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Everything posted by Time4ANap

  1. We've met a couple of AKC greyhounds when they were young. They were just as sweet and friendly as the retired racers and seemed to get along well with others. They were still land sharks though - they were into everything that they could possibly get into.
  2. It's a brindle boy thing. Anything is a pillow if you try hard enough.
  3. Our Lambchop is hiding in the corner hoping not to be picked.
  4. Punkin, It's okay to be the "before" picture. Someone has to do it. It's honest werk.
  5. Somehow I missed this when it was posted. Happy Birthday pretty Grace!
  6. Don't worry, Annie. Therre's always a spot for you at Camp Broodie. Bring Punkin too...
  7. We don't even pretend to think about it any more. It seems like the group calls us and suddenly there's another hound on the floor here. Petunia and Kate weren't off the track, but were off the farm. They had no issues transitioning to a house other than Petunia was lonely, which is how Kate ended up here a month or two later. I get the house being too quiet. The quiet can be overwhelming. Go for it - she's gorgeous and at a great age.
  8. Val never cared what those two thought. There's a reason that we referred to Rocket and Conner as "Statler and Waldorf."
  9. Baby gate here too. The longer they live here the less it gets used because they like to change rooms during the night, but we don't allow that until we know they can be trusted to wake us up if they need to go outside. LaVida makes no noise like whining or barking to let us know, but will shake her head a few times while standing next to the bed. When we hear her ears flapping in the wind we know to get up. Mark talks or barks to let us know. When we have other hounds visiting, everyone is secured using the baby gate so that we know where everyone is during the night.
  10. Happy Birthday Val! We miss you! Enjoy your special day! For those of you who haven't met Val - here is a video from six whole years ago when Conner and Val stayed with us. Of course, Rocket had to photobomb the video. Rocket and Conner usually just sat around saying "That girl ain't rite..." because she was the life of the party. We always loved Val's visits!
  11. Just to clarify, it hits that temperature range when we have temperatures like we have now. We are currently in the 110-115 degree range every afternoon. It can be in the 140's on more average days when the air temps are closer to the 100 level. Either way, it's too hot for the dogs to lay on in the afternoon. We do have a shade we can put up if we have a dog that needs to go out more often, but these two typically do not go out all afternoon. They are very experienced Arizona dogs.
  12. Yes. No idea what brand or anyhting. It was here when we moved in and has survived 20 plus years in the Arizona sun. It is hot when the sun is on it. My laser thermometer normally reads it at about 172 degrees F on a sunny summer afternoon. There are sometypes of astroturf that melt in the sun here, so you have to make sure to buy decent turf. There is some newer stuff that stays cooler, but it;s not worth the money as it is still too hot for the dog to go out regardless. We get a turnout done by about 11 AM and then they typically don't need to go out again until the sun is moving away from the back yard after dinner.
  13. One of the first things that Rocket did after his arrival as our first hound was take a few big slurps from my coffee cup when I wasn't looking. I always had to watch my cup after that. We didn't have another hound that wanted coffee until Mark arrived and again, one of his first mornings here I heard a slurping noise in the general direction of my coffee mug. I usually let both of them finish off a tiny bit in the bottom of the mug or they would both lick out the empty mug when I wasn't looking. As long as they aren't drinking half a mug it will be fine. There was someone here on GT years ago who had multiple hounds that would go outside to have their morning coffee. I have no idea who the person or the hounds were, but there were pics of the hounds drinking from their mugs which were placed on the bench of a picnic table to be at the correct height for them. Their owner would put a tiny bit of coffee in each mug and they made a big production about going out each morning to have their coffee. The pictures were awesome.
  14. Way to go Logan! Nice score. Mark thinks that coffee is the ultimate treat, so he would want the iced coffee. .
  15. That's from COSTCO. We bought that bed for Petunia because she was using one of Rocket's well used old beds. She refused to get on it and gave us both dirty looks when we swapped it with the old bed. We ended up having to put the old stinky bed back in it's place for her. The COSTCO bed developed a dip in the middle pretty quickly from Kate nesting, but otherwise it has held up pretty well. It's just a rectangular bed, no bolsters etc.
  16. When we lived in IL we did have a basement, but even in the basement we kept Rocket leashed during severe storms or tornado warnings. Usually he could just lay on the futon in the basement but if there was an indication that we needed to hunker down further, we had a bathroom on the interior wall of the basement that was the safe space. This bathroom had shower instead of a tub, so we threw a dog bed into the shower and he would lay in there as long as we stayed in that bathroom. I usually clipped a NiteIze blinker to his collar (and turned it on) and made sure that he had his tags on also. In the event that something happened that allowed him to get away, he would be easier to find with the blinker on. At the time we also had the GPS tracking collar so that was usually already on him as well. I would not crate unless it is a better safe space for the dog, and the crate is also fairly protected in the same room you are sheltering in. Leaving the dog separated from the humans in that kind of storm is not going to help the dog ride out the storm.
  17. What do you do when it's 117 degrees outside? (Temperature as reported by the local news - my thermometer says it's only 112 but that's in the shade.. ) You enjoy your CET Chew in frosty air conditioned comfort.
  18. This could definitely be stress related with the other dog being in the house. You'll still have to rule out everything else though. Greysmom has good info above. in addition to the above, I would definitely have fecal tests done for both dogs in case the boarder brought some type of parasite with them that is now affecting your dog. Keep us updated on your progress.
  19. Yes, he's had a meal or three in the house. That's just his favorite spot and he manages to lay in EXACTLY the same place every time. I have a feeling there's a soft spot there under the astroturf. I went out to pick up poop this morning and when I turned around he was sound asleep in his spot again at 7AM. Temps were already in the 90's and there he was, napping in the sun.
  20. Sounds like she saw her reflection in the tv or maybe the shadow of her movement and it startled her. Make sure to leave a radio or the TV on for her so that there is some noise to block out other strange noises from outside as well as to break up the silence.
  21. Every one of her actions screams broodie! I can find no indication that she ever had pups, but she certainly hung around with the broodies and helped to raise some. All of her actions are reminiscent of everything that Petunia used to do. Both of us have even called her "Damn It Petunia," a time or two.
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