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Everything posted by dante2zoe

  1. I am so sorry that you are going through this. I have an elderly whippet that cannot hold it and doesn't really care anyway. If the mood strikes, he goes, wherever he happened to be and my shy/insecure grey would consistently join in the fun (for them, not me)! I had them tested, scanned and pilled - all to no avail. I now bellyband them both when I am at work. The whippet is always wet, but the grey rarely is, thankfully. I also put the grey on cranberry pills. Doesn't hurt him and it may just help. For me, the situation gets worse everytime there is a change in the household (kids returning/leaving from/for college or just a change in our regular schedule, including). I wish you much luck!
  2. I am deeply sorry for your loss. What a special girl.
  3. I think it may be that. We went to playgroup yesterday morning and she was running around and having a good ol' time. She was hesitant to go out again today. Obviously, my sitting her down and having a good talk to her didn't do the trick!
  4. He was the real deal, wasn't he. What a wonderful tribute to a wonderful dog. I am sorry for your loss.
  5. I am so very sorry that the outcome could not have been different. As my kids would say, you did good by him.
  6. I checked her vision tossing a cotton ball and she tracks well with both eyes. My neighbors are research vets and own greyhounds. I made Zoe walk with us after work and they both checked her out. They don't feel that it is a leg/pain issue - her mannerisms and responses appear to be fear-based. I even sat her down last night and explained that I can fix what is wrong, but I don't speak hound as well as she speaks english, so she needs to do a better job telling me what is wrong! I am just trying to cover all bases here! Needless to say, she still hasn't told me what is bothering her. Sigh.
  7. Zoe has been ruling our home for 4.5 years. She has ALWAYS been the first to demand her walks and being out the door. Almost 3 weeks ago, she started refusing to turnout in the backyard, unless it was absolutely necessary. Then, 10 days ago, she started balking at the front door when it was time to go on our walks (we take about 30-45 minute strolls twice a day, all 5 of them together). I let her stay home for a couple walks, but then I have been making her go. I actually have to practically drag her until she decides otherwise and then she will walk. She is especially perky when we are on the homeward bound portion of the walk. The timing of the walks hasn't changed. We went, as usual, to playgroup Saturday and she ran around and enjoyed herself. She just turned 9. She broke her left hock at the track years ago and it wasn't set, so it looks a little wonky anyway and she periodically limps. However, nothing looks differently now and she isn't favoring it any more than usual. I have checked her feet, legs and palpated her neck and spine and don't get some much as an ear flick or blink. I have tried treating her to get her to move and she refuses treats. I was willing to let her ride this out, but this morning she decided that she would rather squat on my carpet than in the grass. If she doesn't go out with the boys, I will take her out for a few minutes by herself. As soon as she pees, she spins around to go home. Getting buzzed by a fly will send her home. She won't walk on the sidewalk, but will kind of walk in the street. She seems to sniff the air more at the front door before deciding she won't go out. A coyote has been seen in our neighborhood. She has never been thunder-phobic or afraid of any noises before. There has been someone at home 98% of the time this summer and no one is aware of what could have spooked her, if anything. It has been an awful summer between the unrelenting heat and lots of storms lately. The others, 4 goofy boys, haven't changed at all. I don't think that this is a medical issue, so I posted it here. Any thoughts, suggestions or fixes? Thanks, Cindy Forgot to add - my vet is on vacation for another week and I don't trust anyone else in the practice, so I am trying everything else first.
  8. dante2zoe


    I am so very sorry. May his passing be peaceful.
  9. I am so very sorry that she didn't have more time. Run pain free, beautiful girl!
  10. I am so incredibly sorry on so many levels for you. Our local vet office can be compassionate or insensitive depending on which vet is present at the time. It is quite frustrating, so I understand how you are feeling. Wishing for a peaceful passing.
  11. I wouldn't think that it would break apart. However, the leather will stretch, since it is thin. I have grabbed it before and it did stretch easily and they did back it up and over their ears. It will not split apart, though.
  12. OK, now I am paranoid. I have the leather tag collars with a boomerang tag from God's Greyts. No rings, no hanging tags. Are those not safe enough to wear? Yikes. I liked that they are soft and don't rub. My guys have very little hair as it is, and a regular collar was rubbing all of it off on their throat.
  13. What a moving tribute for your sweet Molly. I am so very sorry for your loss.
  14. dante2zoe


    I am so very sorry. What a gift you gave each other. Run free, sweet Tuna.
  15. I am so very sorry. Tuna knew how deeply she was loved.
  16. We have several different routes that we can take and they branch off from other routes, if that makes sense. This way, the walk can be longer or shorter. I tend to allow them to make decisions regarding which route they want to take. It is not uncommon for Zoe to want to make a certain turn and then a different dog will make the next decision. I like it, too, because it varies our route without a pattern, which is safer, and keeps things interesting for everyone. I do dictate when I have time constraints or a storm is approaching or Indy, the old guy, just doesn't have it that morning. He almost never has issues with the after work walk, just first thing in the morning. However, my dogs do NOT like to take walks after dark. If we start in the light, it is okay, but to start after dark? They won't go far before turning around to go home. In the morning, we can start when it is dark, but it must be getting light quickly or I have the same problem. Makes winter walks a challenge!
  17. dante2zoe


    Thank you for sharing Apollo with us. What a beautiful boy - inside and out. I am so sorry. I hope your girls are doing okay. Such a hard lesson for ones so young.
  18. Zoe basically does the same things that Capri does with regard to where she wants to walk. She has her favorite routes. If she feels that I am not paying enough attention to her desires when she has looked in the direction in which she wants to go and I don't agree, she will stop (and there is NO moving those 56 pounds of her) and turn in that direction and stare. If I succeed in making her go in the direction as the rest of us, she will lag and drag for a good 1/2 block to make sure that I understand that she is NOT pleased! I can usually shorten it by going back to her, rubbing her head and blaming it on the boys. Goose has been with me for 1.5 years and is still very skittish about things in the neighborhood that aren't supposed to be there (in the house, too, like grocery bags). He will stop and stare at the object, but not cross some imaginary line that is 6-10 feet from whatever is freaking him out. If we can take a wide path around it, he will continue. Gotta love the quirky ones!
  19. I elevate their water bowl, but raw feed. They prefer to lie down to eat, so a raised feeder would make things rather uncomfortable! Otherwise, I probably would raise the bowl just for comfort.
  20. Maverick has to get a rabies shot tomorrow morning. I called the vet and they use the Pfizer vaccine. I thought Ft. Dodge was the one with problems, but now I am confused. Should I worry about this? Thanks.
  21. I live in Maryland and have all kinds of weather. Anyway, 95% of the time, I feed them outside on the patio, with their bowls about 6 feet apart from each other. I do supervise. Dante savors his food and takes forever to eat. Depending on what they are having, they stay with their bowls, or if it is a particularly boney meal - pork necks, which they love - they will carry it to different places in the yard to lie down and gnaw. At those mealtimes where eating outside isn't doable - rain, high winds or just way to cold (they do eat outside most meals in the winter, too, with the exception of last winter), I place towels in various areas in the house and they eat on those. They do stay in one place for that. I trained them to stay there. Food trumps not as nice weather, so they don't have an issue with it, unless it is really raining.
  22. Try this: www.topqualitydogfood.com. I also purchase the bulk of my raw meaty bones from Peter. I pick up from his Silver Spring pick-up spot. Just send him an email and let him know what you want. You can also ask if he has any specials. He usually carries duck feet, too. I also agree that he is scatter-brained. Make sure you get his cell phone number. I got it after he forgot that we were to meet. I am Cindy and I have the greyhounds and antique whippet. Welcome to the area! Where are you living? I am in Montgomery County in Maryland, way up 270.
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