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Everything posted by duncan41

  1. So glad Buddy was able to relax and heal. Hope it continues through this week. Let us know how he's doing tomorrow, ok? Hugs and kisses.
  2. Sweet Sadie, we're holding you close to our hearts and hope that you're feeling better soon!
  3. It's my Mom's 87th BD, too! Those xrays are gonna be crystal clear!
  4. My daughter, who is the world's biggest "I-can't-do-it!-No!-No!-NO!" kid, did it for her cat for about a month. You'll do just fine! Hugs and kisses for all of you!
  5. It's going to be a very, very s-l-o-w process. Sending more prayers and healing light.
  6. Oh what a beautiful girl! She obviously doesn't feel good if she doesn't want to let you out of her sight! Sending prayers and powerful healing light. Hope she feels more like her old self tomorrow.
  7. Hugs, kisses and prayers for a smooth recovery. Poor Plummer!
  8. I would do the best you can to limit Peanut's activity - hope DH heals quickly! "What to do next" is always a dilemma, one that we have been dealing with for almost a year. Suze has been examined by our Vet and limited activity for a month, (I'm sure she was doing doughnuts in the livingroom when we weren't home!), but when a sore neck appeared one morning out of the blue, we opted for xrays from nose to tail. All negative. More rest, the sore neck resolved on its own but the limp was no better, no worse, just very consistent. The following statements are not an endorsement, just MHO. I read a blurb on GT about Springtime products; Fresh Factors, Joint Health, etc. and their positive effects on limping so I did a little investigating on my own. While I'm a skeptic by nature, I pride myself in keeping an open mind to new things. So I thought, what the heck? What's the worse thing that can happen? What with holding down a full time job, my elderly parents living with us, 3 dogs, 3 cats and one saintly DH, I don't have an extra minute to sit around waiting for, expecting to see or looking for any little change. Last weekend, after approximately 6 weeks on the new vitamins, it dawned on me that the limp has disappeared. I'm not ready to declare a miracle or petition for sainthood, but I am impressed. But, in the back of my mind, I'm still scared poopless. Suze is going to be 5 on 4/1. Bottom line is - do what your heart/gut tells you.
  9. Any dialogue about a nutritionist? Any dialogue at all? Praying for you and Beau.
  10. Sending healing light for Buddy and prayers for a simple dx.
  11. Will be waiting to hear the results of your consult. Keeping everything crossed and still sending prayers and healing thoughts. In the meantime, Beau, please keep eating!
  12. There are all sorts of recommendations in other threads; CET chews, additives for drinking water, raw turkey necks and chicken backs, etc. If you do a "Search" on the site, you will find all sorts of advice. But to start at the beginning, were antibiotics prescribed after his dental? Did you tell your Vet about his breath? The Vet Techs at my Vets office give me a report after each dental - condition of teeth, gums, tartar, etc. Then we discuss any problematic issues and decide on the best treatment. Two of mine have ok breath and the third has a mouth that smells like a sewer. Every dog is different, although raw feeders report that teeth, gums and breath are vastly improved.
  13. Andrea, how is your girl doing today? Have you seen any changes?
  14. How is the marvelous Mr. Monty doing this afternoon? Did he eat his chix and pasta?
  15. Oh, no! Still no answers??? Ugh! Can you spell f-r-u-s-t-r-a-t-i-n-g? Eat, sweetheart, eat! Nom nom nom, nosh, nosh, nosh, chomp, chomp, chomp, slurp, slurp, slurp, lap, lap, lap. You can do it! Still praying for Cairo! Sending hugs to you, too!
  16. From the look on his face in the photo, you must have cleaned up the language in the caption, because that's not what I think he's saying!!!
  17. It doesn't matter what the reason for a visit to the Vet - he's your dog and you know him best. If he's "not right", it's time to find out why. Please update after his appointment tomorrow. In the meantime, sending prayers. Don't know if hiccups mean anything. Have one who gets them once in a great while and she's the only one who takes her time eating, so it's not from gulping air while inhaling food! They last anywhere from a few minutes to an hour or so. No ill effects.
  18. Have you looked into consulting a canine nutritionist? Maybe the specialist can recommend someone and they can work together. Still sending buckets of prayers and healing thoughts for Beau!
  19. duncan41

    She's Home

    Welcome home, sweetheart. Tom, your tribute leaves me wanting for the right words.
  20. Oh, that photo of Willie is just too manly! Love the ears! And that scar looks unbelievable! He's a handsome devil, that Willie! I hope Friday's chemo will be like the first one - no big deal! Pretty soon he will be waking you up in the middle of the night with a carry-out order! Hugs, kisses and extra scritchies for Willie!
  21. The consult is a wonderful idea - and you're not "cheating" on your Vet. On the contrary, most Vets welcome another opinion/idea. A specialist can make all the difference in the world, and so what if she tells you the same thing you have been hearing? At least you will know that you are doing everything humanely possible. That may not be what you want to hear, but it's better than the alternative. The link to the article about Vitamin B12 is very interesting. Has Beau's level been checked? I wonder if a Greyhound's level could/should be any different. Does anyone out there know? We will be praying for you and Beau and waiting for your update after the appointment with the specialist. And yes, he is thin, but he wants to know that you think he's wonderful no matter what he looks like! He needs to know that all is right in his world and you are his world.
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