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Everything posted by duncan41

  1. Praying for a restful night for everyone at your house.
  2. Oh, my! Oh, my! Oh, my! Oh, my! OOOOOOOHHHHHHHH MMMMMMMMYYYYYYYY GGGGOOOOOOOOOOODDDDDDDDDNNNNNNNNEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! That's the stuff that hip-hip-hoorays are made of! More of the same for Dee! More of the same for Dee! More of the same for Dee! Sending many gentle hugs for the lovely Pave Maria! Prayers for an uneventful recovery.
  3. Uh-oh. Sounds like Beau is picking up on everyone's stress. It's just not fair - Polli has been through so much, Beau is finally turning the corner, you and DH have been the archangels of your tribe and now more uncertainty. Sending boat loads of prayers and healing white light to everyone in your house.
  4. My eyes are leaking again! My heart holds all of you very gently - especially Annie. I pray that you are able to find a companion who will bring her comfort. Prayers of comfort and healing for your entire "family". We are "here for you" any day, any time. Thank you for sharing those photos! The love that comes through in those photos between Bubba and Annie is almost palpable! How precious!
  5. duncan41


    I am so sorry. Run with speed, power, grace and joy, sweet Phoenix!
  6. Almost everyone on this board has a story to tell - and a common thread is "How could this have happened?" Even if you had the answer, it wouldn't heal your heart. I pray that reading these offerings of sympathy and support will give you some comfort. I cry every day for the hounds on this site that are sick, hurt or have crossed Rainbow Bridge and my heart breaks for those that love them. Thank you for finding Bubba Nomad, reuniting him with his sister and giving him his forever home.................he knew he was home, he knew he was loved and made memories that you will cherish. Godspeed Bubba Nomad.
  7. There's a reason that Spencer is with you. Not sure if this is it, but isn't he the lucky one! Sounds like you and he will be much more comfortable (and rested!) with the situation once the UTI is cleared up and the Pred is out of his system. Prayers for Spencer and hugs for you!
  8. All piggy banks have been raided, funds counted and donation made in honor of all hounds fighting the fight. There are angels that walk among us and one is Dr. C.
  9. Your words created precious memories that will live forever. Godspeed sweet Emily.
  10. Oh my goodness! A girl could starve eating a measly 87 cookies! Wonderful news that Miss Polli is feeling better!
  11. I am so sorry. She had more love than most, but not what you wanted for her. It's heartbreaking that circumstances beyond our control sometimes work against these beautiful creatures. Run free, sweet Loralee.
  12. duncan41


    Godspeed, Seamus! I hate cancer!
  13. Oh, this is just not fair. Sending prayers for divine intervention and the super-human kind, too. Lighting a candle for Pave'. Sending prayers, hugs and white healing light.
  14. Prayers, hugs and buckets of comfort for you and Caesar. Keep ahead of the pain regardless of what you have to do. Hope you have many, many more pain-free days.
  15. Packmom is the BEST! Prayers going out constantly for the beautiful Pave' Maria and her Mom! Clean margins! No bleeders! Clean margins! No bleeders! Clean margins! No bleeders! Clean margins! No bleeders!
  16. Oh, Polli, Polli, Polli. If it's not one thing, it's another! Poor sweet baby girl! Here are a few million prayers that the acupuncture works wonders! On the other hand, way to go Beau! You're getting to be a real heavyweight! Good job!
  17. Ouch! That is not good. Conner! Yo! No more chicken sandwiches - got that? Sure hope he feels better really soon! He sure is a handsome fella!
  18. Flippy will be in our prayers. She is just too precious to have anything but a stellar outcome! Sending gentle hugs and healing white light. I lit a candle for her.
  19. So young, so beautiful, so loved. I am very sorry for your loss. I pray for your heart to heal quickly with the knowledge that she is safe, whole and pain free.
  20. duncan41


    Oh, what a face. Those eyes tell a million stories. Godspeed Maxx. I am so sorry.
  21. Aawww, Jeff. It's so sad when we have to say goodbye to the ones who love us no matter what, warts and all. Beautiful boy. He will be missed. Prayers that he will snuggle into your heart and fill that empty hole. I am so sorry for your loss.
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