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Posts posted by Sambuca

  1. I was at the store the other day and they had whole roasting chickens for $0.89 a pound. I bought 2. 1 for me, 1 for Bu. I feed partial raw when I have it around. So far I've really only fed ground beef so I want to make sure I'm doing everything right. I've been cutting off and throwing out the majority of the skin. Should I feed it to him? I thought I read it was too fatty and could cause problems. The bones are OK to feed, right? He doesn't seem to know how to handle bigger than bite size pieces and by that, I mean even 2 bite pieces seem too big for him. And the giblets :lol. Some he enjoys, and some he won't touch. He picked up 1 piece, took a bite and spit it out while making gagging noises :lol . I didn't know dogs could gag like that. Is this normal? It never got anywhere near his throat, so he wasn't even close to choking. I really think he just thought it was absolutely disgusting. :puke He looked at me like I was trying to kill him. Am I doing things right or should I change something?

  2. I'm glad she's gained some weight. Ask the vet if you can put her on some probiotics to help with the belly. My foster was on ABs for 4 weeks and the vet gave us some and his stomach was great. As for giving pills, I found putting the pill in some fluff works really well. Probably better than peanut better because it's really, really sticky. I hope she continues to make progress.

  3. Damn. I was really hoping for an infection as you know. I'm just thinking out loud here, but usually when they usually find osteo it's because the dog has shown major signs. In this case you found it almost on a fluke which means you found it probably far earlier than most. Wouldn't that mean that she most likely has a better prognosis, especially if you amputate? I could be completely wrong (I hope I'm not). Whatever you decide to do will be the right decision because you are doing it out of love. Call me if you want to talk.



    I hope he's OK. Did you get him in 2010 or 2009? A lot of his issues sound like my foster boys. I'll start with the histiocytoma. Rugger just developed one. His is not painful, but if Enzo's is between his toes, it may be painful because his toes are rubbing together and chafing it. I really hope that's what's going on. Rugger came to me with really red infected skin, missing hair in many area, had a ratty tail and was just a mess. He was on antibiotics for 10 days, then for another 4 weeks. Halfway through those 4 weeks he was still getting more bald spots so I asked the vet if it could be an allergy. She said it's possible, so I decided to cut chicken out of his diet and his stools immediately firmed up and he stopped losing hair. That was about a month ago and his hair is already starting to grow back and his tail looks a lot better. Good luck and I really do hope it's all minor issues.



    2010. That's so strange about Rugger - the first thing vet suggested was allergy, so we'll work on that next when this is all through. His food is lamb and rice kirkland signature, but there is chicken fat listed as an ingredient. :( I'm glad your boy is feeling better!




    I'm glad you had a good day. Rugger has issues with chicken, but for Enzo it could be anything (although many dogs are allergic to chicken). I honestly got lucky in that the first thing I removed from his diet happened to be what he's allergic to. I would start on the allergy stuff as soon as you can it really helped Rugger and I'm sure he feels a ton better than he did while on chicken. Good luck.

  5. I hope he's OK. Did you get him in 2010 or 2009? A lot of his issues sound like my foster boys. I'll start with the histiocytoma. Rugger just developed one. His is not painful, but if Enzo's is between his toes, it may be painful because his toes are rubbing together and chafing it. I really hope that's what's going on. Rugger came to me with really red infected skin, missing hair in many area, had a ratty tail and was just a mess. He was on antibiotics for 10 days, then for another 4 weeks. Halfway through those 4 weeks he was still getting more bald spots so I asked the vet if it could be an allergy. She said it's possible, so I decided to cut chicken out of his diet and his stools immediately firmed up and he stopped losing hair. That was about a month ago and his hair is already starting to grow back and his tail looks a lot better. Good luck and I really do hope it's all minor issues.

  6. I went to Ikea and bought cheap queen size sheets and when I give a raw bone, I but the sheet over the dog bed and it's easy clean up. Otherwise bully sticks are great. I like a lot of the stuff from hereand most of it will help the teeth. The other thing I like are these. Either the medium or large are fine for my big boy, but the medium is much better priced.

  7. I think a heat usually lasts 3 or 4 weeks, so it should be over soon. I'd make the spay appointment for 2 or 3 weeks from now and you'll be good to go.


    BTW. She's beautiful. I love the Standards. I grew up with one who lived to 15 and was my best friend. I have his paw print tattooed on my ribs.

  8. I agree greys can sit, BUT, when we were in training I tried to position Bu and he snapped at me. I think it hurt him. He had some sort of hip injury while racing and I think sitting bothers that, so not all can sit as easily as others.


    When we were in obedience class, Bu napped the whole time. I had to wake him up to work with him. It was hilarious yet frustrating.


    eta: I think the fact that it's been 7 months and they trust you more, will help with the training because you're more bonded.

  9. While you're hanging out at home go through all the motions of leaving many times a day, then when you would walk out, let him out of the crate and take him out. If he sees that you can go through all the motions and not actually leave, it shouldn't be as scary for him. Of course when you actually leave he still may have issues, but the process shouldn't be as anxious inducing if you practice it often.

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