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Everything posted by crazygang

  1. crazygang

    Kiowa Braden

    Thank you so much to all involved trying to help Braden....poor little guy....rest easy sweetheart
  2. Deeply sorry for your loss......such a shame you didn't have longer with her
  3. crazygang


    Deeply moving tribute to your boy....so very sorry
  4. Sending scritches for Merlin and {{Hugs}} for the both of you for all the worry....
  5. Saw Sams name Hope your vet gets to the bottom of it soon save him being uncomfortable anymore. Someone here said possibly it's a kidney stone. That sounds really feasible to me.... Sending well wishes for your special boy.
  6. crazygang


    Deeply sorry for your loss.... Run free Mick
  7. OMG!!!! So very sorry. Deepest Sympathy Jeff and Trudy...our thoughts are with you
  8. Pretty little girl....congrats - wishing you happiness after such sadness...
  9. crazygang


    I remember your post so clearly Tom and was heartbroken for you.......so tragic poor Jed
  10. Beautiful tribute to your special boy... So deeply sorry for your loss. Run free Shane
  11. crazygang

    Connor Sloan

    That's so sad Tom... Run free Connor
  12. AWESOME TRIBUTE....love and compassion shine through in your words. Peace be with you.
  13. crazygang


    Oh please don't hold onto guilt Sue. I have, and if I let myself sometimes do still......even seven years on... We don't have to stop loving and cherishing the good memories just need to let go of the bad ones.
  14. Aaaww poor Sid....no advice just wanted to say I hope you get it sorted for him.
  15. Grieve as long as you need to I still can't bring myself to wash the fleece coat of my Angel 'Tess' seven years on, it has her fur all over it. I've kept it in a memory box with a couple of her fave toys and a poem I wrote
  16. crazygang


    Deepest Sympathy for the tragic loss of your precious Jaya...so very sorry
  17. crazygang

    Luna (Menthos)

    Deeply sorry for your loss she was beautiful.... Run pain free Luna
  18. {{{{HUGS}}}} our precious pets are never forgotten.....always in our hearts...
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