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Everything posted by Time4ANap

  1. That was a perfect tribute. The picture with the mirror says everything about her personality. Thank you for sharing this, Jan.
  2. I had to use the liquid once and Rocket is not one to be pilled or have something squirted down his throat. I used 2 of his biggest vices to get him to take the liquid. Bread and cheese. I bought a package of Kings Hawaiian Rolls, and a can of squirt cheese (from the crackers and cookie area of the store) to make him a cheese sandwich. I used a syringe to inject the roll with the dose of liquid Panacur. He came to me for over a week after he no longer needed it wanting his cheese sandwich.
  3. Those Gable Dodge Kids are something else. I'm so glad you both had those last days together and am so sorry for your devastating loss. That was a beautiful tribute to your wonderful boy. Run-free, Minny.
  4. Sounds like a good reason to have ice cream. At least that's what Rocket said.
  5. Sending good thoughts for Franny's vet visit.
  6. She's a collector. Very common behavior. It's never too early to train. Greyhounds thrive on structure and routine, so the earlier you start teaching a routine (like going out for a potty break after each meal), the easier her transition to home life will be.
  7. I'm so sorry. Run free, Pogo.
  8. I used to have to lift Rocket's back end into the car. Then I bought some dried liver treats. I let him smell the treat, threw it in the back seat, and he has gotten in by himself ever since.
  9. Jan, I am so sorry for the loss of your gorgeous girl so soon after losing Ben. They were both so loved and I always loved following their travels and adventures with you. Run free, Brooke.
  10. Welcome. Be careful using the term "sleep aggression" unless that's what it really is. Could it just be sleep startle? The reason I say to be careful is that you don't want that word "aggression" to come up as part of his history if you would have a bite or other incident happen in the future. We have a dog with sleep startle who has bitten twice, both times when he was startled out of sleep by humans - me included. The other time it happened we ended up having to do a home quarantine for 2 weeks because the person needed medical treatment for the bite. Fortunately, the AC Warden who came out understood what had happened as he stood there leaning into her, getting pets.
  11. I'm so sorry for your loss. Run free, Frida. You left us much too soon.
  12. Good to hear that it has been working well for an extended time. One of Rocket's issues lways seems to be that a new food will be good for a while, then we start having issues. Hopefully our success will continue. Thanks!
  13. Sorry for the delay in responding to this. I just remembered to check this thread. Rocket is doing great on the Premium Edge Senior. I'm noticing several changes: 1. His fur is bunny soft and even more so for a few hours after he eats. 2. He is not constantly asking for food. He will never turn down a treat or food, but previously he was always telling me that he was hungry by smacking his lips. He has completely stopped doing that. (He is pretty good at communicating and I'm pretty good at understanding. We pretty much have spent 24 hours a day together for over 7 years) 3. Any itching that he was doing has stopped. I think he really needed the change of protein source. We went from a chicken based food tht he ate for years with good results until recently, to the Premium Edge Senior which is lamb-based. There's a pretty good chance that the TSC food is the same food or similar since both are made by Diamond. We have a TSC about 10 miles from here, but for now I'm still ordering medium sized bags of Premium Edge from Amazon Prime instead of buying the large bag. I figured that if I buy a huge bag, he will stop eating it or we'll discover some reason that he can't eat it. BTDT too many times. Thanks for the reply.
  14. With greyhounds, after a while you won't have any grass to worry about. Seriously though, I think it might be better to try and do some training to get them to go in one general area all the time and restrict the yellowing to just that area. The use of a traffic cone or two to give them a target or area to mark might help. Many of the turnout areas on the farms and tracks use traffic cones as a pee target. You can pick them up at any home center or hardware store. Taller is better when it comes to making a target. We had one in Rocket's turnout area at the previous house, and we brought it with us to AZ. As soon as we put it in the far end of the yard, that's where he goes about 99% of the time.
  15. Sounds more like he had to pee. We trained Rocket from the beginning that after he eats, it's time to go outside. That's been the routine here since day 1, and makes it easy to get them to go out. He goes out after each meal without fail. If he didn't, there are days where he would hold it for 18 hours.
  16. Summit!!! You look fabulous buddy! Glad to see that you were able to get back to some leg lifting and checking pee mail. Did Rocket design your man cave? Your floor looks a lot like our living room.
  17. Rocket had a pea-sized bump on his right side near the hip. We asked the vet to remove it when they were also removing a cyst on his eyelid. The bump on his hip ended up being a benign cyst, but what had appeared as a pea-sized bump ended up being about 4 inches round and very deep once they shaved the fur. He had it removed, the fur grew back and there have been no further issues related to it. Hope Dino's is nothing more than a benign cyst or bump.
  18. I'm sorry to see this. Wishing Benny a peaceful crossing.
  19. Our vets have had no issue writing an Rx or giving us a 30 day supply of meds when concerned about a specific type of pain. Rather than using an OTC med, I would have your vet prescribe a supply of the appropriate drug for the type of pain you are targeting.
  20. Skunk. Or some other critter that he can smell or hear. Most likely something digging up near or against the house. He's hearing or smelling it, or both even though you can't.
  21. I'm so sorry that your handsome boy had to leave. Run pain-free, Vinnie.
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