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Posts posted by greydad92

  1. I am not a greyhound owner yet, but hopefully I will be soon. My last dog Echo (Rhodesian / Shepherd mix) died in front of me eight months ago of an embolism. I am still crying over my soulmate, my best of best friends, by brother & my son. My prayers go out to Ember. I play in a Grateful Dead tribute band in Boston, MA called Playin' Dead www.playingdead.net. I am one of two drummers in the band. I will request that we play "Black Muddy River" in honor of Ember. I'm sure Ember is with my Echo at the Rainbow Bridge playing with all the other animals.





  2. I'm a single guy and live alone in my own house in a nice quiet suburban town. I had a rhodesian ridgeback / shepherd mix as my previous dog (Echo). He was my best friend, by brother, my son and my soulmate. He died three months ago and now I'm out looking for a new dog. I work 30 - 45 minutes away from home and work 8 hour/day. Echo did great being home 10 hours per day by himself. He had a couple picture frame windows to look out of (doggie TV) and I think he slept a lot of the time as well. He never peed in my house and only pooped in the basement when he had diarrhea which only happened a few times the entire time I owned him (6 years). When I got home from work, Echo was fine. He was happy and wasn't dieing to get out the door to expolde. I spent all my other time with Echo and made the best of it. We went for lots of walks and had a lot of happy memories together. FYI, my vet said Echo died of most likely a brain embolism because he died very quickly. We were playing Frisbee and he just laid down and died. It was very tragic for me because he died right in front of me. He was eight years and three months old.


    I would like to adopt a Greyhound as my next dog, but am not 100% yet. Every Greyhound I've met has been great and I haven't heard any bad stories about them. They are very mild tempered, soft, friendly and overall great dogs from what I can see. When I first get a Greyhound I plan on crating it for short periods of time (slowly building up the time) and spending several days at home with it so it gets used to my home. When I go back to work I plan on crating it for four hours at a time and eventually weaning him off the crate.


    Does anyone see a problem with eventually leaving my new dog at home alone for ten hours per day if I plan on spending quality time with him when I'm with him? I guess it all depends on the dog and his bladder size. I just wanted to get an opinion for the Greayhound community out there.


    Thanks for listening.




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