anyone else have issues like this or familiar with this kind of behavior? 

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