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Everything posted by a_daerr

  1. Try not to be too worried. This is a very common (if not *the most* common) issue that new adopters have with retired racers. I'm sure everyone will provide excellent feedback to your question- you can also try searching the forum for "space aggression."
  2. He wipes out sometimes, but it doesn't ever seem to stop him. Henry is freaking fearless.
  3. Henry was sore for a few days, but he's perfectly fine now.
  4. I use Barkworthies Bully Flakes sprinkled on top of the kibble. This has been a miracle product for my post-chemo boy.
  5. We live in Pittsburgh and use Heartgard Plus and Nexgard. No problems here. Even though Nexgard is much more expensive, I like the 'freedom' of not having to use a topical. I tried K9 Advantix, and even though I don't doubt its efficacy, I hated that greasy spot. It seemed to last forever!! Prior to that, we used Frontline Plus. If I had to go back to a topical, it would be Frontline.
  6. Wow! Go Toby!! Just saw a Buzzfeed with a blind therapy dog today... Thought you might enjoy this.
  7. I'm so very sorry, Susan. George was such a special, famous boy. He will be missed by all.
  8. Just picked up the meds from the pharmacy. Henry seems a bit better today. He's doing stairs on his own again. Thanks from Henry (and mom) for all your good thoughts and encouragements!
  9. Update: The vet is open today, but only until noon. It's almost impossible to get a weekend appointment on such short notice. I did call- no chance of him being seen, but the vet can probably prescribe some meds to get him through the weekend. He's definitely sore. Refusing to go up stairs. But the bruising actually doesn't look that bad (yet). He yelps at having the nail touched. Also, he didn't have a bruising issue after his amp surgery, but he was on Amicar then. I mean, he was very bruised, but it wasn't out of control. I'm not sure how bad this will get on its own.
  10. Heard a GSOD and found Henry standing, but looking dazed at the bottom of the basement stairs. I don't think he fell down the whole flight, but he must've taken some sort of tumble. One of his toenails is torn, and he has a decent amount of reddish bruising starting on his front leg. We carried him up to his bed, where he proceeded to pant for awhile. I flushed the nail with chlorhexadine solution and gave him a Tramadol. He's resting (and roaching) fine now, seems comfortable. Of course, it's the weekend and that was the pain pill. Does this warrant a trip to the e-vet tomorrow? I doubt that we could get a refill on Tramadol without a vet actually seeing him. He's eating, drinking, and standing fine. A bit yelp-y trying to walk, but that's probably a combination of soreness and not being able to properly limp on three legs.
  11. In the short term, I'd use a muzzle to help with the chewing problem. But it sounds like she would do best with a more intensive 'alone training' program and a bit more time to adjust.
  12. I think she looks absolutely great! The ongoing gas and soft stools suggest there's probably a *better* food out there for her, but I wouldn't stress about her weight.
  13. So sorry you're dealing with this... If it's any consolation, dogs are great for adapting and just moving on. When Henry lost his leg, I struggled with it because I thought he just wouldn't be "whole" anymore. Not the case. Plus, he gets ten times more (pity) attention and cookies than he ever did. I think losing his leg was the best thing that ever happened to him. I hope that's true for Toby too.
  14. Cindy. My heart just sunk when I read this. So sorry for your loss.
  15. No advice, but I was pumped to see a picture of her in that collar. Perfect!
  16. IAMS was my 'last resort' kibble, but it worked. I haven't gone back since.
  17. a_daerr


    Can't even imagine. PM me if you want to talk.
  18. I'm wondering this too? Henry was on Tramadol (acute pain), Rimadyl (nsaid, anti-inflammatory), and Gabapentin (nerve pain) for two full weeks following his amp. We did wean him off the Tramadol by cutting the dose in half after the first week, then in half again for the remaining three days. He slept a lot during that time, definitely, but there was never a time when I thought his pain was out of control.
  19. Oh, she's a blue! Say no more! Blues can be really quirky, stubborn dogs.
  20. I don't have anything to add except maybe trying the 'running start' method to jumping in the car. I pet-sat for a friend whose greyhound absolutely refused to jump in the car. I wasn't about to lift his 80 pound butt into my car, so I backed him up about 15 feet and ran with him toward the hatch. Voila! You have to be real easy on the leash- no pulling or tugging. The trick is to get enough speed that they're sufficiently distracted and just jump in without thinking. FWIW, my friend's dog learned for me, but after he went home, he still refused to do it for mom. Sometimes they really do outsmart you when they've learned that you'll eventually give in. It's a hard thing to reverse.
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