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Everything posted by duncan41

  1. I think most of us are in the same boat - no experience but sending monsterous prayers for you and Jack. We will be waiting for an update.
  2. Kristen, you and Ranger have been a ray of sunshine in H&M. I just love the way your descriptions of his personality are so realistic that the reader can visualize Ranger doing his thing without actually being there! He has wormed his way into so many hearts, that we all expect him to set all kinds of records! Can't wait to see those videos! Ranger, buddy, we wub yu vewy, vewy much!
  3. Would your vet like to vacation in Central Florida? Sending prayers for our fave Monty!
  4. Beau is going to eat. Beau is going to eat. Beau is going to eat. Come on, everybody! Altogether now: BEAU IS GOING TO EAT!!! So glad to read that he is eating. Yay, Pred! I have a love/hate relationship with pred, but right now, I L-O-V-E it! Come on, Beau! Keep eating for Mom. She needs a break and everyone knows that YOU do! We're still sending a bazillion prayers and healing, calming thoughts.
  5. Oh, for the want of a "Do-over"! Relax. Everything will be fine. No truer words have been spoken.
  6. Can Penn do a dx at the same time in order to compare results with Antech? I would be second guessing EVERYTHING at this point, too. Still sending millions of prayers and positive thoughts and keeping EVERYTHING crossed!
  7. Oh, yes. It's time to let your fingers do the walking through the yellow pages......................for a new vet. We have had 3 flanks ripped open and one neck slash, right next to the jugular - nice! The very first flank was ripped in an inverted "V". The e-vet didn't want to anesthetize, so she used staples. Bad move. The whole procedure ended up needing to be redone (with stitches this time) about 5 days later because the skin at the narrow end of the "V" didn't/couldn't/wouldn't heal. Ssssooo, my experience says, staples or stitches, it may matter, but get something done. Gaping holes are magnets for infection! As far as anesthetic is concerned, go to www.greythealth.com, print all the articles and take them with you to your vet or a new vet should you choose to go that route. I have been going to the same vet for almost 15 years and I still make a copy of the anesthetic protocol and take it with me every time!
  8. Sending prayers for Kayla. Don't stop fighting for her. Make sure she's hydrated. Listen to Batmom..........she's been there, done that.
  9. Pill pockets work wonders at our house! Of course, my girls just LOVE to take "pills"! Just shake any jar with pills and they come running! Hope things start looking up for poor Diamond! He sure has been through it, hasn't he? Sending healing prayers for Diamond and calming thoughts for Mom. It will be OK.
  10. Going through serious Mango withdrawal! Update - please! Any Takoda pics yet? And, yes of course the wound is healing in the shape of heart! Beautiful, beautiful Mango! You make my heart sing!
  11. Wonderful news about Jack! Hope the improvement continues! Just to help it along, we're sending prayers.
  12. Aaww! Cairo is a real handsome fella! Hope he's feeling better, soon! Sending powerful prayers!
  13. How is Alan doing today? Sending prayers.
  14. Here's the last bill for one of mine: Dental Special...............................$120.00 Pre-Anesthetic Testing....................$ 43.18 Placement-Intravenous Catheter.....$ 00.00 Pre-op Pain Management................$ 15.00 Anesthesia-included...................... $ 00.00 Pulse Ex Monitoring........................$ 00.00 Biomedical Waste Disposal..............$ 2.77 TOTAL $180.95 My Vet runs a "Dental Special" in February and August of each year - must be their "slow" time. After their dental and if they are done early enough to be awake, they get a bath, ears flushed and nails trimmed. Not too shabby!
  15. Aahh, yes. Life as it should be. Isn't that wonderful? Hugs for everyone!
  16. That's wonderful news! Sending healing prayers and hugs.
  17. We used to go to the local dog park every Saturday & Sunday until Suze developed a limp and was put on total rest. Fuzz & Suze are litter sisters and they had to be muzzled because Fuzz was always messin' with Suze while they were running and when Suze completed the usual 2 laps around the perimeter - look out! We always took them at sunrise and had the same two Labs as company - that's it - which was fine because our girls just weren't "into" other dogs. The muzzles didn't stop injuries, either. One of the Labs ran between the girls just as they stopped running and evidently one of his canines caught Fuzz in the flank and she ended up with 8 stitches. Now that Anna has joined the group, I would love to take them somewhere to run, but not in the company of other dogs. Even when they run in our small yard, Anna runs with pure joy!
  18. How is Lee this AM? Did you both get a good night's sleep? Sending prayers for a return to normalcy.
  19. Oh my. Don't you just hate when that happens? We are 9 months into trying to figure out what is causing Suze to limp in the right rear leg/foot, but everyone was put on Fresh Factors, Longevity and Joint Health about a month ago and the frequency/severity of the limp has decreased significantly. Actually I hadn't thought much about the improvement until I started typing this, but now I am quite impressed! The limp was so bad that she was only using three legs even in the house and now the only time she is limping is when we walk on rough blacktop pavement. Take it for what it's worth - it's just my experience. Time will tell. Poor Ned! I'm sure this recurrence is going to cramp his style significantly, but it's all for the best. Sending prayers for healing.
  20. Checking back .............any news? Prayers for Adam.
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