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Posts posted by Sambuca

  1. I love TOTW. We use the pacific stream (fish) formula. My boy had gas so bad, it would burn my nose and I can no longer smell as well as I used to. He had diarrhea for over a year and like 9 foods until TOTW. He cannot have processed chicken or everyone pays for it. He also doesn't do well on lamb. My suggestion is that whatever you do, try to get chicken out of his diet. I know many dogs who just can't handle it. Make sure you read ingredients because even lamb or beef based foods can have chicken in them.

  2. The store where I buy EVO told me that P&G bought the whole plant where EVO is made so they hoped that it wouldn't change. Apparently, P&G was deluged with dog people pleading that they not change EVO. So far, the EVO on the market was made before P&G took over.


    So if you don't hate P&G due to their animal experimentation (have no idea what they do, but another poster hates P&G for this) or feel they are the devil's company, and love how your dogs are doing on EVO, you might want to wait awhile before switching to another food.


    Just playing devil's advocate on this. The problem with waiting, is that by the time you may know they have made changes to the food, the dog could already be sick from it and you may have issues. Whereas if you switch while it's still well made, then you have time to transition the dog slowly and find the right food for your dog without rushing to figure out what you want or playing trial and error for months trying to find a food that agrees with your dog and you're not dealing with a sick dog on top of all that. If you wait and then have to switch, you can't try a food to see if it works for the dog and if it doesn't work, you have to jump to another food to see if that works instead of going back to the food that's safe that you know works for your dog until you find another food you want to try. On top of all that, in extreme cases, as we've seen with past recalls, if they do something drastic or aren't as clean or careful, the food can kill a dog. The chances of that happening are slim, but the dog can get very sick and need to go to the vet, which is not only money, but I would feel horribly guilty if my dog got sick, when I could have prevented it.

  3. Bu is a free feeder and is allowed to eat as much as he wants/needs. He's on TOTW pacific stream and averages about 6 cups a day. He's around 85# and could probably go up to 90# and still look good. He had a lot of problems gaining weight. He came to me about 70#. To get him to gain that weight, he was on 8-9 cups per day. At that point, he ate everything in front of him and once he gained the weight, he started free feeding on his own. That said, I was just pet sitting 3 hounds who eat the same thing and they all eat 2 cups per day. 2 are smaller females and the male is probably in the 70# range.


    I forgot :rolleyes: my foster is also on TOTW PS and eats almost 4 cups per day. He's 67-70# and needs to gain a couple pounds.

  4. Welcome from West Hartford!! Oops, I live in Newington. Did they come from CGA? If so, did you change Pixies name? If Dragon is from CGA, his littermate Nifty belongs to a volunteer as well. (Her name has been changed and I can not for the life of me remember to what, but I do know her owner and have heard wonderful things about her.)

  5. My boy sleeps in bed with me, but I had him for many months before I allowed it. 1. Because he needed to know I was boss (that sounds horrible, but he needed to know it was MINE). 2. He came to me with an oozy infection :puke at his neuter site and there was NO WAY!! he was getting on my furniture with that.


    If Swiftie is respectful of you while on the bed and has no space or sleep startle issues, I don't see it as a problem. If she has those issues, I wouldn't let her sleep on the bed because it can lead to a bite. What it really comes down to, is do you want her on your bed? That seems to be your issue and no one but you can answer that for you.

  6. Thank you. It was very hard. He was only 63. His started in the muscle and by the end, it was in pretty much all his organs and a bunch of bones. It was painful and just horrible. That's why it's so hard to see dogs go through it. At least people understand why they are in pain, where dogs have no idea why it hurts. I'm sorry to hear about your friend.

  7. Oh thank you. He actually passed away from the cancer in June. When it metastasized, it went everywhere. It was very aggressive. At the time of that procedure we already knew the cancer was in his hip, lungs, stomach, and ribs. As I said, this procedure was about pain management and not a cure for him.

  8. My father had fibro sarcoma that metastasized into his pelvis. They did a procedure called a cryoablasion (the spelling may be WAY off) where they somehow inject ice into the tumor to freeze and kill it. Has this been heard of or done in dogs yet? I know it's a relatively new procedure in humans so I wasn't sure.



    eta: It did provide some relief for my father. We knew it wouldn't cure him, but he had severe pain due to the cancer fracturing the pelvic bone and resting on his sciatic nerve. The procedure shrunk the tumor a bit and helped with pain relief.

  9. Oh Jess, I hope it's not a sarcoma of any kind. My father died of fibrosarcoma, which is in the muscle. They did surgery and about a year later it had metastasized into his bone and lung and really all over. It seems most sarcomas when metastasized usually show up in the lungs first (I know that's the case with Osteo and Fibro). I've also been told that once cancer is in the bone, it's just a horrible thing, because it's hard to differentiate cancer from (I think) bone marrow or it could be the sinew, so they can't really tell if it's spread. The whole situation is horrible.

  10. I'm glad he's OK. That is scary.


    If the stairs are totally unavoidable, go to petco and get a harness (most can adjust to fit a hound at least somewhat) and whenever he needs to use those stairs, lift on the harness. It will help keep him from falling again and help with your peace of mind. If you can't get to the store, keep a towel by the stairs and use it as a sling to help him on the stairs. Neither are fool proof, but can definitely help.

  11. You can induce vomiting, because it is really fatty. I just pour a couple mouthfuls of hydrogen peroxide down their mouths (a bunch will leak out which is fine). Make sure you do that outside because it can work very quickly. Otherwise, just keep a good watch on the pups. I'm sure you will get major diarrhea if you don't induce vomiting, so just beware.

  12. He's already cuddling with me. I've had him 2 years and towards the beginning, I had to induce vomiting 3 times 1 week. (He had weight issues and while working with the vet trying to figure it out, he was starving. It was a bad situation. He lost 5 pounds in 2 weeks and we obviously changed things quickly.) It was horrible, he didn't want to come near me and he knew the bottle of hydrogen peroxide. After that week, we really haven't really had any issues I can recall where I needed to induce vomiting, so I don't think he remembers that week anymore since he didn't seem to have any idea what was coming today. He is my best buddy. He may not be perfect, but he's perfect for me.

  13. Well, I induced vomiting. I just pour some down his throat. He got 2 good swallows in. He threw up a lot of food and not even a tiny piece of styrofoam. When I thought he was done, we came inside and I crated him (which he HATES) because he still may vomit more and it's easier to clean from there than the carpet and dog beds and toys and anything else he will invariably hit if he throws up inside. After I crated him I walked into the kitchen to throw something away and stuck between the garbage can and the wall was the 1/2 I thought I was missing :rolleyes:. Poor guy, all that for nothing. I was actually on my way to call the e-vet, so I'm glad I found it then, than after $100's on x-rays. So he's fine. Just giving me really pathetic looks right now.


    eta- I think the reason I was hesitant to induce vomiting is because it's so unlike him to ingest something like that. He occasionally does stuff like this and just rips up the packaging and has never eaten any of it.

  14. My @#%& :angryfire dog went in the trash while I was gone and I can't find 1/2 a styrofoam container that held my dinner. He is not a food hound in that he really chews his food. He is a grazer and had eaten a bit not long before the thing went missing and ate some more before I realized it was missing. As I said, he's a grazer so I don't think he would eat that much of his food if he ate all the styrofoam. Should I induce vomiting anyway? It's only been an hour or so since it went missing.

  15. Great to hear feedback about rawhides- we have been giving Tasha the leftover rawhide sticks and flas that we still had from our previous dog but didn't realize the dangers associated with them. Tasha hasn't had a prob;em with anything... yet. What would anyone reccommend as an alternative for chewing?



    Bully sticks are great. I really like the products from here. Good quality and good for the dogs.

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