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Everything posted by September

  1. So sorry...Cookie, Mac, and I send our condolences.
  2. I'm 26, and just adopted a couple months for the first time(Cookie Dough). I adopted my dachshund from the shelter last October.
  3. That's the main reason I use Frontline over Advantage.
  4. Good luck with your new girl!! She is beautiful!!
  5. So sorry about Bodie, but I'm glad he brought so many great times to your life.
  6. Thank you for sharing the pictures and stories- they all look so beautiful!! You and your family sound like very kind and courageous people (but I think all GT ppl are heh ). Welcome to GT!! I have a dachshund and greyhound (I'm a new greyhound owner).
  7. Wasn't sure what forum to put this into, but this really could become a serious medical issue...found it posted on another forum. I know I have a ton of toys for my dog, and I'm going to have to check them now to make sure this ball isn't one of them...very sad story... http://www.thechaistory.blogspot.com/ I cut and pasted the article for those who don't like to go to unknown links, but the link also has some graphic pictures and a you tube video even of the amount of pain Chai was in after the injury. On Sunday, June 22, 2008 my 10-year old lab mix, Chai, sustained a severe injury from a product that the company Four Paws Inc, produces. The toy I'm referencing is the pimple ball with bell. (Item #20227-001, UPC Code 0 4566320227 9) While chewing on the toy, a vacuum was created and it effectively sucked his tongue into the hole in the ball. From speaking with my vet, this likely occurred because there is not a second hole in the ball preventing the vacuum effect from happening. I became aware of this when Chai approached a friend at my home whimpering with the ball in his mouth. She tried unsuccessfully to remove the ball but the tongue had swollen and could not be released. Chai was taken to the Animal Medical Center (an emergency care facility in New York City) and was treated by Dr. Nicole Spurlock to have the ball removed. Because the size of the opening on the ball was so small, all circulation to his tongue was cut off. The doctors had to sedate him in order to remove it. Once the ball was removed, his tongue swelled to the point that he could no longer put it in his mouth. Chai was sent home with care instructions and to be observed overnight for any changes. By the following morning Chai’s tongue had swollen even more. He was taken to his regular vet, Dr. Timnah Lee, for treatment. He was admitted and kept sedated for a period of three days during which time they were treating his wounds and waiting to determine how much of his tongue could be saved. On June 26, 2008 Chai had his tongue amputated. He was kept in after-care for an additional three days. On Sunday June 29th I brought Chai home from the vet with a barrage of home care instructions, to last for an additional 7 days. His next visit was to have his mouth re-examined and have the feeding tube in his neck removed. On the way home from the vet we stopped at Petland Discount where I purchased their product to speak to the manager on duty. Upon meeting Chai and seeing his condition, he removed all of the balls in question from the shelves. He also gave me the customer service number to their corporate headquarters to request that they refuse to continue purchasing all Four Paws products, but I have not called them as of yet. Additionally, I shared my story with friends who have a French Bulldog named Petunia. Upon hearing my story their eyes widened. They explained that the same thing happened twice in one night with a smaller version of the same ball to their dog. Fortunately, they were able to pull it off before the tongue swelled, but not without tremendous effort and pain to the dog. They recalled how horrific it was to hear their dog screaming while they had to pry the ball from her tongue. To date, my veterinary bills total over $5000.00 and I will have regular follow up appointments for some time. Additionally, Chai now requires a much more expensive form of food because of this injury, averaging approximately $200 per month. Also - I am Chai’s sole caretaker and the regime required to care for him following his surgery has forced me to lose a great deal of business. I am a hair stylist and my salon is in my home. Given that Chai needs constant attention, and given that he has been wailing in pain, I have not been able to see clients. Additionally, I now have to re-teach my dog to eat, drink and adjust to life without his tongue. Just walking him requires about 30min twice a day and we only make it three blocks. Feeding him takes me about 90 minutes twice a day and for at least this first week he is not to be unattended for more than 20 minutes at time. The following is a link to an animal treatment clinic that has also documented the same injury to a Shepard mix. www.logcabinanimalhospital.com/index.php/toy-ball-stuck-on-dogs-tongue/ I sent this information along with the reference to Petunia the french bulldog to Four Paws Inc, and it is their position that there just aren't enough instances to do anything about this. I told their Insurance company's case manager that was not a good enough excuse, It was inferred that my dogs value wasn't much and that his pain and suffering don't count as he is just a piece of property. This should never happen to another animal again! I'M CALLING FOR AN INTERNATIONAL BOYCOTT OF ALL FOUR PAWS PRODUCTS UNTIL THIS PRODUCT IS RECALLED. We need your help, please take the time to make your voice heard.
  8. Thank you LadyChester for your input...I guess i just wondered if there was an abundance of dogs versus applications. At least within keystone:) I'm glad you guys and gals really take the time out to make sure we are all the right fit. I do have a whole month and a half before my contract ends - I will wait as long as possible for the right match though. I'm glad though there's a lot of applicants though! Great news for the dogs!! :-)
  9. Yeah I'm definitely going to let Keystone do the matching, and Mac be my barometer. Whoever fits in our household will be the one:) I wondered how often the website was updated and how many adoptions they had in between that time. Are any adopters ever wait listed for no available dogs? Or are there more available than what is listed on the website?
  10. I keep wanting to make it to the meet n greets but this summer its been like, I either had drill or was down at my dad's or I'm here or I'm there. Mac and I keep pretty busy when I'm not working. I'm see they had a meet n greet scheduled for the 30th, so I would like to make it. I may be going to my dad's though (argh). Hopefully I will get to meet you all you wonderful ppl eventually!! And I would like to help out with the group also, I think that would be fun! Are all the dogs on the web they list adopted? (of course except the ones that say adopted, i realize) They are beautiful!! Duchess is pretty, very elegant looking.
  11. I actually have Hal and Janet's number I haven't seen Krista though in a long time, mainly prob. b/c we may not walk our dogs at the same time and I haven't really done much walking on the parkway since the spring. Now the weather is cooled down so its nice to walk. I also was away this summer at various times for military duty and such. Anyhoo, krista did seem very knowledgeable, and I hope i get to meet her again!! I sent my application and deposit in today. I don't think i missed filling anything out. I wrote a little letter also explaining my situation but my enthusiasm to adopt!! Sorry i probably coulda just pm'ed you all this but I still don't have access to do that on greyt talk yet. Well have a wonderful day everyone!!
  12. Ok, Thank you Dolfan!!! I am definitely going to be getting that application in this week then, with a note about my military duty situation!! Thank you!!! Thank you Everyone!!
  13. Btw, when someone talks about "chipping" what is that? I keep looking on the forums to find out but can't seem to at the moment...
  14. Thank you for all your replies once again. I don't want to let a greyhound down by not knowing everything i should know. Even when i got the guinea pigs, i did a lot of research. I know different common ailments, preventatives, and I even cut their nails (but im no good at cutting Mac's nails- i am so afraid to go any shorter b/c its harder to see the quick). I'm not an expert, and I probably could do some things better, but I try. And i learn along the way:) Puppies are soooo adorable..but not for me. I had to potty train Mac when I adopted him, and he was a year and a half. Actually it became more like training me...I just had to do a better job of getting him outside. I was used to my other family dogs letting me know when they had to go out. Not Mac...but he actually does tell me now when he wants to go out to pee (or to chase the froggies around the yard). Hey Dolfan, i joined the greyhounds make great pets forum and i want to get into the keystone forum but can't? Is there a way i can? Also, since you seem to know quite a bit about keystone, do you think if i submitted an application considering my circumstances with the military, would they honor the application and wait to adopt? I hate to ask that, but I would like get the ball rolling- home checks and all. I have until September 29th. Thanks again!!
  15. Well since you asked, i guess ill have to post some pics now...this first is my favorite, it was a total accident..i was messing with my camera phone and: And here's another cute one: And this is my dad's dog, ebby, my dad's friend's dog, coco, and of course mac...this is a cute picture also:):
  16. Sorry forgot to reply to greyhoundpoet...Keystone greyhounds has pictures of their hounds and such on their page as you probably know, but they say don't get attached to one particular picture b/c they like to make the right placements. That's fine with me, as I think Mac (dachshund) will be a very good barometer of who will fit in the best (of course). That's my priority, making him happy. If he's happy, I'm happy. I had wondered during my research if adopting another dog was what Mac wanted as well as myself, b/c i thought it would take away from Mac, but I had the chance to have him around a group of dogs, and really see him interact besides the occasional butt sniff (those silly dogs), and he really thrived. Maybe its the pack mentality? Dogs and animals in general, each and every one are so unique. Just thinking about all of their intricacies and what they are all about. It was funny, the other day, my dad's old lab Ebby, was laying on the dock, her head in between her paws- her head hung over the dock and she just sat there staring at the water. She does like to watch for fish, but she was so peaceful...it was almost like she could stay there all night and just stare at the water. Like daydreaming.
  17. Hello...so many responses...so great to meet everyone. Dolfan..yes i met Krista there a couple times, but haven't seen her too much since then. She has a beautiful brindle guy that is a prince. But yea, she was the one who really opened up that avenue for me. I really needed to meet the breed in person to understand how wonderful they are. I work second so its kinda hard to get on the parkway before it gets too dark. I want to start going out again though now that the weather has cooled down, I want to enjoy this great seasonable weather before winter gets here!! She told me where she runs her greyhound, which i never would have thought of!! The local ballpark (until i joined this panel however). She walks him around i guess, makes sure all the gates are locked, then lets him go. I saw Keystone Gin on their page...i thought it said upcoming greyhounds for adoption?? I didn't realize they were already destined for homes... Well, thats all for now, I'm getting sleepy...thanks to everyone again!
  18. I actually drill in Bloomsburg, TammyStroops, which I believe is located in Columbia Cty. Its a small hike from where I'm at, but thankfully I have a month left. Lots of Pa people on here!! Nice to meet everyone!! Greyhoundspoet, I did email another rescue in Pa, and looked at another's website but they had a radius to who they adopted out to, (I believe it was 50-100 miles and I think exceeded it or was close to it), so I had ruled that out. I didn't really know about the existence of keystone until I talked to a local girl who had adopted from them, and I googled it. The other 2 I had found through the other forum I'm a member of. It was very convenient to find a rescue that close by, or at least the satellite location was nearby!! Well, thanks again for the all input everyone!!
  19. Sometimes I can't always get out what i want to say right i guess. I try but i guess i mangled it. Sorry! Here it goes, and maybe this time I can get it right. I have been researching and contacting people and even met a greyhound. Its something that really actually interested me since last year, but I wasn't ready yet. As far as my dad's ex, i bet we could probably be talking about the same person, Greythoundpoet, but i didn't know her that well and I knew her for a short time. She claimed to work with rescues and humane societies, and the like but honestly, she also claimed she was French royalty (the relationship didn't last long from there)...I'm not going to decode what her motives were, but I'm sure one of them was crazy. Its a non factor, shouldn't have even mentioned it. I was trying tell the story of my journey to this place in my life, that's all. I would be disappointed in myself though, if i just jumped into something without taking into consideration every piece of information i learned daily about the greyhound, true or not- and then find out for myself if its wrong or right. As far as issues, i think she was the one with those. As far as saying greyhounds are aloof...i've had other people, say their aloof and others say their not. I am also part of another animal forum (and i won't mention the name b/c i don't want to be breaking any rules). I started a topic about adoption so I could get some more viewpoints on adoption, and this is before I knew about this forum. Someone from this forum adopted a greyhound and it didn't turn out the way they wanted it to and then someone else kinda picked apart everything about the experience they might have not realized. I guess what i mean is, if they are aloof, that's fine, if not, that's fine too. But i do understand...every dog has a different personality. Sorry for making a generalization. Greyhounds do need homes. Great homes. Better than simply needing a home, you are right. I am willing to offer a great home, where they will be loved and be a part of the family. No regrets. Once I do this, this is forever. I am fully aware of this. I'm glad everyone is a true ambassador of the breed on here, and thanks once again. I hope I clarified what I am doing here. I am going to try to be a little more clear in the future, but its hard when you're so darn excited
  20. Hello! Thanks for all the welcomes and insight!! I am super excited about this whole process and kinda-somewhat nervous but I can't wait to give a greyhound a home. I like to travel when I can, and I take Mac with me. Right now I have been going to Harvey's Lake on weekends to my dad's- he has a pontoon boat we go on and he has a black lab as well. She was out last family dog before my parent's divorce. Yes Judi, I am near the Sayre chapter- in fact they will be doing the home check, i believe. I send the application into Harrisburg and they check it over. I know i was reading somewhere that putting a vet as a reference was a good idea, but to be honest, i don't know anyone really personally to get that kind of reference. Mac goes to a clinic that has more than one DVM and he has seen different ones every time. I would think it would be a vet that know me personally, like where I live. I put my 2 best friends on there, they have seen the inside of my house and have known me for ages. They've seen my housekeeping, they've been around Mac, and they know my personality. I do have a veterinarian, and i prob could get the vet that last seen Mac to give me a reference, but we're simply acquaintances not buddies. The only thing that may hurt me though, (and honestly i hadn't really thought about it too much until tonight- although i did list it on my application) is the fact that I have 2 guinea pigs I have had for 4 years and I couldn't possibly give up. I know they are prey driven, but the GP's stay in another part of my home (i have a 3 floor townhouse- finished basement + unfinished basement -living room-and upstairs. The living room and basement are separated by a door and the unfinished part (it only has remnant carpeting but is insulated and prob just needs dry wall but it has the sump pump hole and has a child proofed (and sometimes me proof also haha) door knob b/c of the presence of the sump pump hole)..it also has my washer dryer and closet space, shelving etc. The guinea pigs stay in there, as i have to keep them away from Mac also, who can be a little monster at times (but a cute little monster). I am hoping though, seeing the precautions i already have in place b/c of Mac, they will know that I am serious about adoption. Another little blip might have also popped into my plans as tonight after i posted in this forum (my first post), I called a girl who is in my Army Reserve unit. I'm on my last month and a half, and will be getting out September 29th. The UA (unit admin) said he is sending my ETS packet to get done, and everything seemed to be falling into place. There was a unit deployment scheduled for this year but I declined b/c I am getting out, and they understood this and had put together a list which had a couple ppl who didn't volunteer and then a few who did from my unit. Now the whole list pretty much is coming from our unit and ppl who weren't supposed to be on it, are. I'm not on it, but its making me wonder, being so close to ETS, what might happen. Granted, I think the whole greyhound adoption approval process will prob. take awhile, I will now have to at least put a note in with my packet that explains my circumstances. I want to get it in, though, and have it with them so I can start the ball rolling. If something happens, I can at least be on the list and ready to go when i come back to adopt. I have been waiting all summer to do this, though just b/c of that, and just last week, my UA had said he was processing my paperwork to get out. I did consider adopting a greyhound last year when i first moved in my house, but I found Mac, and I was trying to get settled in. I had looked at different dogs in different shelters, trying to figure out who would make a great companion. I did email a rescue somewhere in pa at that time and asked about the application process. After meeting the greyhound at the parkway though, I think that really sealed the deal, plus researching all summer was a good idea and obviously i wanted to wait until i was being close to out to submit the paperwork. Well sorry this is so long, but i have so much to say!!! Also, for anyone out there- how long did your application to adoption process take and what did it involve for you? And also do you get to meet the dog before adopting? Thanks!!
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