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Everything posted by Acadianarose

  1. Me too! And a lot of the food is available on subscribe and save so you can save 5% to 15% depending on how many items you subscribe to. I have more than 5 monthly subscriptions so, I get 15% off.
  2. Nevermind. The shipping is over $25 for one bag of dog food. I will just stick to free shipping with Amazon
  3. Actually, I just went on their site, and it is quiet a bit cheaper than Amazon. I am going to start ording from them. The prices are close (other than taxes) but for me hauling around 40 lb bags of dog food is too much. I love having their food delivered. Also, I feed Diamond Naturals and none of the local stores carry it.
  4. Ok, this seems crazy to me but maybe someone else’s hound does this too – When I began teaching Payton down, he did not catch on to what I wanted until I brought him to his bed, tapped the treat on his pillow and said “down”. He got it pretty quickly so now I am trying to teach him down in other spots other than his bed. But he won’t lay down anywhere else. As soon as I say down, he runs to his bed and lies down or he will try to dig at the treat in my hand or lick it. I can’t get him to understand “down” anywhere other than his pillow. What am I missing here?
  5. I use Amazon for my dog and cat food.
  6. Thanks for the help everyone. I need to start keeping a full bag on hand. For the first time it was out of stock. I have the kibble that I use for treats. Definitely not my idea of healthy dog food, but maybe I could mix it with the food that left and it wouldn't cause any issue. *fingers crossed*. Or I could just get a couple of hamburger patties. I think that would be their vote. Great idea! I have this at home too!
  7. I'm so sorry. Run free, pretty girl.
  8. I'm so sorry for your loss. Run free, Beautiful.
  9. I order my dogs' food and have it delivered. It was supposed to be here already but was delayed and won't be here until Wednesday evening. I will have enough for tomorrow but I think that's it. I can't find their regular food locally. Does anyone know what I can feed them for a couple of meals that won't upset their stomachs?
  10. There are lots of really experienced people on GT who have really great advice. I am just wondering if you have other animals or is your dog alone all of this time? My dogs have always done well while we were at work, but there is only so much time they will tolerate being alone. Also, if chewing is a problem, you could try his muzzle, especially if you are just running to the store.
  11. I'm very sorry this happened. I know it can be very scary. Payton did this same thing to DD and myself within the first couple of weeks of him being here. And I am the one who does the feedings, walks, etc. (along with DD). Payton loves DH but I think it is simply because DH is the giver of hot dogs for absolutely no reason. No work - just a hot dog. I should point out that DH has never touched Payton in his bed. Payton is much better now. I have a treat bowl above his bed and we randomly give him treats when we walk by. He looks for them now. But I think it is just building trust and reading your dog. The clues can be so subtle and sometimes I am still not positive. I leave him alone on those occasions. And as a general rule, no one else is allowed to touch him in his bed. I am sure you and your husband are a little nervous. Joining in training your dog is also a great way to build trust between your husband and your dog. Good luck!
  12. Payton is a lonesome cry pup too. I wonder how many are on GT I think they are beautiful but I could be biased.
  13. Is it possible it is from the antibiotics that she is taking for her UTI?
  14. FDA regulations do not entirely prevent human food contamination, so I don't know how much it will help pet food. But it has got to be better than nothing. We had the same thought...
  15. Payton likes this one: http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0009X63SQ/ref=mp_s_a_1_2?qid=1382662573&sr=8-2&pi=AC_SX110_SY165_QL70 It is pretty durable. Also, he really loves this one, especially stuffed with peanut butter or yogurt. I freeze it before I give it to him. http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B004A7X25O/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?qid=1382662573&sr=8-1&pi=AC_SX110_SY165_QL70
  16. Payton does this often too. I have said he reminds me of a horse. It is really sweet.
  17. Correction - I have a comfortable chair in my room that opens up into a bed (my DD loves to sleep on it). I opened it up for Payton and he laid down on it and slept all night. So I guess he will sleep in my room if he has a really comfortable bed to sleep on.
  18. Our dogs are allowed to sleep in our room. The lab always has. Payton prefers to sleep in the living room - either on his pillow in front of the fireplace or in his crate with the door open.
  19. I only have one greyhound, but I do have a lab too. For the most part they ignore each other, but a few weeks ago, they got into a bit of a fight (or the greyhound did). They were both standing at the glass door waiting for company to come inside. The lab was closer to the opening of the door trying to go out first, and I am not sure exactly what happened, but the greyhound starting snarling and barking at the lab. The lab laid down on the floor and the greyhound kind of stood over him. It seems that the greyhound was being pushy and wanted to go outside first?? I am not sure. But if the lab had fought back, it could have gotten really ugly. No one was hurt, but I panicked. At first, it seemed like the greyhound attacked the lab for no reason, but after talking to our adoption group and explaining exactly what I saw, she was able to piece it together. The lab is 11 years old and the most laid back dog ever. I felt horrible for him. The crazy thing was he didn’t really seem fazed by it, other than waiting a little back at the door for a few days. He is not scared of Payton at all. I did muzzle Payton for a while and I kicked his training up some. I also stopped letting him push the lab around (although generally, I don’t get involved in doggy issues). It has gotten much better. I really sympathize. It is so hard trying to decide what the right thing to do is.
  20. That is cute! Payton insists that I go out with him. He looks over his shoulder the whole time to make sure I am following him. There may have been something (like a mole) that she was trying to get to. Hopefully it's gone and she will stop digging.
  21. Payton does that sometimes, especially if he thinks we are ending our walk too soon. Most of the time, I can tell him to come on or nudge him with my knees and he will start walking again. There are times when I have to hold his collar. I don’t pull it, but he will start walking if I put my hand on his collar. I also try to keep him moving fairly quickly when we are walking so that he doesn’t have an opportunity to plant his feet if he sees something.
  22. I sympathize. You would not believe the crap Payton has thrown up. He knows “leave it” and will drop whatever it is I catch him eating that he is not supposed to eat. The problem is the stuff I don’t catch. I try really hard to control his environment. My house is more child proofed than when my children were babies. Even still, he gets a hold of more stuff. He even found a prescription of Xanax, which made my heart drop. I still don’t know how he found it. BTW- Payton loves, loves squeaky toys. He will literally drool if he sees a new one.
  23. Poor man. He must be terrified. He needs to learn to trust you. Right now, he has no idea who you are and he has no reason to believe you are going to protect him from the scary things outside. Right off the bat, I started teaching Payton “it’s okay”. If something scares him, I just say “it’s okay” in a happy voice and now, he trusts what I am saying. Are you trying really yummy treats, like hot dogs, chicken, something like that? Every dog I have ever had would do just about anything for a hot dog. Payton is very food motivated, but there are times when he is too distracted to focus on food. If he was really scared, he would have no interest in food at all. Andy has to go outside to potty, whether he wants to or not. If not, you will have a big mess. I would put his muzzle on him if you are scared he will bite you. And, they have to be taught to come when called, and it can take a while. Starting with food and saying " come on" in a really happy voice and walking away usually works.
  24. I thought I would use my 50th post to introduce myself. My name is Linda. We live in Lafayette, Louisiana. My husband and I have 5 children. He has 2 (aged 26 & 25). I have 2 (22 & 17). And we have one child together, who is 9. I am a paralegal and my husband is in the oilfield. We adopted our first greyhound, Payton, on August 17, 2013. (My oldest daughter also adopted a greyhound in August). We have an 11 year old lab, Toby, and two 18 month old cats. My angel GSD, Abby, passed away last summer due to diabetes. She was my heart dog and we spent much time together so it was really difficult to let her go. I also want to say thank you. Most all of my 50 posts were asking questions and I received numerous responses each time. I love the sense of humor that so many have and have cracked up laughing so many times. I am looking forward to many more years!
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