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Everything posted by Rustyroo

  1. He is handsome! None of my 3 have ever used a crate.
  2. I'm now wondering if she has the start of doggy dementia, but she does show a couple of the signs for the GOLPP also. Franny is fine during the day mostly because she is sleeping all the time. At night though, the panting seems to start even before it gets dark out. She does get up a few times at night and paces around while panting. She also needs to go out at least once a night too. She was always good about sleeping through the night. I was teasing that she has old lady bladder now, but maybe it's something else. Other signs are slight tripping or stumbling when she walks, sometimes bumping into things, not always realizing I'm calling her to come back in, hesitant to walk up the two steps back into the house, she's had loss of muscle mass for a few years and hind-end weakness. Her legs shake too when she goes to the bathroom. I don't think she has anxiety. She is a calm laid back dog even during thunderstorms and fireworks. Smurfette - what are the homeopathic remedies that you are using for Colin?
  3. That is what I'm afraid of. She never panted like this in the summer until now.
  4. For the last few weeks or so Franny has been panting very hard. It's mostly in the evening and throughout the night. I took her to the vet last week to check to see if it's her heart or lungs. The vet said those were fine and pretty much chalked it up to joint pain. She gave me pain meds and I need to get her started on supplements. I'm just not sure it's only joint pain. It seems like it is something else, but I have no idea what. She is 13 years old so i'm sure she's got some aches and pains. She still eats and drinks fine. She still likes to try and run to me when she comes in from outside, even though she is not real graceful anymore. My poor old lady. Anyone else's grey go through something like this?
  5. The only pain she is in is from her arthritis, and she gets pain meds for that. She eats just fine so I know she's not in any pain from that.
  6. Franny is scheduled for a dental on Tuesday, but I am extremely nervous about her going under for it. I'm just afraid something is going to happen to her at her age. Health wise she is doing ok, but not great. Should I still go through with it? I've had a couple people tell me to cancel.
  7. Franny is also 13 and does the same thing. She's fine during the day, but at night while we are watching tv she lays on her bed and pants. She does have arthritis in her spine and is on pain meds, but the vet has never said the two are related.
  8. No cancer! I'm so relieved. She has arthritis in her lower spine. She is on Tramadol to control the pain. She has had two doses and seems so much better already. Thank you for all the good thoughts.
  9. Appointment with the vet already made. Franny goes in tomorrow at 4:00pm. I'm not sure if all three are related or not. I'm pretty sure the panting and limping are. The panting has been going on for a couple of months, the limping started this morning. She is 12 so this doesn't surprise me, but makes me sad and worried. I lost my other two to osteo at 12 and 13 1/2. Both of the boys broke their legs at home and they didn't give me any signs that anything was wrong until it happened. I'm trying to avoid that for my baby girl. I hope it's just arthritis, but now that she is limping, I'm worried. Please send good thoughts for my Franny girl.
  10. I so happy for the four of you.
  11. Rustyroo

    Yopon Alan Wag

    I remember too. Miss you and Alan.
  12. He is strikingly handsome...wow!
  13. I told him to definitely make sure it's not a UTI or bladder issue. That is the easy fix. If it is behavioral, I believe the dog is seeking attention based on what I know about the family. He works all day, daughter 1 works from home, but is working, not totally paying attention to the dog. Daughter 2 is 17 and in school and has after school activities, etc. Wifey, lays in bed all day (that's a whole different story). He gets let out, but he's not getting walks, or played with etc. Work friend does do some things with the dog as much as he can, but he's the only one. I think there are three options here. 1. Find out for sure if it's medical. 2. If not, wifey needs to start paying more attention to Bear and get him out for walks. There is no reason why she can't. She is home all day doing nothing. 3. If she won't take responsibility because she is home all day, then Bear needs to be rehomed.
  14. I'm looking for some suggestions for a friend of mine. His 4 year old male (non-grey) mix has starting marking in the house, mostly in the living room where my friend will sit to watch tv or read. The dogs name is Bear. My friend thinks it's because they are both males, but I'm not convinced it's that. His wife and daughter are home all day so Bear does get let outside. I asked him how much attention/exercise Bear gets. He said he hates to be alone so he is always by someone. I told him that that doesn't mean he's not bored. This marking activity has just started and they know it's not a bladder issue. Also, it's hard because they never catch him doing it to correct him. First thing he is going to do is clean the carpet and the furniture. I also told him that it wouldn't hurt for him to start being more of the main caretaker when he is home if it truly is a male vs. male situation. I have had three male dogs in a house full of male humans and none of my dogs have ever done this. Nothing in their home has changed other than getting a new couch last summer. So I'm looking for any thoughts/suggestions that you all may have that I can share with him.
  15. I'm so sorry. I started on Greytalk in 2002 and I think I remember when you got him.
  16. I just saw this now. I'm glad she's home and Franny and I will continue to send good thoughts that she gets back to feeling better soon.
  17. Good idea, thank you. Someone at work mentioned that too.
  18. That's right, how could I forget pumpkin.
  19. Ugh, we are dealing with a bad tummy right now. The poor pup has had diarrhea since yesterday. I even got to deal with an accident at 4:30 this morning. I've cut out his dog food for today and have given him some bread. Anything else I should do?
  20. Franny just turned 11 at the end of February. So she is no spring chicken anymore. I think time/age is catching up to her . Her rear legs shake so hard when she is standing it's starting to really worry me. I noticed today that it is also starting to happen with her front too. Along with the shaking she stumbles on her walks also. Does anyone have experience with this? Thoughts? Advice? My baby girl is worrying me.
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