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    karen giddings

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Still wet behind the ears

Still wet behind the ears (3/9)

  1. does anyone know where i can get a backend harness for a greyhound? i ordered one from chewy - but it's really made for the standard dog and doesn't fit ace very well. i need one that is more specifically tailored to a grey's physique. thanks! karen
  2. does anyone have any more info on the frontline gold? i have used frontline plus on my kids with no problems. but just saw she gave us the gold this time. i'm hesitant to use - especially on my 13 year old. my other two are 11 - so not thrilled about using it on them either! thanks!
  3. somewhere there was a posting about a clinic or hospital - wish i could remember the name of it - but i think it either had pictures or a video of corns being removed. can anybody help me here? thanks!
  4. ok - i give - what is stud tail??? never heard of it. how do i get picture on here of her tail???
  5. just had bloodwork done on jordan and jenna. had noticed that jenna's bare spot on her tail has gotten bigger around and longer. so had vet run thyroid test. jenna came back .9. went to suzanne stacks site and she show 1.0 being on the low side of low. i just want to verify before i put jenna on thyroid meds. i do NOT like to dose my kids unnecessarily - but i also know the consequences of not treating a low thyroid condition in greys; thanks for any and all input.
  6. i don't recall seeing any conversation about using the 'people' corn pads on greys. we've been using duct tape for a couple of months now and it's not really helping. i checked the medicine used with the corn pad and it is SALICYLIC ACID. my vet does not feel this would be harmful to use - but i always like to get a second opinion. has anyone tried this? does it do any good? is it harmful? thanks! jordans mom
  7. the corn is loose but did not come off/out.....sob. so it is another week of duct tape, sock, and a baggie for trips outside. but the good news is jordan did very well.....all they had to give him was pre-anesthetic.....enuf to get him to relax and they were able to get the tape off the entire bottom of his foot w/o him pitching a fit or trying to bite someone. he's doing a lot of whining/whimpring now that we're home....i'm a little concerned - but will wait until tomorrow to see how he is. flipside - he's got two more corns starting to show on two other pads of the same foot. aarrrgghhh. this poor guy. please quit!!! enough already! ok off my soapbox.
  8. well - wish me luck. jordan and i will be going to the vet tomorrow. got fingers crossed that it doesn't hurt him too much taking the duct tape off his entire foot bottom! omg. i can't believe my husband did that. moreso i hope that corns comes out. poor baby - i feel so bad for him........ he came out of such a rotten situation - he deserves the BEST!
  9. how much duct tape do you use? i think my husband got a little over zelous and covered the entire bottom of his foot. that's the other reason i wanted to take him to the vet. i think they may have to give him a little something just to back him off so they can get the tape off. the corn is on one of his front smaller pads. i was thinking just a narrow strip of duct tape to cover the corn and then stick to the larger pad to hold in place. unfortunately i can see more corns forming on other pads. so i want to get a little more experienced with this (with y'alls help) so i do it better next time. plus if i take him to the vet this time and she does suggest some post duct tape treatment, i will have some for next time. but i am concerned about the amount of tape my husband used.
  10. i'm a chicken i will admit. but i am not going to take all the credit. jordan is a fear biter - first grey i have had like this. so being the whimp i am - i have him scheduled for the vet on friday morning - that will be almost 5 days that the tape will have been on the corn. but i also want her (vet) to see it when she pulls the tape off. i think (with all of my non-expertise) this is a pretty big corn and he's going to have a hole if it comes out. so i also want her to advise treatment (ie: ointment, salve, etc) for post corn removal. (PLEASE LET THE CORN COME OUT).
  11. ok - so this past sunday i put duct tape on jordans corn. how long am i suppose to leave it on? he is starting to whimper and hold his foot up now in addition to the original limping. thanks
  12. hi. i'm new to the forum - glad to be here. i was wondering if anyone had their baby diagnosed with a condition called long bone. my husband and i have recently acquired a 5 yr old male - he was limping when we got him, took him to vet - xrays - no cancer - but not much else either. limping seemed to quit and then w/n the last two weeks came back. took to vet again - re-x'd and this time she saw signs of long bone. he's on rimadyl and tramdol for about 2 weeks. the odd part is - he only limps when on a hard surface - wood, tile, etc - but when outside on grass or inside on carpet - no limping. to boot - when he goes outsides he runs full out. this just seems very strange to me. thanks!
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