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Everything posted by duncan41

  1. I would watch the lump for changes and check for others (like in the armpits). Praying for Argos!
  2. Your description of the membrane is identical to the first symptom my cat exhibited with a corneal ulcer. I would have it checked immediately. Hope I'm wrong. Prayers going out for Cody.
  3. It's getting close to the magic hour! Can't wait to hear how Rainey is this morning! (We're still humming that catchy tune!)
  4. IMHO: The Specialist will consider what you ask him to, so; 1. Make a list of issues for which you need answers from "The Specialist". (symptoms, connected symptoms, treatment options, cost, non-standard treatments) 2. Print the article about LS and take it with you. 3. Create a timeline of symptoms, treatment, results....................and don't stop asking questions until you receive an answer. (You have a good start in Post# 33) Note to self: not all answers are what you want to hear. Meds: Inconsistent medicating may be clouding the issue. As tough as it may be, it would be best to get those meds in him no matter the technique you have to use, or change the time so DH can do it since he has the magic touch. Cost: The LS diagnosis technique in the article requires no expensive testing. Have you tried Metamucil for the diarrhea? (I know, it's another pill.) What kind of specialist is The Specialist? Not sure IM will be the best to diagnosis LS and an ortho specialist might not want to touch the diarrhea. Sorry this is so long, but you have some very valid concerns. Sending prayers and hugs for you and Buddy.
  5. Such good news about Miss Mango! I've been wondering how she is doing. Takoda is a real character! Whipped cream???!!! Good thing mine are asleep or they would be bugging me to give them some, too! I can see it now - 3 black beauties running around with whipped cream all over their beautiful black faces! Too funny! So glad you were able to come to an agreement with your Vet. Will be interested to hear what the oncologist has to say. Sending prayers for Miss Mango and her Mom's continuing clarity.
  6. Hum to "(Can't Get No) Satisfaction" by The Rolling Stones She can't have no - complications. She won't have no- complications. So we pray, and we pray, and we pray, AND WE Pray! She can't have no No complications! She can't have no - complications! Come on Rainey! We're all out here praying for a speedy recovery. We know you (and Mom and Dad) have been through the wringer lately, but enough already!
  7. Happy Gotcha Day to You! Happy Gotcha Day to You! Happy Gotcha Day to Bonnie! Happy Gotcha Day to You! Oh, sweetie! So sorry you're having to go through this! I sure hope that horrible knot on your neck is an infection! Very unusual for Dr. Couto and/or staff not to have answered by now. Maybe another email would be in order? Sending powerful prayers and healing light to the Beautiful Miss Bonnie!
  8. I am so sorry that you're having to deal with all of this! Perhaps the weight loss and other digestive related symptoms are connected to the meds as suggested earlier. Which, of the two issues, is more about qualitiy of life? If you proceed with the surgery, more meds will most likely be prescribed. Can you have a discussion with your Vet or the specialist regarding how best to treat the digestive and the spine? Is Buddy a good candidate for the surgery or is that to be determined? Sending prayers for Buddy. I do hope you get some help with this soon!
  9. Oh my! I thought I was over the friggin' moon earlier, but this absolutely takes the cake! Whoo-hoo!
  10. Mine will still go for Pill Pockets, but I read that that in a case like Buddy's, it's best to use tweezers to insert the pill into the pocket because handling the pill will transfer the smell. I guess whatever "junque" food the pocket is made from is meant to disguise the smell of the meds. Would an injection offer enough relief to break the cycle or is he just naturally suspicious? Sending more prayers for Buddy.
  11. Can you spell b-l-a-c-k-m-a-i-l????? Oooooooo! Quick! Order some roses! Have someone pluck all the petals and be prepared to sprinkle them on the path to the house! Have the taxi disguised as a carriage fit for The Queen! Is there a store close that carries cashmere throws? I'm just trying to save you from Darcy's wrath! Did I forget anything? Oh, yes! Pictures are a must! Pricess Darcy and her court, if you please! Isn't it wonderful to be able to use a little humor? So glad that we have some good news to celebrate!
  12. Sending powerful prayers and hugs to all. I am so sorry.
  13. Just seeing this now! OMG! How frightening! We will be praying just as hard as we can for Rainey! Such a beautiful girl!
  14. Sending prayers. I would definitely explore Pyridium and/or Piroxicam for pain relief. As far as the diapers are concerned, you are the best judge of that. If you can get her some pain relief and she seems comfortable with the diapers, love her with all your might, make lots of memories, spoil her rotten. Cory is right - she needs you more now than ever. You will know when it's time to help her cross the Bridge.
  15. Prayers for Cinder. I would get a referral to a cardiologist, too.
  16. Nothing does a heart good like a roaching Gracie! Good girl! So glad she's feeling better!
  17. How is Henry tonight? Hope he's resting comfortably! Here's hoping that the next time, we will be cheering for 148 days, at least! No more seizures! No more seizures! No more seizures!
  18. Prayers for gentleman Jack. Hope he is able to sleep through the night!
  19. Winslow, my confidential informants tell me that the Freezemeister was seen in your neck of the woods the day the horrid ice appeared! Several insiders report that despite all of your Mom's security measures, Freezemeister was able to slip through the guarded perimeter around your house and wreaked havoc with the ice! Mom's radar picked up his signal in the middle of the night and she rushed outside in an attempt to sabotage his attempts to spread evil ice all over your territory! She spent hours chasing Freezemeister around the yard and breaking up the evil ice, but he was able to escape. Don't be mad at Mom, Winslow, unless you and Tucker playing the same game and are holding out for more treats!
  20. We are sending prayers and healing light to Alan. I hope some warmer weather comes your way soon. Have you ever given Alan any of the Springtime products? They have made me a believer - and I am knot connected to the company in any way!
  21. Hay, Tucker - if i wuz u, i wud ceep dem sad ize. If u git treets dat ez, u cooda knot run on dat ise. Sari bout ur toe. But watz wit da pink ouchi rap? Ur fan club - Fuzz, Suze and Anna
  22. I have 3 black girls, two of whom are sisters. Anna has a shiny, coarse coat, large flaky dandruff but doesn't shed much at all. Fuzz has a soft coat, sheds like there's no tomorrow and has an unbelievable amount of fine white dandruff. Her sister Suze has a coat that tends to be a little more coarse and is in the middle of the two - she sheds a little but has much less dandruff. They are all on vitamins and Grizzly Salmon Oil. Their coats are much better than they were before the Grizzly, but I think the "winter" here in FL has something to do with it. Their coats are much better in the summer!
  23. I hope Nikki was waiting for him at the Bridge. I can just imagine two gorgeous black beauties running pain free. I am so sorry for your loss. He was a very special boy.
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