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Posts posted by MerseyGrey

  1. 4 hours ago, GreyPoopon said:

    Absolutely, including "You should see the other guy."

    You need to be careful, Buddy. You may not be quite as nimble as you recall. Love your stylish wound wear. :beatheart 

    He already seems to have forgotten that he fell, and that he is limping, and that he is stiff all over. He wanted to take Honky the Hedgehog into the back garden for a play after his walk yesterday. We got the sad eyes and a dramatic sigh when we gently hold him ‘no’ :rolleyes:

  2. Buddy took a spectacular tumble yesterday. He has decided that he wants to go into the front garden for wees (the back garden is no longer right for reasons of light/temperature/wind direction/goodness knows), so we trotted him out yesterday, he did his business, and I called him to me from about 20 feet away to go back inside. After roughing up the ground where my bluebells and daffodils are :wife, he went from 0 to :gh_runand almost immediately slipped and skidded from the grass onto the tarmac. I keep replaying it in my head in slow motion to really make myself feel bad about encouraging him to run to me and seeing his legs go from underneath him, which is how he has ended up with a torn pad (the highest one on his front left, so at least he won’t have to walk on it). He’s also scuffed the same pad on the other front leg, and deeply grazed his left leg from thigh to ankle. He must have face planted too, as he has a good graze on this top lip - which amazingly is the only wound he hasn’t tried to lick

    Dad was immediately dispatched for medical supplies (fortunately we did have some from when I had an operation on my foot), while I stayed home for comfort and cuddles. He has been very clingy and a little bit subdued since, and I wonder if has just stared his own mortality in the face for the first time. Despite numerous slips and tumbles during recent zoomies, he refuses to accept that he might be getting on a bit - he is 12 1/2 next month.

    Here are a couple of photos of his bandage covers / baby socks. He has been very patient while I have attempted to dress his wound, only flinching when I put some antiseptic cream on today before changing his bandage.

    Buddy tripping

    Buddy tripping

    Buddy tripping


  3. Could she have caught it and grazed it on something? We find these types of things on Buddy fairly regularly, where he’s knocked himself on a step or bramble when he’s been doing zoomies. But we only usually notice them when he starts licking them and makes them worse. I hope your girl is ok.

  4. Mine definitely knows the day of the week from our routine (it used to be from the clothes I wore to work but my wardrobe changed from dresses to trousers and now he seems less able to use that). 

    Im on my first greyhound so I don’t have anywhere near as much experience as you but have you tried taking him out the back door instead of the front (or vice versa)? Maybe a little change in his routine will help

  5. He could just be being greyhound contrary but equally something could have spooked him recently - just because you didn’t notice it, it doesn’t mean it didn’t happen! Are you able to walk him a slightly different way- turning left out of your gate if you normally turn right, for example? Or take him out through the back door instead of the front? A little change might help to break this habit. 
    Also, how old is he? Just wondering if his eyesight might be starting to fail him, and he might be seeing shadows that are freaking him out a bit

  6. Buddy’s from the same gene pool as Wiki, Doolin and Willa. The sofa is too squishy underfoot, and Buds prefers the ground under his feet to be firm and unmoving.

    Your dog will probably love that you are in the same room as him as he won’t have to sleep alone. The whining will probably subside when he’s used to his environment- but it’s the middle of the night flapattack that could shred your nerves!


    You could look up Rich Skipworth’s Greyhound glossary for other such quirky traits, including the ‘glopping’ that HeyRunDog mentions above!

  7. We have this one


    but it’s never really been tested as Buddy hasn’t particularly enjoyed riding in either of the cars it’s been used in. I also haven’t managed to set it up as high as shown in the photo as the attached straps are a bit of a tangle. 

    The other thing I have used was a strap that fitted between the ceiling handles of the back seat. A second strap is attached by a carabiner to the first one, and at the other end it attaches to your dog. He has freedom to move around in the backseat but shouldn’t be able to escape. I think this is it (used slightly differently).


    (I don’t work for Kurgo! And while i haven’t found their products useful because of my car set up, they are robust and sturdy and I can see how they would work better with a more accommodating hound :rolleyes:)

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