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Everything posted by duncan41

  1. I am so very sorry. She had a wonderful life with you. I pray that your memories will heal your heart.
  2. Just............not...............right. I am so sorry! Keeping you in my prayers.
  3. Pretty quickly.............................what was the TSH result and were there any antibodies?
  4. My 8 year old is in the same situation but with an entirely different cause. Best tests are ultrasound and cystocentesis for UA, culture and UPC, Lepto and PCR for tick borne disease. Those results should either give you the answers that you need. But before you do that, it would help tremendously if you could copy and paste the blood test results here (including the reference ranges), then others could be more specific with their advice.
  5. Glad to hear Jack is feeling somewhat better! It might be worth your while to get a copy of his last 3 blood tests, apply the OSU values and see if there appears to be a trend. Once the hooks are gone, wait a few weeks and repeat blood work. I hope that you find that the hooks were at the root of the problem. Hugs for Jack!
  6. duncan41


    I am so sorry. Ice and your Dad much have needed each other. Run like the wind, Ice.
  7. Oh, she was beautiful! I am so sorry for your loss! :grouphug
  8. I sympathize with the challenge of the sores. Having tried everything, the best combination I have found for my Suze is a muzzle with a stool cup to keep her from licking them and treating by washing gently every day and putting a few drops of calendula on them. Suze has other health issues which I am sure is interfering with the healing process, so hopefully Legs will heal quickly. But you're right - licking is a challenge!
  9. What a good girl! Wanna a sample??? Here ya go! Hope she feels better riteawayquik!
  10. I would be more inclined to use slippery elm and aloe first. Much less expensive.
  11. Ft4 by ED, TSH and antibody testing would give you a complete picture. Hindsight is always 20-20 - wish I known enough to insist on the antibody testing when we were trying to figure out what was wrong with Suze last year. Would have definitely answered the question of "hypothyroid or euthyroid sick syndrome" once we received the diagnosis of PLN.
  12. :yikes Panic? :yikes You? Me? You're darned right there was panic! It's ok now, so breathe..........deep cleansing breath innnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn and ooooouuuuuuuuuutttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt! Ahhh! Isn't that better?
  13. She is going to be ssssoooo happy to be home!!!! "Gas". That's a good word in comparison to the other possibilities.
  14. Whew! I can stop holding my breath! Wonderful update! Absolutely stupendous! :yay :yay Your household deserves a break for at LEAST 7 days!
  15. Mary, you know how I feel about Jaynie, so my first reaction is no, nope, uh-uh, no way, it just ain't gonna happen! I agree with others to step back and let the internal med specialist do the analysis. There just has to be some other explanation. :hope :candle :grouphug
  16. I have been lurking, feeling your pain as one of so many here on GT that have walked this path. With tears in my heart, I can only say how very sorry I am. Godspeed, Nube.
  17. Sending prayers for a quick and painless resolution. Aquitaine has been through enough! (...and so has her Mom!) :grouphug
  18. They all have lessons to teach us. Bella was one very special girl. Godspeed, beautiful girl!
  19. Hope, I am so sorry. August, was indeed a cruel month for you and DH. I pray that your memories of Butter will one day make your heart smile. She was a beautiful girl!
  20. I think of her often and the memory always makes me smile with a tear in my eyes. Special little girl. :beatheart
  21. It's just so hard! I am so sorry. All of GT will be mourning the loss of one of the most beautiful girls to grace our presence.
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