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Everything posted by XTRAWLD

  1. Yes! Fabulous. Works pretty good on teeth, although Ryder is done his within about 5 minutes. The best thing is it doesn't make him sick and no D. I do however find them excessively packaged and expensive and only buy them if I see them on sale.
  2. I'm sorry she had to leave you. I've always loved her Hershey's kiss roo!
  3. Rule of thumb usually is, organ makes poop runny, bone makes poop hard. You have to find the right mix, which traditionally is the 80/10/10 rule as suggested above. I used to do whole, but it's so messy and takes up my whole fridge that I just do a mix that is ground now. Easy to thaw and serve and the ratios are already figured out. Lots of good stuff on the food section so search there for additional raw info.
  4. Aside from not being cat friendly, I totally sympathize with the fact that he didn't come to you fully vetted... That is really not cool from the group at all. To intentionally start off on the wrong foot and not giving either of you a chance from the start is really irresponsible of them.
  5. Ugh, bummer. That's really hard to avoid! I'm not sure about antihistamines for long term use in dogs, but I guess if people can do it seasonally..... might be the best route? What does the vet think?
  6. I've heard of this but haven't used it so I can't vouch for it's effectiveness, but it's the only natural thing I can think of at the moment. https://www.springtimeinc.com/product/bug-off-garlic-dogs/All-Natural-Dog-Supplements
  7. The gas is gone nearly immediately because what is going in his system. I'd say within 24 hours for sure. It's the same if you ate asparagus for example, and your urine has that smell. You've just ingested it, and once it's in your system and then out of your system, well there you go. I feed a version that is entirely ground, and there are many companies around but this is who I use up here - http://www.bigcountryraw.ca/whyraw.phpYou can also feed whole (for instance bone in chicken leg and some organ). Lots of good info in the Food section of the forum if you decide to turn to the raw side.
  8. Look at that happy smile! I'm so sorry she had to leave you - she sounded very special. Thank you for sharing her special with us.
  9. These dogs can clear a room and take paint off the walls. Usually silent and deadly too. Some kibbles work better than others, every individual is different so just do some trial and error but introduce new food slowly and go through the whole bag before switching again, unless it turns into terrible D. I feed raw now....zero stink
  10. Incredible start already. No ideas. Thinking of you two... Btw - I have never heard of Pyometra so I looked it up. I've only ever owned boys. So this is a bit fascinating to me. http://www.dogsnaturallymagazine.com/treatment-options
  11. Looks like a reaction to either grass (maybe fertilizer on the grass) or detergent/fabric softener on her bed, or chemicals on carpet if you've had the recently cleaned, or even a bug bite since you found a dead flea. Giving benadryl for allergic reactions for environmental contaminants is common and you could see if that helps. Avoid giving her a bath frequently, but at least give her one perhaps oatmeal based to help alleviate any itching.
  12. I do this now, I have since you first posted it. It's amazing. It helps that he loves food, but this makes chewables like Bravecto and Heartguard easier around here!
  13. I second adding sand pit as a safe place to dig.
  14. As a bandaid solution if you have access to the Green Iams bag, try that for now. It has a wonderful combination that greys seem to do well on and they do have a rather sensitive stomach compared to other breeds. He's also still transitioning. Once his poops settle down on while on the Green Bag, I would slowly reintroduce your other food of choice back in and then work from there. Fairly new and runny poops are normal as their system is making a complete adjustment but 4 weeks of D is getting a little much, and something medical can be going on as well. I've had interesting food trials with my boys and one will do better than the other on a different food, they are all different. Sweet Potato and Fish by Natural Balance worked out well here. I'm now a raw feeder though, but I do remember how hard it was to find a kibble that just worked, so be patient. You can also test Toby's stool to rule out any parasites. And this is gross, (and we've had interesting conversations about it) but the longer to the poop is in the system, the more formed it will be. Needs more time to cook....ewh I know. So the poop mid-day being runny while morning is firm makes sense.
  15. I'd say the bone in thigh is a good ratio of 80/10, just throw in a little chicken heart and you're good. Ribs are more boney, so if you have a small one, add some more other meat only portion to it, and a chicken heart. Little chicken hearts are the perfect size - bless those chickens. I would just treat meat as a plain the 80 if it doesn't have any bone in it. It's really not a perfect science, but as long as there is more meat than bone and organ, it's good. Tripe can double as organ and meat portion too, just don't feed it solely daily or the nutrition will dip. Chicken backs are cheap as are the hearts, your meat is where it will get pricey, pork is a good alternative for just meat and no bone. You might also find this calculator useful to help weight gain - http://www.raw4dogs.com/calculate.htm Also for weight gain, consider making Satin Balls. If you search the forum you are bound to find the recipe somewhere.
  16. We use a combo too (Bravecto and Heartguard), because one doesn't cover heartworm. If only there is a preventative that does all 3 - heartworm, fleas and ticks! No experience regarding the two you are looking for, but I have given 2 different types before because one doesn't cover all. Congrats for becoming a blood donor!
  17. I never had issues during the switch, even when I was feeding whole over ground. Oddly though, it's common for Ryder to bring up bone after having a leisurely chew on a smoked cow knuckle. I wouldn't be alarmed yet, and while runny is a sign of not enough bone, it is also a sign of potentially too much organ. Ensure you are feeding appropriate ratios so your pup has the right nutrition. 80/10/10 works well.
  18. I cannot tell you how many times I lost Ryder's tags because of that Rubit. Great in concept, poor design for the latch.
  19. When you say remember by scent, this video came to my memory. The man was hospitalized for an illness (long term I take it) and looked nothing like he used to, but one quick sniff was all it took.
  20. No I haven't. After going through it with extensively with Kasey, I'm not sure I'm ready to head down that path all over again..... To be fair though, I really don't think it could be allergies. What is it that leads you believe that is the potential in your case?
  21. Interesting findings. I'm going to keep watching this thread. Ryder acts like this sometimes too, no excessive panting, but gags/retches intermittently. His lungs are clear as per his last annual visit, but every now and again, especially when eating a human snack for some reason, he often gags and coughs as if whatever size piece it is seems to always get stuck in his throat. Seemingly like his throat opening is just too small now for whatever reason.
  22. Sounds like she's teaching you how to keep your place tidy! Ryder quickly taught me to pick up my socks (I tend to take them off at the end of that day on the couch)
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