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Everything posted by dante2zoe

  1. She looks so sweet and content in her sandbox. I live in Montgomery County, Maryland and if you need a break, I would to be able to help you out. You can PM if you wish.
  2. Thinking gentle thoughts for you, Whitey and your family as you travel this path. I am sorry. You are such a good mom.
  3. dante2zoe


    I am so very sorry for your loss.
  4. How tragic! I am so sorry. She is so beautiful.
  5. I have one that jumps up on me to give me a hug. He air snaps, though, instead of tugging. It is hard to turn your back on him when you are walking 4, but I have been able to read his cues before he does it. Then, I am easily able to distract him before he begins his crazy dance. I have even had a passing car stop because it looked like he was trying to attack! Anyway, when his tail starts wagging like mad, then he is usually planning his acrobatics. I will promptly call him and start rubbing his ears. He isn't the brightest and this easily distracts him. I also have his littermate. He doesn't jump like that on a leash, but when he is getting ready to be fed. I haven't been able to break that habit. He is usually 3 feet in front of me, but it is still unacceptable. Still working on that one. Good luck!
  6. It sounds inadequate, but I am so very sorry for your loss. Your tribute was as beautiful as your princess. Has me in tears.
  7. Thank you for posting this. I know that I can get caught up in things and not put everything into perspective regarding my own personal situation. Yes, I ran and looked at their lineage for Onie Jones. Then, my husband reminded me that our greys are the best for us and we get so much more from them than we are able to give. I wouldn't trade it for anything. I also know first-hand how cancer can strike anyone, without warning. I am blessed that my son is a survivor, but . . . . I know I went through everything I can remember about my pregnancy, thinking that I "did" something that caused it. It's a natural reaction, I think. I am so very sorry that you lost your beloved. I followed your thread and so wished for more time. I admire that you were able to give the ultimate gift and take her pain to be your own. Cindy
  8. What a wonderful pictorial of an obviously wonderful cat. I am so sorry.
  9. My friends, Debbie and Dave, lost their first grey, Chesney, to the dreaded OS Friday night. They are really suffering today because it is his 12th birthday. God Speed, Chesney. May time bring your family peace and comfort. You are dearly missed.
  10. That was absolutely beautiful, as it would be for your beautiful girl. There are no words to express my heartfelt sympathy for your losses.
  11. I had problems with my whippet when the sun would go down and the house would get dark. He was fine in the daylight, but he would have accidents at dusk/dark. We now leave lights on when we anticipate getting home after dark and while he isn't "cured," it seemed to help. He has SA issues and at home alone (no people) in the dark was too much for him. Just a thought!
  12. I am so very sorry. Please know that you and BooBoo are in my thoughts.
  13. I am so very sorry. I have always loved his beautiful face and name. You are in my thoughts.
  14. Keeping everyone in my thoughts . . . hope everyone has more good days.
  15. Thanks. I usually try to get between the loose dog and mine and yell Go Home or something like that. However, today, I was dragging them backwards up and hill, croaking like Kermit the Frog. It must have been a sight! While I really don't care if the neighbors think that I am a lunatic, I don't like them to leave with the impression that my dogs are unstable or something. I should have also added that when we meet others, mine are well-behaved and received. They are favorites with the "regulars."
  16. I realize up front that I don't help matters any. I walk my four greys and elderly whippet together after work in the evenings. All are leashed and we walk around the neighborhood. They all walk well and rather on the slow side (Indy, the whippet is outsized and somewhat frail. He gets all kind of upset if he isn't allowed to come with us). We are regularly approached by kids, bikes and other dogs on leashes. There are no sidewalks. Today, I am walking along the side of the street, when across the street and coming from a backyard, I hear barking. I look up and this German Shepard clears the fence, charges down the hill and across the street. I immediately start dragging my pack up the neighbors yard toward the house screaming (or trying to because I have no voice from a cold) to "get your dog." The dog ran up into the yard where I was. It was probably trying to be friendly, but my dogs are on a leash and this one is not. My last encounter with an off-leash dog (dragging it's retractable leash) was not pleasant and my dogs were freaked by that encounter. My female turned to this other dog and growled. Fortunately, they got their dog quickly and nothing happened. How should I have responded? They apologized and I just explained that my dogs do not do well being rapidly approached by off-leash dogs. I realize that my dragging them up the yard and screaming probably stressed my dogs more than the approaching one did, but, I admit, I panicked. While I have control of my dogs while walking, I have no illusions that I can break up any possible altercation surrounded by all those leashes and having a rather full poop bag in my free hand, to boot! Are there any suggestions as to how I can better handle something like this while not inadvertently causing more problems myself? (I should note that, as a middle schooler, I was attacked and bitten from behind by a dog that cleared its fence. That was not a pleasant experience and the police had to get involved. Yuck) I don't have anyone to walk with and I don't have the luxury of walking them in smaller groups, just in case.
  17. I am so sorry for your loss. What a wonderful old soul.
  18. dante2zoe

    A Love Letter

    I am so very sorry for your loss. What a cutie.
  19. Just wow. I hope you begin to heal and the boys do okay, too! On the other hand, House is now REALLY like Dr. House with the pain meds on board! Take care of yourself.
  20. I know that there is a difference between IBD and IBS, but I don't recall which was which. RobinM would know. Anyway, Dante has the milder of the two. The only thing that helped him (we did the Flagyl route and the other nasty tasting powder stuff (the name escapes me), but finally switched him to a grain and veggie-free raw diet. That has virtually eliminated all symptoms. He was able to form an awesome stool (only on GT!) and gain the weight that he lost. I also skin and mostly defat his chicken because that will cause distress. I know others have had success with a novel protein, usually fish. I tried all kinds of foods, but that didn't really help. If I can be of anymore help, PM me and I can call you, if you want to hear more about the trials and tribulations we went through. Good luck! BTW, he has been doing well for over 3 years now.
  21. I am so sorry for your loss. What a handsome guy!
  22. We don't have dogs that jump, so we just put a couple tension-mount curtain rods in the doorway. The cats can see fine, they go under the curtain rod easily and the dogs don't even try to enter the room. It is also very easy for me to step over the curtain rods. Good luck!
  23. I have no advice or relevant experience, but I just wanted you to know that I am so very sorry and bless you for putting his needs ahead of yours.
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