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Everything posted by carronstar

  1. That was a truly moving tribute. I'm so glad that you all had Cherry to love for so long, and that she had you to love.
  2. No advice, just checking to see how your boy is doing today. Sending prayers and good thoughts that he heals quickly.
  3. I can only imagine how hard today was for you both to go back to work. Polli wanted you to know she'd be okay. Good going Polli!
  4. No ideas as to how to help but sending good thoughts and prayers for you and Ember.
  5. I am so very sorry. I am thrilled that you had so much time with Courtney. What you said "If there had not been a Courtney, there would not have been an adoption group, and a good many more houndies would have had a more difficult time finding their way to the couch." is so very true. I lost my first girl Scarlett almost 5 years ago, after 13.5 years together. Several greyhounds were adopted in NYC because of her. My walker met someone this weekend who had just adopted, and they knew about my Scarlett and my second girl Morgaine. Each of our hounds helps another one find a couch. That is their gift and blessing.
  6. quote] If you only knew what I went thru with this same vet, with Brooke. Big ego, little mind. Please listen to your mommy radar. I am happy to do online research and find you a better vet!!!!!! You and Hatter deserve the best. Not to be argued with. Not to be challenged.
  7. How is Fritz doing? Iced cream and whipped cream...those are both "milk" based! I'm sure he'd love to take that medicine.
  8. I have no suggestions, just prayers and good thoughts for you. I also deeply respect Mommy radar, trust your gut. I think it may be time for a second opinion with a vet who doesn't argue with you. My vet has been known to tell me that I need to wait a day or two before he checks for something (after losing my first girl to Osteo, every limp or twinge set me off) but when I want something checked, he checks. Please don't melt down.
  9. Sending prayers and good thoughts for both of you. It is so hard to wait.
  10. Checking back to see how everything went. Sending prayers and good thoughts.
  11. Sending lots of prayers and good thoughts for you both.
  12. Sending lots of prayers and good thoughts for Mable.
  13. Both Scarlett and Morgaine used to drip pools of nose wetness onto the hardwood floor whilst on their couch or in head off the couch roaches. Aquitaine has wet and somewhat drippy nose but she never roaches. Hmmmm... She does, however, bounce and jump and paw and play like a goony girl.
  14. Hoping that the news is good from the vet today and that Lego is soon back to normal.
  15. Yay for the good news. I will keep you and Murphy in my prayers.
  16. Sending prayers and good thoughts for your girl.
  17. Happy to hear that Asia is doing so well.
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