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Posts posted by MerseyGrey

  1. I have a small SUV (Honda HRV) and Buddy hates it. He can’t jump into the back/boot as it’s too high, he doesn’t like getting into the back seat area (SUVs tend to sit a little higher off the ground, I think) even with the seats folded up - which was a particular feature that I bought it for - and regardless of where he sits, he can’t see out of the windows.

    It’s a different story with our estate car. He loves our Volvo V90, although he is finding it more difficult to get into the boot of that too without assistance, and he also doesn’t like being assisted :rolleyes:. It’s the only car out of the four we have had in the time we have had Buddy that he will get into and lay straight down. We haven’t travelled with him in the back seat of the Volvo - regardless of the car, he has always been a bit clumsy getting onto the back seat, so that might just be a Buddy thing.

    We are due to change the Volvo in a few months and definitely wouldn’t get an SUV to keep the dog happy, although I am trying to push my husband towards a V60 which I think will be big enough. We have spent an awful lot of time over the past few weeks assessing the boot entry heights of lots of different cars. I think we must look really suspicious when we are out walking :ph34r

  2. Hello and welcome. I can’t help much with reasons why, but I can tell you that my dog also likes to watch things scudding across the sky but usually in daytime. He has barked at hot air balloons but just watches the aeroplanes coming in to land at a nearby airport. At night, he has barked at a plant pot rolling around in the wind. I put this down to him not knowing what he was looking at. He got used to it and doesn’t do it any more.

    Playtime - Buddy rarely wants me to play with him, he usually is content to play on his own but likes me to watch. It’s a great privilege on the occasions that he lets me take his ball from him and join in with his play. He’s my first greyhound and when I was researching the breed, I read that how a greyhound plays depends on what they have done with their trainers. So some may have been allowed soft toys, some are given bags of treats to play with, and some just don’t know what to do with any toys. This is part of the fun of a greyhound, I think. You get to teach them all this stuff. 

    Mine doesn’t resource guard and doesn’t really have separation anxiety but from reading other threads on here, they can definitely be worked on. Good luck!

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