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Everything posted by greysmom

  1. Sounds like a seizure to me. Unfortunately, there sometimes isn't a test or definitive way to diagnose them. Unless the neuro can catch her having one and do an EKG. Idiopathic Epilepsy just means seizures without a defined cause. Are there any commonalities to them? Something that she does/eats beforehand that may be triggering them? Keep a log of every seizure - date, time, length, severity - it'll be helpful in the long run identifying her triggers (if any), and predicting when the next one may be. Look up a thread by "EmilyAnne". In her signature is a link to her blog. Her grey-mix Henry has epilepsy and she's documented everything she's found out there. It's very informative and may give you someplace to start a conversation with your vet and/or the neurologist. IMO, if she's having one every 3rd day she should be on meds asap. greysmom
  2. Orchard Hills is one of the best around and they know their greyhounds, so he's in the best of hands. I don't think and IV bag is going to be enough to keep his bandages dry in all this snow. You might try and rig up a small garbage bag that can go higher on his leg and cover all of the bandage. We've ended up shoveling out a couple key places in the yard - along with the accompanying path! - for the purposes of pottying. Talk about your yellow snow! And take him out on the leash if he'll do his business that way, so you can keep him a bit under control and out of the deep stuff. Good thoughts for SammE Bammer! Have an excellent holiday!
  3. Which vet is he at? I guess I missed something because I'm not usre what his surgery is for, but we'll think good thought all the same!! greysmom
  4. He should be OK, but do call the vet if there's no success by the morning. He might be missing his bathroom buddies - mine always seem to pee separately but poop together. He might still be adjusting to the house change. Or he just may not like pooping in the cold (I have one of those too). Hope everything comes out all right! greysmom
  5. Aaaawww, Flashman! He's not alone. Libby (who HATED the rain but LOVED the snow) once held it for more than 24 hours. And she would KNOT poop if she had her coat on. Silly girl! Glad everything's coming out OK for Flashy. greysmom
  6. Alan, get better sweetheart! Whitelight and good thoughts for you and your boy! greysmom
  7. You might try setting some booby trapped pop cans - 4 or 5 depending on your counter - along the counter's edge or wherever she seems most interested. Put in some pennies and tape the hole shut. It'll make a BEEEG racket when she gets them off the counter but it also may scare her enough to break the cycle. greysmom
  8. Stress and new food can make the urpies happen. You don't say how old he is. My senior only wanted to eat once a day (she never wanted to eat breakfast until about noon!). If you are trying to put on some weight the twice daily feeding is going to be more helpful. The olive oil might be upsetting his tummy - I'd try plain yogurt or canned pumpkin (NOT pumpkin pie filling but the plain vegetable) or a spoon of canned food to make his food more palatable. If he's not eating because his tummy is upset I'd go with the plain rice and boiled chicken for now. It's easier on his stomach than kibble. Also check out where he's eating - some like to be in the middle of things and others will only eat in a quiet out of the way place. He might be used to eating off the floor or from a raised feeder and you have to opposite. Good luck! greysmom
  9. Dude is bare on his lower half as well. His butt, tummy, chest, and neck are all smooth as a baby's butt! He was on thyroid meds when we got him - back when BTS was considered enough to diagnose hyperthyroid issues - but interestingly, he's grown a bit of hair back on his thighs since we took him off. greysmom PeeEss - He LUBS his belly rasberries too!
  10. Dere Flashman I agwee wif da suggestshun abowt Ise Kweem. It iz cold an wil hep yuz gums be less puffy an red. Don bite da vegematarian! Dey iz jes tryin to hep ebben if dey do pokees in private spots! Dude
  11. SHOOT! I hate cancer! Hug Bones and cherish him. Ice cream every hour! I think there must be a very special meadow put aside over the Bridge for all our babies who we've lost this way. You will see him again, and he'll be whole and healthy and happy! greysmom
  12. Does he bolt his food? And is it always breakfast he's urping up? Just some thoughts, but I know there have been several people talk about their pups bringing up what they just ate when they eat/drink too fast. I wonder if slowing him down would help. The other thing is that someone mentioned that when they give their greys a snack late at night, their tummies don't get so empty. The urping happens when their breakfast hits an empty stmach. As I'd had a couple 3am barfy sessions, I tried giving them a bigger bedtime treat and we haven't had that problem since. Thinking good thought for Alan. greysmom
  13. OK - here they are. Pawz Dog Boots http://www.pawzdogboots.com/ greysmom
  14. Bag Balm - about a 3 inch square green colored metal box. Works great and is pretty inexpensive no matter where you get it. Someone here recommended these great rubber booties - I've forgotten the name, of course (the booties and the person!) - but they are basically like large, heavy-duty balloons with the rim cut off. They go on kind of tight, so I get the larger size. They are inexpensive as well and seem to last a while for each pair. I'll try and find out what they are and get back to you. greysmom
  15. The only consideration I have is that Dude has a lot less hair than my others, and thus more pale, bare skin that gets exposed to the sun. I use a spray on baby sun block on him when we're outside and that seems to work just fine. Otherwise there's no difference between my black, fawn and blue as far as heat tolerance. greysmom
  16. IMO - CM (and other trainers of his school) use dominance theories as the basis of their techniques. This can only be successful on a limited basis, by a very confident and unafraid human who has a very good eye (and instinct) for the details of doggy body language. It does appear that it works for him, but in all the shows I've watched there is much less success from the average dog owner who has a "problem" dog. Sometimes, I think he just teaches them to be more confident and relaxed with their pets, and to actually treat them like dogs and not as pampered little furry human children. Of course, my own pampered little furry children are the exception to everything I've just said!!! greysmom
  17. Tramadol is a controlled substance, and it is used for human pain management as well. There are protocols in place that the pharmacies have to follow, and they have to make sure you're not selling the drugs and making a profit! I get Cash's Xanax from Safeway, and they're really great there, but even though they get the Rx from a vet and they know it's for a dog, I have to go through the whole routine each time: phone it in, get it approved, go in, have a consult with a pharmacist, and the pharmacist has to hand the drug to me directly. It's a PITA but I appreciate the effort they make to ensure their product is being used properly. greysmom
  18. I was wondering if you know T-Touch massage? It might not be a bad thing to take a class/read a book about. Massage your Polli and spend some time with her, and also help with her muscle aches and pains. Just a thought. greysmom
  19. It's possible. Or a small stroke even. It could also be that he just had a cramp or some painful tummy gas for just a few minutes - both of those will make mine pant and pace. Even if it is a seizure, there's not much to do at this point except monitor him. Sending good thoughts! greysmom
  20. DO NOT PANIC - I mean it! She needs to re-learn how to walk with only three legs, and I'm sure the front one is taking a lot of additional stress. It might also be tired and achy from the cold, if it's cold where you are. Plus there's bound to be good energetic days and other low energy days. If she doesn't get better with rest (and carrying up the steps!) then talk with your vet. Nothing more bad can happen to Pretty Polli, so it's nothing bad! greysmom
  21. Dere Flashman I yam berree glad yuz is home an dat yu were a berree brabe houndee at da vetaminarian. I liks ma dokter, but I do KNOT liks goin to da vetaminarian. Derz leetl yappers and cats an loud peepl in da leetl room where yu wait an its too crowded. I liks ma space! Yu shud use dis disabilitashun to yuz adbantage. No bonees, but yuz shud gets mooshies an Ise Kweem ebberee day until yuz can habs bonees agin. I tink yu an me an Wayne an Lee and Boomer an da odders shud mak our own club. Da "Black Dogs Rule" club or da BDR fur shorts. Pees on Erth Dude
  22. Seems like it was the wekend for tummy problems. Cash had an "episode" on Saturday. We'd been outside playing and doing zoomies and when we came inside she hightailed it upstairs to the bedroom (her safe zone) and was panting and pacing and would lay down, or would lay for a few seconds and then jump up and pace again. She was trembling all over and hunching her back - it got so bad I thought she was actually having a seizure. We just monitored her for about 20 mintes while we fretted about whether she was bloating or seizing or some other horrible thing, and then she sat down on her bed in that funny way she has and let out a BIIIIIIG burp! Not very lady-like AT ALL!!!!!! And we could see right away that she felt better. I stuffed a Tums down her anyway, and she slept for an hours or so. When she woke up before dinner she was completely back to normal and ate her dinner, had treats, got her chew bone. Oh yeah - and about gassed us out of the room all the rest of the night. We figure she either got some air in her tummy doing zoomies or maybe it was the gallon of ice cold water she drank while she was still heated up. Either way, it was a gaseous incident that thankfully resolved itself! I'm glad Merlin's feeling better too! Hopefully, his poo issues will also get better! greysmom
  23. I'm glad Flashman is home! Here's to scrambled eggs and cottage cheese and feeling right as rain tomorrow! greysmom
  24. We adopted out first grey knowing she had idiopathic epileptic seizures. Hers were very mild (comparatively), lasting almost exactly 10 minutes, and spaced anywhere from 8 to 12 weeks apart. On the advice of our adoption group, vet, and a neurologist we decided not to medicate her then. She stayed on that schedule for nearly 4 years, then she began clustering - up to 5 in one week before we could get to the vet. We started her on a low dose of Phenobarb and she was great after that. Only one more seizure until we got her dose right and none after that. Hope you can figure out what's happening with Phaelin. With Libby, we never could figure out any triggers and just had to watch her around the time she should be having one. greysmom
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