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Everything posted by duncan41

  1. I am so sorry. It is obvious from the videos that he was very special to you and DH. I am sure he is entertaining all his new buddies at The Bridge. Godspeed Clandro.
  2. Beautifiul photos of Mr. Ro - and loved the video! I am so sorry he left you much too soon.
  3. I'm sure she's having the time of her life chasing all those green balls at The Bridge. Love the photos - you can see the fire in her eyes! She was certainly a feisty girl who left a huge shoe print on your heart. I am so sorry she's gone. Prayers for you and DH.
  4. duncan41


    My worst nightmare. Run pain free, Karson.
  5. I am just seeing this............I am so, so sorry! Run with the angels, sweet Gidge.
  6. For Flippy: B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9 For Warlock: You're my kinda guy! For Mom:
  7. It is so sad that handsome Spencer is plagued with these problems at such a young age. I just spent a goodly amount bringing Suze back from the dead with acute renal failure with absolutely no guarantees. As with many of "us", I could never reveal to anyone what we have spent on our crew for fear of being declared incompetent. Having said that, even in ICU last Sunday, while I was giving Suze healing belly rubs and whispering in her ear just how much I loved her, I had to keep reminding myself of something I read here on GT, "Better a day too early than an hour too late." Spencer, buddy, we're sending healing white light , gentle hugs and prayers that you feel better soon.
  8. How is the beautiful Miss Loca this am? Sending prayers for her return to spunkdom.
  9. Oh, isn't he just the sweetest thing? He just has to get his spunk back - and that expression is just priceless! Sending buckets of prayers to make Canyon feel better!
  10. Yes, pads can be that sensitive. My Suze looks like she's walking on shards of glass then she walks across our asphalt street. If you can get a hold of an infant sock, it might make Nibs a little more comfortable, or make him feel very special if he enjoys being fussed over. Chlorhexadine soak is good, too, to ward off infection. BUT, depending on how deep the cut is, there might be something "in" the pad, so I would keep a close eye on it and gauge a Vet visit by Nibs' progress or lack thereof. Corns are a possibility, too. Good luck.
  11. Whatever it was, let's hope it's of short duration (like it's over and done) and Trap recovers with no after affects. Prayers and hugs. Please update after visit to the Vet.
  12. Very strange! No help here, but hope you get a simple dx.
  13. He looks sssooo much better! Good boy! Thank goodness!
  14. Bunches of prayers, kisses, hugs and healing light from FL! It's gonna be a piece of cake, Flippy!
  15. Aww, poor Buddy. Hope you can get him on something that will make him feel better. As far as the girls go, are they sympathizing withi Buddy? I don't have that problem here, but you know how girls can be sometimes!
  16. Just like potato chips, except I don't recall ever having a first aid kit come with a bag of Classic Lays! Hope your crew can get better and maintain status quo for a little while anyway! Have you tried any of the Springtime products for Isis? Kiss Bijou's toe for me, poor baby! And as far as Ellie goes, well, you'll have to look in the mirror to answer your own question! Hugs to your three girlie-girls!
  17. Sending prayers and healing light to the handsome Canyon. Will be anxious to hear the results of the neuro consult.
  18. After my experience, I will never let my dogs leave the Vet's office without complete blood work. Is he eating? Drinking? Peeing? Pooping? Is there any vomiting? Is the color of his urine normal? Has the Pepcid helped? Is he still shivering and panting? Hope this all resolves itself soon. Sending prayers for Moses!
  19. She's home. There was a time that I didn't think I would be typing those words. She came home at 4:00 pm today. She's home. She is home with no restrictions, eating her regular food, with relatively normal blood values and with the blessings of her doctors to make a full recovery. She's on antibiotics and we will visit our good friends at the E-vet in 2 weeks to check blood work. OMG! What forces are there in the universe that takes this beautiful, sensitive, smart, stubborn, alpha-girl from the brink of death to dreaming on her bed in 6 days? Why is there no cause for her acute renal failure? Ultrasound: negative, Urine culture: negative, Lyme & Erlichia: negative, Lymph nodes: negative, Lepto: negative. No toxins, no anti-freeze, no nothing.............................Thank doG! Thanks to everyone who took the time to read this thread! Even if you didn't post a reply, it helped to know that you were there, "listening" to me agonize over this impossible situation that came out of nowhere. She's home. She's home. She's home. I think I'm going to give myself permission to fall apart now. I promised photos and I have them, but my new USB cord for the camera has grown legs and walked off. As soon as it reappears, I will post photos.
  20. Oh, thank goodness! Have been thinking about that beautiful girl all week!
  21. Just catching up with this! Sure hope this was the only grand mal Vern ever has! How scary for everyone! Sending prayers for a complete recovery!
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