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Everything posted by dante2zoe

  1. I am so sorry for your loss. In time, may your wonderful memories bring you comfort. Run free, Dee Dee. Show your mom a sign that all is well.
  2. I am so very sorry. Prayers to both of you.
  3. Dante has a mass on his chest where it hits the ground. I was concerned about it. The vet said that it looked like a fat deposit, but that he would be surprised to find any fat on Dante at all. He did a needle biopsy right then and looked at the slide. He was pleased to see nice round fat cells. He supposed that Dante just stored his fat all in one place! Levity aside, it is quite concerning and I hope you find good answers!
  4. No experience with dogs, but my son had the VAC treatment every three weeks as part of his cancer treatment. I don't know if it correlates, but that combo was rough on the kidneys/bladder and he had to remain in the hospital for 36 hours on IV fluids to flush things out. He still ended up with some damage, but 6 years later is alive and well, so its all good in my book! Wishing you the best! If you have any other questions, please let me know. Cindy
  5. I am sorry. I am glad that the meds are working and I hope you have many many more happy moments together. Cindy
  6. Good thoughts coming your way today. You are a very special person.
  7. I am so very sorry for your loss.
  8. I am so very sorry for the loss of your handsome and sweet Riley.
  9. OMG. There are no words. I am so sorry.
  10. If a dog is where ours wants to be, she stamps her front feet and barks at them! They usually ignore her and we direct her elsewhere, but if not, she continues until they get up muttering biotch under their breath. She also marks over the boys (she is the only girl) by lifting her leg. She is not alpha, just a brat. She barks at me all the time, too, when she wants what she wants! She is better behaved than she sounds, though. Gotta love her, because no one else will!
  11. I found a dogpark near-ish to me that has been taken over by greyhounds at the crack of dawn on Saturday mornings. Last Saturday, there were 11 greys hanging out for an hour or so. It was really nice to socialize with the other owners and let the dogs (all muzzled of course) mingle, too. Otherwise, we would never go there. We also live with a whippet and 4 cats and all furkids get along fine.
  12. I am so sorry for the loss of Austin and for the pain Sean is experiencing. What an exceptional young man.
  13. I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful girl.
  14. I am sorry for your losses seems so inadequate, but I am.
  15. dante2zoe


    My sympathies to those who loved her.
  16. I am so sorry. Who are you using for a vet in Maryland, if I may ask? I am not sure where you are located.
  17. Your tribute was beautiful for your beautiful girl. I am so very sorry for your loss.
  18. Mine have padding when I got them from GFNC. I found out that they just take a square of felt that has the sticky stuff on the back and wrapped the nose piece themselves! I still gave them my next order because I like to help the group. Otherwise, I had to get one with a stool guard and they didn't have the color I needed. I called Birdwell (can't use their website to order) and got the new muzzle within a couple days. I have to add the padding myself though!
  19. I am deeply saddened and sorry to read this. He knew he was loved, you can tell by just looking at his beautiful face. I am so sorry.
  20. I am so very sorry for your loss of your mother and for the family of Mr. Mitz.
  21. I forgot to add - we have a piece of felt that is sticky on one side - maybe 2x2 inches? that wraps around the piece that rests on their nose for added comfort. Naturally, the felt matches the muzzle, but that's just me!
  22. I muzzle mine (we have 4) during the day while we are at work. I have read too many threads and seen too many pictures about what can happen if someone's nose gets out of joint. The only casualty was one chewed muzzle because it was on too loose. They all expect it and don't give me any grief when they go on. It is now part of "I am leaving for work now" routine. They pant fine (I have pics of Zoe's tongue hanging out between the bars of her muzzle after a lure pole session) and the water bowl is usually low when we return. My husband was really opposed to them, but after he saw how they fit and their acceptance, that it is now no big deal.
  23. This is a sticky situation. I would concerned about a totally enclosed area (roof, too) because even tho everyone gets along, inside and out, if something went hinky outdoors, the cat wouldn't have an escape. I do have one that is an indoor/outdoor cat and one who thinks he wants to be because he loves chomping on grass. I can certainly keep the two culprits bellybanded everyday when I am at work, but I am not too keen on that, health-wise, either. I can deal the the little guy, but the 3 YO has me concerned. I am afraid that he will be like this for years! I do appreciate all the advise and suggestions. Keep them coming!
  24. Our household has changed. Both kids are away at college and my husband's job is bringing him home later than before. The 13 YO whippet can't make it for more than 6 hours and one of the 3 YO greys can't make it past 8 hours. He has already been worked up and over medically and it appears to be behavioral. Anyway, I am getting tired of coming home and having to clean floors and rugs. It seems like the time to invest in a dog door. Our backyard has a 6 foot privacy fence, with the gates being locked. The hang-up is the indoor cats and our floor plan doesn't really allow to keep the critters separated during the day. Does anyone have cats and a dog door? Any experiences and brand suggestions welcome. TIA!
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