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Everything posted by Time4ANap

  1. I've been shopping at ALDI for at least 20 years and there are only a few things that I don't like and buy elsewhere - their ketchup being one of those items - never liked it from the start, and even trying various versions that they produced over the years - I guess I just prefer Heinz. Our local grocery stores here are not large chains, but more medium sized chains (Schnuck's, County Market, IGA). They are outrageously expensive. I can fill a cart for $100 at ALDI and have most of what I need on my list. That same order at one of the local stores is usually close to $300. For the price difference, I can bag my own and look at a non-fancy label..... For the person who asked, ALDI here does have the seasonal goods like gardening, toys etc
  2. So sorry to see the test results. We all think of Spud as one of our own hounds. If you're up to it, please post his Elf Photo for those who haven't seen it, and for those of us who love the way he has has always made us laugh with his pictures. Spoil him rotten, and then spoil him a little more. Spoil Miss Sadie too, just because you can.
  3. If you haven't done so, check the ingredients on your kibble and keep an eye on the ingredient list each time you buy. On the off chance that the manufacturer changed the formula, they have a fairly long time period before it has to show up on the bag. Also Red Flags should go up if all of the sudden the packaging says "New Improved Formula." They may have changed something that he is reacting to. Not saying they did, but you really have to watch for formula changes on every brand. It's a total PITA to have to watch every bag like that, but I've had it happen with 3 different foods over the last few years. Good luck!
  4. For Michigan State - all of the forms, instructions and fee info is here. I bookmarked it a long time ago just in case.......
  5. Happy Birthday LadyBug and Zeke-aroni. You are missed. From Rocket, who shares the same B-Day.
  6. Sending good thoughts to Spud. Please keep us updated. We miss seeing Spud and Sadie updates.
  7. Green beans, mac & cheese, Parmesan from the green can (aka Shaky Cheese in honor of Bill), a sardine or two.....
  8. Bland diet will help. I have just finished having Rocket on 3 days of a bland diet using Evanger's Organic Canned Chicken. I did cook some sticky rice and added to it. His stomach recovered much faster than when I cook the bland diet myself. Don't know if it was a fluke or not, but the food was so finely ground that I think it was easier to digest than boiled beef or chicken breast that we've cooked in the past. I'm keeping a couple cans on hand now just for tummy issues. It seemed to be much better quality and was much cheaper than using the prescription canned food that we had to use the last time. If it persists, you might want to consider a round of Flagyl to help the stomach heal also.
  9. Cottage cheese, scrambled eggs, green beans. Just know that you will be expected to serve eggs to the hounds anytime you go near the stove if you start that. They LOVE their eggs!
  10. Haven't heard of this but found info that it's usually found in feed and water that is contaminated with the eggs. Does he drink from puddles or a pond? Could also be that the last treatment just didn't get them. Merck Vet Manual
  11. Robin was one of my GT favorites. I'm so sorry that he left so soon. Thank you for giving him a chance when others couldn't. Run pain free Robin.
  12. We have boarded Rocket for as much as 3 weeks. I don't dare ask him if he'd rather come home or stay at the place with all of the other hounds and fenced football field to run on. I know what his answer would be, and it would be lonely here without him. He is always glad to see us show back up, but he just about pulls our arms off with the leash trying to get inside the building when we drop him off. He loves being boarded and all of the extra playtime he gets. You will miss your hound much more than he will miss you, but he will be happy to see you when you get back.
  13. I'm very sorry that Valentino had to leave. Run free sweet boy.
  14. I'm so sorry for your loss of Elsie. It seems like it was just last week that we were getting updates on the hauler's location as we all followed her cross country trek to you. We all knew that this girl was special when we saw the first picture of her you posted. Run pain free sweet Elsie.
  15. We just got back from the vet, again. The swelling is moving around; less on her lips, more around her eyes. The vet doesn't think she's infected, just reacting badly to the force of the bite and the cat's saliva. She got another Benedryl shot this morning, and a shot of steroids. If we end up back at the vet, I'll ask about Augmentin, for sure. Can't hurt, might help, right? All her other wounds are looking good. It's just her face that's crazy-looking. And still, she's acting fine. Out-of-her-head-crazy, as always! So, is this an allergic reaction to the saliva or is there some other explanation? Glad to hear that she's acting normal. The vet thinks it's a reaction to the saliva and the trauma of the bite. I like that idea much better than a massive infection, but we'll have to see how she does. The swelling in her lips has gone waaaaaaay down since last night. They were about as wide as one of my fingers at the bottom then, but her mouth is closing normally now. I don't like that the area around her eyes is getting puffy. i knew I should have stolen her in Dewey......
  16. Time4ANap


    I'm so sorry for the loss of your sweet boy. Run free Jack.
  17. We just got back from the vet, again. The swelling is moving around; less on her lips, more around her eyes. The vet doesn't think she's infected, just reacting badly to the force of the bite and the cat's saliva. She got another Benedryl shot this morning, and a shot of steroids. If we end up back at the vet, I'll ask about Augmentin, for sure. Can't hurt, might help, right? All her other wounds are looking good. It's just her face that's crazy-looking. And still, she's acting fine. Out-of-her-head-crazy, as always! So, is this an allergic reaction to the saliva or is there some other explanation? Glad to hear that she's acting normal.
  18. Poor little girl! Are you sure that she didn't pickup that nose at the joke shop in Rehoboth? She might be playing you.... .
  19. Feel better soon Ellie!!!! I think there's a Rx for extra cookies! (when she can chew them)
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