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Everything posted by XTRAWLD

  1. Squirt in the mouth, not up the nose. Have never heard of either!
  2. First for me that I can recall. How long has orally been an option over injection? Do they have the same efficacy?
  3. Your signature of her has always been memorable and one of my faves. "I can still nose whine" Awh. I'm sorry ....
  4. I decided to stop Kasey's heartworm and additional vaccines at 12 after consulting with the vet. We were down to just walks in the neighbourhood and car rides because of LS and just general age catching up with him. IMO his risks were limited to get anything at that age just due to limited exposure. It's a good thought to have for sure so just try to weigh your options...and as mentioned above, taking into consideration time, money and focus towards other pressing doggie matters.
  5. Ryder loves chewing bones and they are great for his teeth. On occassion though he literally bites off more than he can chew and swallows pieces. I wake up the next morning hurriedly to get to his side when he brings them up. This is normal for him. He tried to throw it up the other morning and couldn't successfully bring it up. He then coughed a few times for a couple hours until it was time for breakfast and was fine until just before dinner, coughing to try and then fine. Coughed again this morning before breakfast and now fine. I gave him slippery elm yesterday at both feedings to aid with any irritation. Will his body break down the bone and absorb some of it to make this easier to come up, or will I be dealing with hacking as if the bone is stuck in his throat until he successfully brings it up? Anything I can do to aid this?
  6. Would the dog always wear this? Just thinking about the 9-5er that needs it when coming home for work at the height of the happy tail. Its not like you could put it on the second you get home.
  7. Hardwood + hardwood stairs make for scared times. You might want to think about putting down some grip strips on the stairs to help her. I'd let her figure out the stairs on her own pace if they are not mandatory to do daily activities. Make sure the space is fully lit so she can see her paw placements. Use some high value treats like hotdogs to encourage movement up the stairs. There are lots of good threads in T&D about how to help them, but your biggest challenge will be that the stairs to her will be super slippery and she will be unsure and could fall, which then makes your work even more difficult because she will become fearful and you have to start dealing with that too.
  8. They never wanted the greyhound to be locked up in a crate again outside of your own home. They wanted home boarding only because his track days were over, no more crating. To be fair, I don't have an issue with this. I'd prefer to leave my dogs with someone in a home with greyhound experience instead of in a kennel (especially because they are used to a home environment and not a boarding facility) - but I know that finding someone in home to watch your dogs is not always an option. I have heard sub-par acclaims from other individuals about their own experiences with non-greys and I personally would be too worried because greyhounds are different than a border collie for example. Many boarding facilities here are a decently sized space with a bed and food station, and might have access to the outside to a fenced space to eliminate as they need 24/7. I don't know what kind of human stimulation as some here don't take the chance to give a dog a walk (hence the fenced access from their space). Some feel very dark or dingy and isolating - overall not a good environment. Also not adequate heating in the winter/cooling in the summer. I think I'd be heartbroken to see one of my boys on a small bed on a concrete pad surrounded by caging with other dogs constantly barking around them. I don't think facilities care enough to give special care to a dog if you asked, they indiscriminantly treat a grey like a GSD or Aussie. It's a blanket statement, but in my experience from talking with others is that this is the case. Individuals have come back from vacation to an overfed dog, another was sickly, another didn't receive their medication as directed, and these aren't even greys. So perhaps the general stigma that dog boarding facilities are not good therefore not appropriate for greys is what they already knew before I even gathered details over the years.
  9. Well now that she has had another event, its more likely your eyes were not deceiving you the first time. Must have been crazy tho happening in your arms
  10. I'm sorry you have to face this decision. I have found comfort in the words of "one day too soon is better than one day too late." No one other than you knows your boy best. They are so stoic aren't they? You haven't mentioned what kind of meds he might be on right now. Can he be made more comfortable or is he already on a max dosage and is no longer comfortable? Certainly it's not fair to be selfish, but I know you are looking for some advice. I know it's so tough to see and make the decision. More will pipe up I'm sure. Hugs and gentle skritches.
  11. Raw is the only way to go! Crunch crunch crunch. She'll love em! (Ry also gets dehydrated but there is a certain quality about the raw ones, I feel it works the teeth better)
  12. Kasey lost his dew claw and when it was growing back, he didn't have any swelling or issues (mind you of course it was a bit tender). Should probably have a vet check it out. Gentle scritches.
  13. That's great news. I do not have access to an acupuncturist unfortunately, or I would have tried this with Ryder already. Hope you continue to see improvements.
  14. Ugh. Awful. I'm so sorry. I'm optimistic she'll be there when you get home from your trip.
  15. Well that's certainly scary to see. This makes complete sense though, it wasn't a fainting spell and likely a seizure? Keep an eye out and IF you are able to, video it for future.
  16. Indeed, I think I got through half a bottle in pill form and tossed the rest. Good luck!
  17. You couldn't pay me to feed Tumeric to my dogs again. The smell coming out of their pores is awful, regardless of the "pros" there may be to adding it to their diet. No thank you. Broth, for sure. It really encourages non-eaters and is great for a bland diet. I use a pressure cooker, which supposedly is even better for getting marrow out of bones, and more of the good stuff, etc.
  18. Actually I just checked the bottle I have. It's called Tylosin (I'm assuming same thing but it might not be?) Dosage was 200mg every 12 hrs for 5 days.
  19. I agree that this has been a god-send for me in the past when I just couldn't resolve D, except I've only used it as necessary and not constantly on it.
  20. Welcome. I have you tried walking your other dogs with him to see if that encourages him to get out the door?
  21. Has he done any strenuous activity prior to the bowel movement? Maybe he was really excitable earlier in the day, or had a really big walk?
  22. What a stoic boy you had. Thank you for your update. I feel sorry for him and for you, but he couldn't have lived and be loved in a better place.
  23. My goodness, I'm so sorry. Gone way too soon from your life.
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