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Everything posted by dante2zoe

  1. I am so very sorry. I followed your postings and you both fought so hard.
  2. My 13.75 year old whippet is losing his hearing, among other things. When I first noticed it, I started using hand signals when calling him. I didn't get him until he was 11, so responding to come was about the only command he ever mastered. He sleeps on the beds, so I push on the mattress to nudge him awake or he wakes up snarling. But, he has always done that! He also sees his leash and understands its significance. As for major events, like eating, he follows the cues of the other dogs. Being aware when he is sleeping is really the only adaptation that I consciously altered. You will probably wave your arms to have her approach you anyway, without realizing it. I do exaggerate hand movements because his sight isn't what it used to be either. Good luck!
  3. Ditto reply here! I have 4 dogs and 4 cats (don't ask - let's just say high school daughter and a job at PetsMart!) Anyway, not only are 3 of the cats vocal, they are very active and flying around regularly. The dogs don't even bother to lift their heads anymore. The dogs do, however, seem to like to play with some of the cat toys, in addition to their own. A lot of the dog toys are replicas of animals, too, but I have intentionally stayed away from the cat-looking ones because it just seems wrong, somehow! Raccoons are favorites around here!
  4. dante2zoe


    I am so very sorry. Nice to have you back, but I am sorry for the circumstances.
  5. Background - Zoe (9 YO) suffers from arthritis from a broken hock injury 5 years ago. This time of year is not good to her. She is already taking fish oil, Fresh Factors, Joint Health and SOD/Bosweilla. She is an active dog and I have given up trying to prevent her from enjoying herself with the other dogs. That was the only advice I got when we adopted her. She will stop running around when it really bothers her, but if she overdoes it, the effects and last for days. Anyway, I was reading the arthritis thread and saw the mention of heel traumeel and zeel as possible supplements that could be helpful. Any opinions as to which to try first and at what dosage and if to be used all the time or during flare-ups? Her blood work is good. She is raw fed and weighs 56 pounds. I know warmth makes her feel better and I got a fleece leg wrap for her when we walk outside, but she refuses to wear it. I do keep her bundled at night so at least she sleeps well. TIA! Cindy
  6. Mine get a small biscuit before bed. They also get one before I leave for work. That biscuit signifies that they will be stuck inside for a long period of time. I also call last turn out before work and bed "cookie potty," so they know what to expect. If I try to skip it, they are all very quick to remind me! After they get the evening one, they all race upstairs to pick out their sleeping place for the night. (There are some spots that are more popular than others!) That is the only time that they get them too, btw.
  7. I don't have any suggestions to help, but could be a situational thing and not a prey drive thing? In addition to my greys, I have an elderly whippet. I have had to pick him up sometimes or he gets trampled. He doesn't always get the concept that he is smaller! Anyway, everytime that I have had to scoop him up to move him, Zoe will immediately try to bite his feet and tail - whatever is hanging down. She is fine with him when he is on the floor, though - not just in my arms. Mine alre also fine with small dogs - unless mine are on a leash and the other dog isn't. Then, all bets are off. Even my 10 YO most laid-back male gets snarky when a small unleashed dog is around. Oh, and he is the one that can sleep on the couch with a cat curled around his head.
  8. Thank you for sharing her with us. I am so very sorry for the loss of your beautiful girl.
  9. I am sorry that the news wasn't better. You have done an amazing job in working with and against Neyla's cancer. If only we could all do as well as you have! As for "causing" the tumor to grow, while a natural thought process due to the timiing of her pain increase, you did NOT cause the tumor to grow. I do understand exactly how you feel, though. I went through that many times when my son was battling his cancerous tumor. That being said, you and Neyla are tucked deep in my heart and I hope that you are able to continue to have wonderful times with your sweetie. Cindy
  10. I have an x-pen that just surrounds a dog bed and the door is always open. Zoe loves her space and none of the other dogs have ever even considered going in there, except to take a toy (when she isn't in it). It is easier for me to collapse it to get it out of the way and doesn't seem to take up as much space visually.
  11. Thank you for sharing your handsome Danny with us. I am so very sorry that he had to leave.
  12. dante2zoe

    Chancy Dancer

    I am so very sorry for the loss of Chancy. I, too, adopted a whippet in his later years (he was 11) and he will be 14 in January. He also prances along on our walks. It is a perfect description! They are such special souls and I am so sorry that he had to leave.
  13. dante2zoe

    Goose siggy.001

    From the album: siggys

  14. For those who have tried both the spray and gel, do you have a preference? I have always used the gel and rubbed their gums and teeth using my finger, but would rather not!
  15. dante2zoe


    My condolences to those who loved her.
  16. dante2zoe


    I was stunned to see her name. I am so very sorry. You have been through so much.
  17. I have a whippet that has the mental condition - I forget the name. He goes on water binges and we have to physically move him away from the water bowl at times - which was recommended by the vet. Hope you get to the bottom of this!
  18. I am so very sorry. You and Scoop and family will be tucked tightly into my thoughts and heart today. Wishing a peaceful journey.
  19. Congrats! If you go that eastern route, I would be interested to find out what you learn! My whippet had a dermal hemangiosarcoma removed several years ago. He is almost 14 and is starting to develop more blisters, but he probably wouldn't survive any surgical intervention.
  20. May you have time to make many happy memories. I am sorry that the news wasn't better.
  21. dante2zoe


    A match made in heaven. We should all be so blessed. Thank you for sharing and may your memories bring you peace and comfort.
  22. Way too young. I am so sorry for your loss.
  23. I dremel, too. None of them particularly like the experience, but cooperate. I do muzzle them with a stool guard with a schmear of peanut butter inside to keep them occupied or at least woozy from the smell of peanuts! I only dremel for a couple seconds on each nail and go back after finishing the whole paw if it needs more. I would rather dremel more often than longer each time so they don't get frustrated with me and it is a routine for our weekend. I also give them a very special treat that they NEVER get any other time after their nails are done. That has seemed to help, too. As for positioning, all of mine seem to prefer lying down. My friend's pups prefer standing. Preferences were learned by trial and error. I also turn it on before approaching any dog and keep it running until all are done. No sudden noises that way. As for hair, good reminder to tie it back! NOT pleasant, trust me! Not how I would like to give myself bangs. Smelled bad, too! As for the cats, I just use regular human nail clippers. That is more of a battle than the dogs.
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