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Posts posted by 2hounds

  1. 5.21.07


    I just got a call from the vet, Mia's Erlichea titer is WAY high, she said normal was 1:20, hers is 1:1200 so we are going to continue the doxy and the metacam and she should feel better really soon. I am just relieved to know what it is! She is getting lots and lots of love and attention (and she is soaking that up like the little princess she is! :lol)

  2. She is really feeling a LOT better! We had to take a quick shopping trip and when we got home, she met us at the door with a waggy tail! She trotted (slowly) in the yard again this evening and she wagged her tail when I called her over for some love. I am so relieved to see her slowly getting back to her normal self. You don't realize how much you miss that waggy tail until it is gone!

  3. 5.18.06


    I called Diane (Burpdog) all in a panic today because Mia still wasn't any better this morning and we talked about her symptoms and I have to tell you all how much I LOVE Diane!!!! She helped me come up with a list of questions for our vet visit so that we could hopefully get a diagnosis and figure out what is going on.


    Well, I went to the vet today with a 4 page list that included symptoms, possibilities, etc. The vet did a TBD panel (it has to be sent to a lab) and went ahead and started Mia on Doxy. Every joint in her little body was swollen and sore so the vet gave her an injection of Metacam(?) to jumpstart the treatment and a prescription for the rest of the week.


    And now, less than 1 hour after her Metacam injection, she trotted (slowly) in the yard and is holding her head up again. She is now licking the bed (a weird habit she has, she licks the bed before she goes to sleep, but she hasn't done this all week).


    Please keep your fingers crossed that my wee little Mia will feel better very soon!!



  4. Please keep those good thoughts coming, my little girl still isn't doing better. I have a 3:00 appointment with the vet again, we are going to do more x-rays. They did blood tests on Tuesday and everything came back normal, the only thing they could find wrong was the UTI so we started treating her for that, but she is still not doing well and today she acts like her muscles are sore.


    Please let everything be ok with my little girl, I have been mopey and weepy all day myself, I just want my waggy happy butt girl back!

  5. I just got a call from the vet, Mia has a really bad UTI with struvite crystals. They did an X-ray to make sure there were no stones or blockages and everything is ok. I have no idea how she got such a bad UTI before we realized anything was wrong, she was fine one day and the next day she was super mopey and lethargic. The vet said that happens sometimes. I am just happy it is nothing serious, my little girl will be home in about an hour! :yay

  6. 5.21.07


    I just got a call from the vet, Mia's Erlichea titer is WAY high, she said normal was 1:20, hers is 1:1200 so we are going to continue the doxy and the metacam and she should feel better really soon. I am just relieved to know what it is! She is getting lots and lots of love and attention (and she is soaking that up like the little princess she is! :lol)








    I called Diane (Burpdog) all in a panic today because Mia still wasn't any better this morning and we talked about her symptoms and I have to tell you all how much I LOVE Diane!!!! She helped me come up with a list of questions for our vet visit so that we could hopefully get a diagnosis and figure out what is going on.


    Well, I went to the vet today with a 4 page list that included symptoms, possibilities, etc. The vet did a TBD panel (it has to be sent to a lab) and went ahead and started Mia on Doxy. Every joint in her little body was swollen and sore so the vet gave her an injection of Metacam(?) to jumpstart the treatment and a prescription for the rest of the week.


    And now, less than 1 hour after her Metacam injection, she trotted (slowly) in the yard and is holding her head up again. She is now licking the bed (a weird habit she has, she licks the bed before she goes to sleep, but she hasn't done this all week).


    Please keep your fingers crossed that my wee little Mia will feel better very soon!!






    Please keep those good thoughts coming, my little girl still isn't doing better. I have a 3:00 appointment with the vet again, we are going to do more x-rays. They did blood tests on Tuesday and everything came back normal, the only thing they could find wrong was the UTI so we started treating her for that, but she is still not doing well and today she acts like her muscles are sore.


    Please let everything be ok with my little girl, I have been mopey and weepy all day myself, I just want my waggy happy butt girl back!



    Mia started acting odd last night and it seemed like she was having a hard time keeping her balance. She was lethargic and kind of mopey, not her usual happy bouncy self. This morning she was the same so I just took her to the vet and they are keeping her there for a few hours for a few tests. Please send lots of positive thoughts for my little girl, it broke my heart to come home without her. :(




    I just got a call from the vet, Mia has a really bad UTI with struvite crystals. They did an X-ray to make sure there were no stones or blockages and everything is ok. I have no idea how she got such a bad UTI before we realized anything was wrong, she was fine one day and the next day she was super mopey and lethargic. The vet said that happens sometimes. I am just happy it is nothing serious, my little girl will be home in about an hour! :yay

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