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Everything posted by nancy14

  1. nancy14

    Foxy Promise

    I am so sorry for your loss.
  2. nancy14


    Sue, I just saw this. I am so sorry. He certainly was a very handsome boy.
  3. Mary, I am so sorry. Your tribute to your very brave boy is beautiful. I know how much you'll miss him. and
  4. Jen, just thinking about you and wondering how Scooter is doing.
  5. I am anxious to hear what Dr. Couto has to say. Maybe he'll put him on artemesian (sp). Also, Batmom has a recipe that is for cancer if you pm her for it. Still in shock about your special boy and sending continued prayers.
  6. Prayers and hugs for your boy. Let's hope he can stabalize.....
  7. Jennifer, I just saw this and I feel awful for you. Sending hugs and prayers for you and Scooter. I am so sorry.
  8. I'll bet that Zippy had a wonderful night's sleep after her first run. Mine hardly move after they have had so much fun!
  9. I am so sorry. Prayers and
  10. Oh, Jennifer, I am so sorry. Will be saying a little prayer for him. He is a special boy and I know how much he means to you. Truthfully, I was thinking about Scooter last night. He looks so much like my first greyhound, KC. How did he get his name? Was it part of a racing name or a kennel name? I love the name, Scooter, and I'm just curious. I'll be keeping him in my thoughts.
  11. Mary, I am so sorry that the doctor's can't do anything. I know how much you love this special boy and I know he's spoiled already....but, if there are more ways to spoil him, I'm sure you'll find them.
  12. I am sitting at work -- not concentrating on anything except Freddie. Prayers that he will be oaky.
  13. Tomorrow will be a hard day for you. Know that we will all be thinking about you and sending white line, prayers and best wishes for Freddie. He is very special. I'm looking forward to good news.
  14. Do you need Dr. Couto's e-mail address? If so, pm me and I'll give it to you. Sorry that Munchie isn't feeling well.
  15. I am so sorry for your loss.
  16. I am so sorry for your loss.
  17. I am so sorry for your loss. Your boy was beautiful.
  18. Sending good thoughts for Scooter. He is one special hound. Are you taking him to Dewey?
  19. Whatever works.....As for Stormy...it reminds me of our first greyhound, KC. She had osteo and her leg was amputated. I had ointment to put on her stitches. Major Turn was very concerned that I was putting ointment on KC and not him, so I had a damp rag that I rubbed on his leg. My dogs always get the same and Maj must have felt left out.....so I truly understand why Stormy needs Frosty paws too.
  20. Poor TJ. I know he is uncomfortable, but it sure looks better than that ugly apparatus he was wearing. Thank goodness he is little and the healing won't take as long as it would for an older dog. Will be thinking about him.
  21. Sarah, I am so sorry that happened. I hope your babies will be okay. Prayers from the southeast corner of your state.
  22. Mary, I am so sorry. Prayers and best wishes from me. I know everyone will be anxious to hear the results. If he's feeling bad, his safe place (I assume the closet) is the best place for him.
  23. I have 3 greys, but only one itchy one. June Bug has a lot of white on her and her feet look pink, and the scratching is driving me crazy -- not to mention how poor June must feel. I've been giving her a Benedryl and the itching has subsided immensley. I seem to be itchy and have a nose that runs and I've been taking the Benedryl too....We share.
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