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Everything posted by Time4ANap

  1. AKC Fastest Dogs USA 2022 was on TV as I was flipping channels today. it aired on ABC and there were Greyhounds as well as other breeds Lure Coursing. There were some gorgeous AKC hounds. This show will re-air on ESPN on October 9. You'll need to check listings for times. The one listing I can find says 9AM but does not indicate which time zone the listing is for. I am going to setup the DVR for the hsow on the 9th as I missed over half of it that aired before I saw it. Apparently it can also be streamed on FUBO and may also be posted to stream on the ESPN website. Putting the full title into Google helped me find the streams.
  2. Awesome news! Now he can get back to doing "Milo things."
  3. The crew here at Camp Broodie say "feel better soon, Milo." At least with those teeth out he can begin to heal and feel better. Poor guy has had enough of the vet for a while.
  4. If you just want something to entice them to eat, Evanger's has an Organic Chicken canned food that is nothing but chicken and a little bit of water. We have never had a dog refuse to eat it. It is our go-to food when their tummies are off or if we need to feed a bland diet for any reason. Due to the current chicken supply chain issues, it does go in and out of stock frequently, but always comes back within a week or so. Chewy and Amazon both carry it, You can also buy direct from Evanger's, but their shipping is much slower than Chewy or Amazon. https://www.chewy.com/evangers-organics-cooked-chicken/dp/44942 I usually stir just a spoonful or two into Mark's kibble to spread it through the bowl and he gobbles down everything. Good luck.
  5. We also mix the ProPlan Chicken and Rice and ProPlan Salmon. The dogs like the combo better than just one food alone. I noticed a strong smell in the last bag of chicken that I opened, but nothing that smelled bad. It was more like the smell of the kibble was strong. I attributed it to the summer heat and food being transported in hot trailers etc. Be sure to check the best by dates on your bags when you get them. Mark (9 year old male) has gotten a little pickier in the past few months, but a spoonful of canned food mixed through his kibble seems to entice him to clean the bowl.
  6. I absolutely love these two. I am really glad they found you.
  7. Looking good, Buddy. Lambie is a favorite in this house too. Mark said to tell you that Lamb Chop makes a great pillow too.
  8. Petunia was missing teeth in just the right place so that the water shot out the sides of her mouth.
  9. Rocket was fascinated with trucks. I don't know why, but we would stand along the main road and he would watch trucks go by for as long as I would let him. Sounds like Apollo is doing great!
  10. Yeah, but she's cute. That will get her anyhting she wants here.
  11. I'm so sorry. I always loved the pictures of Peggy's walks. I know she will be missed here. Run-free, Peggy.
  12. Ohio State Article linked below. Also - if you aren;t finding answers, it may be worth having a consult with Dr, Cuoto who wrtoe the article. He is in private practice now and will do a consult online as well as consult with your vet if needed. There is a charge but for things like this, it can be well worth it. https://www.coutovetconsultants.com/ https://vet.osu.edu/vmc/sites/default/files/import/files/greyhound_pdfs/WhyGreyhoundsBleed.pdf Please keep us updated.
  13. OMG. THUD! She is adorable! Welcome home Willa! This made my whole day. Doolin banjos...
  14. We love the chattering hounds here. Doolin, you need to post lots more videos like this. Our girl Allie had super loud chatters like that. We also referred to them as castanets. Mark is also a chatterer and poor Lavida only has one tooth on the side where she chatters, so that tooth is hitting nothing to make noise.
  15. She'd like to be. She's highly food motivated, so she is learning to go into a wait while Mark eats. He always left a few pieces of kibble for his sister Diva and still leaves them in the bowl even though she is at the bridge. Usually LaVida will clean them up, but Stella has figured out that he does that and waits to pounce when he walks away.
  16. This...To this day I don't know if I removed a skin tag, a mole or a nipple from Rocket with a Tick Key. He didn't even flinch. Poor boy.
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